Category Archives NaBloPoMo

VOTE today!

Assuming you have not sent in an absentee ballot or voted early in your state, PLEASE be sure to go and vote today. This is a crucial election and every voice needs to be heard. I have been very quiet about politics on my blog. I will never tell you who to vote for, just to be sure to vote in general.

With that said I have now officially done my part and went with both of my boys to vote this morning. The lines here were steady at 8:20, but not too bad. Do not let lines scare you away. Budget time and try to go at more off hours. 

C'est Moi - I voted make sure you do!

Now I can sit back and wait to watch how things turn out this evening. Plus it will be interesting to watch things unfold over the next few months as new President and his group transition over . . . whichever candidate it shall be.

Again, please do the right thing and VOTE today!


NaBloPoMo '08

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Time to get the Daddy

Last week hubby went away to a wedding alone. He left before the sun was up Wednesday morning and was due back in town Saturday at about noon. Thank goodness for my parents. The boys and I stayed with them Tuesday night to Saturday and enjoyed our extra time with Nana and Papa. Having extra hands on deck to assist me, and especially to go trick-or-treating was beyond a blessing. It was also pretty nice sleeping in my old room and looking at some of my things while the little guy bunked in with me.

NHL knew where Daddy was going and understood that he would be back by the weekend. Since he is in kindergarten he was able to count down the days before JL returned. Of course he did have some trouble expressing how he missed Daddy. Although he was very good while at my parent’s house, he was a little challenging at school on Wednesday and Thursday. Of course many of the other children were as well, so perhaps Halloween was a large factor with NHL.

Poor JSL did not understand what was going on. Daddy just disappeared and he never uttered "Dada" all Wednesday morning  or afternoon until we called JL to chat with him. My goodness the little guy’s face lit up as he chanted and clapped his hands. This was repeated many more times over the days JL was away. Still each night he looked sad and settled in to sleep in my old room. He was supposed to sleep in a Pack N’ Play in the room with NHL, but he was so restless he kept hitting into the side and waking up.

When Saturday morning arrived NHL was so excited. He knew that Daddy was already on an airplane coming home. JSL did not have a clue. I think he was too skeptical to believe anything we had to say.

Watching another plane fuel up

As we drove to the airport I realized something. Neither of the boys had ever been there in the daylight to see planes landing. We went up to the observation deck to show the kids the runway. NHL was amazed with the size of the planes on the ground. He was able to see several small airplanes take off and land. Eventually he saw JL’s plane land and taxi into the terminal.

Waiting for Daddy               The little guy gets a boost

Sadly, I did not take any photos of the reunion of my boys. It truly was priceless. Had security not been there I think the boys would have run to Daddy. Neither of them wanted to let go of JL. For the rest of the day they were quite attached to him, especially the little one who seemed afraid of Daddy leaving again.

I know that I am also glad to have my husband and best friend back home as well!


NaBloPoMo '08


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Clean up on the dairy aisle

Being a parent is never easy. Not only do you have to take care of your children, but you have to be body language experts and mind readers. Yesterday we had one of those days where we wish we had been better at the latter two.

NHL woke up in the morning asked to go to the couch to watch some Noggin before getting breakfast. When it was time to eat he did not want anything and asked to head back to sleep. Not on the couch to watch television – he went to his room on his own.


Seriously this should have been our first clue. NHL has hardly napped since he turned four and is five now. He woke up just in time to get ready to go to hebrew school. JL was able to get him to eat just a little something. When we picked him up at hebrew school at 12:30 he seemed a little tired, but nothing alarming. We told him that we were going to the grocery store quickly to get a few things.

When he got into the cart I noticed that NHL looked horrible. His coloring was washed out completely. I felt his head and it was cool. He said his tummy hurt and was hungry. We bought a package of pretzle crisps for the two boys (sitting in a car cart together) to share. Once we had the snack he did not want to eat it. As we moved along the store he asked us to hurry up. We assumed it was because he was hungry.

Can you tell where this is going already? I sure wish I had.

When we were on the dairy aisle (our second to last one – only needed frozen after that) things went horribly bad. All of the sudden NHL started to gag. JL saw this and jumped right in and stood there trying to catch what was errupting from Mount St. NHL. Thank goodness NHL turned his head to the right and not the left where JSL was sitting next to him.

I quickly picked JSL up out of the cart and ran to the front of the store to call for a clean up on the dairy aisle. Then I went to the bathroom where they only had toilet paper. I got as much as I could and went back to JL and NHL. At this point NHL was sitting there wimpering and barely able to sit in the cart. I told JL where the bathroom was to take him in case he needed it and to wipe him down quickly.

When the boys came back to us on the now nasty dairy aisle NHL was burning up. I gave them the keys to go to the car and I quickly got a new cart and went to check out. When we arrived home NHL’s temperature was 101.6 and climbing. We managed to get ibuprofen in him and it stayed down. The rest of the afternoon he was napping and barely able to move. At about 4:30 he woke up soaked, his fever had clearly broken. He asked to go to the couch and drank a little apple juice.

This morning he woke up and has his appetite back and we are fever free. Still, thanks to that fever last night, NHL will be spending the day home today. 

Please let there be no more volcanic members of our family! 


NaBloPoMo '08

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Fall ’08 Bloggy Carnival Winner. . .

Thank you to everyone that entered my bloggy giveaway this past week. I was blown away with the 357 entries and hope to see many of you back here to my home in the Blogosphere.

Now to announce the winner of my giveaway. Using the winner is: 

Fall Bloggy Giveaway winner

Congratulations to Moriah at Please Pass the Salt. She has already been notified and sent me her contact information. Now I am working with her on which washcloths she would prefer.

Stay tuned more giveaways will certainly be coming soon!


NaBloPoMo '08

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Trick-or-Treat success


Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

Dear Dr. NHL,

It was so much fun watching you this Halloween. I loved seeing you at school during your party. You really enjoyed wearing your costume all day and your teachers thought it was funny that you picked your own costume. 

This year you really understood the fun of trick-or-treating. Thank you so much for being such a fabulous big brother and telling everyone that your little brother, who was tagging along and collecting leaves in his pumpkin, was coming as well. I love you so much and am so glad that we had a special day together with Nana and Papa.



My little doctor


Dear JSL,

My little penguin from last year has grown up so much. You were such a cute liitle Mickey Mouse. Everyone in the kindergarten loved seeing you and you loved visiting them. You were not too sure about trick-or-treating at first. You really thought the pumpkin was for collecting leaves. Thanks to your big brother you soon realized there was more to it. By the end of the time out you were saying "Tri Tret"  and "Than U" at most of the houses along with waving and chanting "bye-bye" to everyone. Thank goodness you still do not completely realize what it was you had in your pumpkin and did not ask for candy when we went back to Nana and Papa.



My little mouse


PS – More photos coming soon!

 NaBloPoMo '08

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