Category Archives milestone

1,001 Dalmatians -er I mean posts

Today is a special blogging day for me. I officially broke my 1,000th post mark. It took me two years and eight months to get here, but I did it!  Here,is a special cupcake just for you from Disney World. . . enjoy.  

Celebrating blog post 1001!

Back when I started blogging in February 2007, it was just an outlet to vent some about being pregnant with baby number two,as well as a place to write down memories. Now it is that and so much more. The Angel Forever has become a part of my life. I look forward to writing about my life, our family, places we go, and products we use. Thanks to opportunities over time, I also adore reviewing products and giving readers a chance with some fun giveaways (like this one).

Whether you have been with me through this 1,000+ post journey, or have just joined the adventure, I hope you enjoy your time here and continue to read. You never know what will pop up next, but I promise you there is never a dull moment in my little part of the world.

I love hearing feedback and getting comments, so please do not be shy.


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Hockey game memories

The other night, we took the boys to a pre-season hockey game. The event was free for the community, so we figured it would be a great time to go. This was the first ever hockey experience for JSL. NHL has been to a few before, but so many years ago that he does not remember.

When we decided to go, I told TechyDad that I was going to do something that I never thought I would do. I actually asked for seats behind the nets. Since it was only 24 hours from our ER visit with the little guy, I wanted to make him less of a puck magnet.

View from our seats

To understand why it was painful for me to do this, you should know that for several years I had season tickets to our hockey team. My season tickets were a few rows back, on center ice and right behind our home team’s bench. The seats were amazing when I was into it, but as a parent they make me a little nervous with pucks flying by. Of course, reality also hit during the game. I realized that it has been ten years since I had season tickets. My how time flies!

Both of the boys liked the hockey game. NHL had fun watching the instant replays, chanting for the home team and screaming when prompted. JSL got a little antsy, but was content with a snack.

Snack time

Of course, one of JSL’s favorite parts was when the zamboni came out. He sat there mesmerized by the big "car" and kept jumping up and down each time it was close to our end of the ice. 

A favorite of the little guy

Toward the end of the game, I asked NHL if I could get a photo of him wearing his hockey shirt. Check out the only photo he would allow: 

Attitude from NHL

So my question for you this week is inspired by our recent fun at the hockey game:

What is your favorite sport to watch in person (not on television) and why?  Feel free to shout out your favorite team while you are at it!



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #68

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Smile update – part 2

Check out NHL’s grin, do you notice anything different?

Guess who is coming to visit?!

As a comparison, this is a photo taken a little over a week ago:

All grins

Yes, NHL lost his second tooth today. Once again, the adult tooth came in behind his baby tooth (history of the toothy fun can be found here). I figured we would work on it and see what happened since he had a dentist appointment coming up. Today was the dentist appointment. Last night, TechyDad tried to get the tooth out, but it did not go well (to say the least).

When we arrived at the dentist office, he knew it would probably get pulled since it really was close to coming out. When the dentist came in after his teeth were cleaned, she agreed. Given his worries and the "fun" trying to get it out, she would see what would happen. She applied some of their magic numbing gel onto the area, let him sit for about two minutes. Then she asked him to open his mouth. As he was trying to complain, she got her hand in and pulled the tooth out. It seriously happened so quickly that NHL could not believe it was out.

So this evening, the Tooth Fairy will be coming again and then we wait to see if/when the next teeth start to wiggle. Oy!


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A big bloggy milestone coming up

In February 2007, I started blogging. It was something therapeutic for me to do at the time. So much has changed during the last two and half years. Back then I was 6-7 months pregnant with my second son, teaching full time and exploring the blogging world. Now I am a stay-at-home mother, blogging is more than therapuetic, and I am looking forward to spreading my wings with new opportunities. In addition to this, I have met so many fabulous people through the Blogosphere and Twitter. With BlogHer ’10 coming up, I am looking to get to my first ever blogging convention, unless I squeeze one in before that (sadly Type-A Mom this weekend did not happen).

The other day, as I was about to post something new, I noticed that I am getting closer and closer to my 1000th post! This is a huge milestone. So many bloggers burn out before they get to this point. Yes, I am a "Mommy Blogger," but I consider myself to be so much more. I write about life at home with my boys, our adventures to Disney World and beyond, the shows we have seen, products that we like, and on and on.

A quiet moment by myself

With that said I would love to do something special for my readers to celebrate my 1000th blog post. If anyone is interested in working on something please let me know. You can read more about me here and here.  Feel free to e-mail me:  the_angel_forever[at]yahoo[dot]com  I am also on Twitter at TheAngelForever.  

To my reader, this accomplishment is also thanks to you. Sure I love writing, but I also adore comments from you. When I hear from those of you reading along here or in an RSS feed, it keeps me going and I know there is a purpose to my blogging fun. If you have any suggestions on things you would like to see, please let me know as well.



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First ever spelling test = success

Dear NHL,

Daddy and I are sorry that we got caught up in everything that happened to JSL yesterday. We hope that you know how proud we are of you. You had an amazing week in first grade. You had real homework for the first time Monday to Thursday nights. Every day you were so sweet about coming right into the house, finishing it up quick and then reading to us later in the night. Thanks to the summer reading program, you have already read over 80 books toward your 100 for the school year. Not too shabby since you have not been back to school for a month!

In addition to all of this, you had your first ever spelling word list. Each day you did a little something to get ready. You were so proud of your work. This year you color carefully, write slow and steady. . . you have come so far my big kid! The best part of everything was how confident you were about it when you went into school on Friday. You knew the ten words and three bonus ones as well. I hope this means that you will not develop test anxiety.

When we got back from the ER I went right to your folder from school. I immediately saw your paper with the "Spelling Test" label on it. Not only did you get all of the regular words correct, you also had +2 for two bonus words. Today I asked you to take a photo with your paper since I wanted to record this special day.

First ever spelling test

Keep up the great work kiddo. . . we know you can do it and are so proud of you!




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

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