Dear JSL,
For months now, I have been teasing you and begging you not to turn six. Of course, I knew that no matter how I wished and begged it was not really going to happen. Although I look forward to watching you grow up and become more independent, I am going to miss these moments because they are going so quickly.
My Kindergarten Kid is going to be heading into first grade soon. Not only did you learn all of your alphabet and letter sounds over the last year, you learned to read and write. Your sweet little messages makes me smile and I adore how you know just what to do or say to everyone to make them feel loved and special. Here is a look at your fifth year.
To celebrate being five, the two of us set out on an adventure last year. We started to read The Magic Tree House books. Over the months, we caught up to where the author was writing. Of course, Perry and Jake were always close by and you loved going to Nursery School. It was also the time where you learned how to ride your new scooter. (May 2012)

A lot of milestones happened soon after you turned five. You said goodbye to your amazing speech teacher and to everyone at nursery school. Suddenly, you were my new Kindergarten Kid. We had a few weeks together before NHL was finished with third grade. We went to craft events and had a lot of fun together. (June 2012)

Over the summer, you, NHL, and I continued to have fun going to crafting events, checking out items at the library, and exploring other items. You quickly discovered that you really like mini-golf when we went with Nana and Papa for the 4th of July. Later in the month, you and I went out alone and made a new special friend while looking for a birthday present for NHL. (July 2012)

The reminder of the summer was filled with crafts, reading, going to the park, and birthdays for Daddy and NHL. We also went on a few special trips to Hoffman’s and then, before we knew it, it was time for Kindergarten Orientation. (August 2012)

September was a tough month for both of us. Taking my baby to kindergarten was hard, but it was a big adjustment for you as well. Soon we had a new routine that we continue to this day. Each morning, we practice the Kissing Hand so we both feel better about being apart each day. You also expanded your ducky collection, got a new baby doll, and started Hebrew School that month. (September 2012)

The Fall saw another hurricane threaten to come into the area. While you were home two days, we did crafts and played. We also went on your first kindergarten field trip to check out the apple orchard. No apple picking since the crops had a bad year. When the weather was nice, you played on your scooter and enjoyed looking at caterpillars. Halloween meant that Captain America saved the day for all of us with his fantastic smile. (October 2012)

As the weather grew cooler, we worked on reading more and you started to get homework from school. Thanks to the book fair at your school, we found Pete the Cat and you fell in love with this silly singing feline. Thanksgiving weekend meant that cousins came into town and you loved seeing them and playing with some early Chanukah presents. (November 2012)

As 2012 came to a close, you were keeping busy. You finished up Art Club, became the Star of the Week, and stayed with Nana and Papa for a few days. You also fell in love with my new laminator. Together, we made Disney map projects for you to use on pirate play. Of course, you also loved lighting Chanukah candles, playing in the snow, and spending time with NHL and me during winter break. (December 2012)

2013 started off and we spent a lot of time trying to stay warm outside of school each day waiting for NHL. At home, you loved doing homework, working on your reading, and making crafts. You spent some time helping me with reviews about iPad apps as well. While we never made a giant snowman, you loved creating one for a school project to share with your friends. (January 2013)

Snowstorms and power outages happened a few times over the winter. You had so much fun helping us to make forts and playing inside them. There may not have been snow outside, but you were keeping warm. You loved spending time in your fort with NHL using your LEGOs. Slime was also a big hit during winter break. You spent many hours using that over and over again. (February 2013)

After a long winter, you were ready for the spring and could not wait to get outside. You loved getting to test out your new Big Wheel and racing up and down the block. This was also the time we convinced you that you could read to all of us. It was so much fun sitting down to listen to you read us all a book. I quickly saw that my “baby” was growing up way too quickly during this time. (March 2013)

After we celebrated Passover, we spent time going out to places in our community. You adore going to the NY State Museum and had so much fun checking out all of the CANStruction items featured there. In addition to this, you loved meeting new authors and illustrators at the Book Festival. You were so proud of the book that you picked out, the drawing you made, and wearing your wizard hat. (April 2013)

Now I look at how grown up you are and can hardly believe my eyes. In six short years, you have changed so much, but at the same time you are still the sweetest little guy who genuinely wants to help and make others happy.

Though I have tears in my eyes as I type this, I am excited to see the little boy that you are becoming. I can not wait to see more of your personality come alive in the years ahead. Thank you, JSL, for letting me be a part of this journey with you. As much as I am sad to see you get older, I am excited.
Happy 6th birthday sweetie and here is to many more happy and wonderful memories ahead.
Past B-day posts to JSL: