Category Archives NaBloPoMo

Holiday giveaway at 5 Minutes for Mom

Christmas Giveaway Gift 125x125

Be sure to head over to 5 Minutes for Mom when you have time.


I suppose the mommy "because I said so" response simply will not cut it.  The reason, they are hosting a huge Christmas Giveaway!  (Pssst — these items will also be great for Chanukah gifts as well) Click on over to see what it is all about and to sign up for some fabulous prizes.


NaBloPoMo '08

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To my little rotten egg

Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

Dear NHL,

This week you said several one liners that made both Mommy and Daddy laugh. First was Tuesday morning. As we were scrambling around trying to figure out what to do with a leak under the sink in the bathroom. You helped to ease the tension. While eating your breakfast  and hearing that we had to call a plumber you asked me the following:

"Are you calling Joe the Plumber?"

Daddy and I tried not to laugh since we were so shocked at the words out of your mouth! Where did you come up with that? I guess you are really paying attention to the news when we have it on.

Then today while getting ready to leave the house you proclaimed:

"First one with shoes on is the rotten egg!"

Much to our surprise you rushed to have this "honor" with your shoes on way before the rest of us. I suppose we need to go over the meaning of rotten egg with you one of these days.

Thank you for keeping us on your toes and making us laugh even when things are rough.

I love you my kindergarten kid,


 NaBloPoMo '08

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Tweet, Tweet, Tweet! (Aloha 21)

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My question for this week is inspired by my participation in the 15 Days of Marketing by Jessica Knows:

Do you Tweet? Translation: Are you using Twitter? If you do use Twitter, what is your favorite part of the experience? What is the part you are least fond of? If you are not on Twitter. . . what are you waiting for?!?!

Hello my name is @TheAngelForever on Twitter and I love to Tweet! 

I Tweet do you?

For those of you that are not familiar with Twitter it is a social networking experience like no other you have seen before. Unlike other services, Twitter limits you to posts/messages that are 140 characters in length. Talk about a challenge! Twitter makes people learn to condense their thoughts and be extra creative. More and more corporations and small businesses are also showing up on Twitter. They have found that it is a fabulous way to connect with consumers. These days you just never know who you will "bump" into on Twitter. Who knows . . . maybe even you!

NaBloPoMo '08



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Down for the count

Yesterday it was my turn to have the stomach bug bite me. For those keeping tabs, that would be 2 of the 4 of us that have been hit and I fear for hubby and especially the little guy. 

It really got a hold of me and does not want to let go. When I got up in the morning it was bad, but it was nothing compared to what came later. Later in the day a fever joined to add some fun. As the afternoon arrived I knew there was no way that I could drive to get the kindergarten kid from school. Driving while curled up in fetal position, shaking from chills, and burning up from a fever does not work. Thankfully the little guy was good and played nicely while I rested and my father saved the day. Papa was able to pick NHL up from school.

When hubby arrived home from work it was my cue to collapse on the bed. I barely moved most of the evening and only recall a few screams from the kids as they were unhappy with meal choices from Dad. At 10:00 my temperature was 101.5 and I managed to get some more ibuprofen to lull me back to sleep.

This morning I am able to move around more than yesterday, but still feel like my batteries are completely drained. Clearly I will not be the Energizer Bunny today! Still, life as Mom must continue to move on. While attempting to eat something this morning hubby notified me that he had no dress shirts for work. I asked why he never said anything yesterday. Apparently he did, but I was a little preoccupied with not being volcanic like a certain kindergarten kid was on Sunday.

So any guess what I am attempting to do now?        

Laundry of course!      (please note the extreme sarcasm)

There is a wash in right now. With any luck, I will be able to finish it and possibly another, assuming I am not down for the count again later today.


NaBloPoMo '08

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