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Potty talk from the Diaper Kid

I will admit it, we were not really the ones that potty trained our oldest son. NHL was almost potty trained before 2 years old with us. Then he was finally able to walk and we lost some ground. Being on the move was too much fun to bother with the potty. A short time after this, NHL was moved into the toddler classroom at daycare. After a few weeks, they asked if we would send in a bunch of underpants and lots of spare clothing. They were going to work on using the potty with a bunch of kids at the same time. NHL loved this. He was able to sit on the potty with his friends and chat while learning. NHL and all of his friends quickly learned to use the potty together.

Flash forward to my 2 1/2 year old son JSL. He has used the potty several times over the last year. Not too long ago he was eager to pee on the potty for a Sesame Street sticker and Diego potty seat. I thought we had something here.

Potty Sesame Stickers

Then, things changed. He was in the tub and had to get out quickly since he seemed like he was going to dirty the tub water, if you know what I mean. Daddy apparently scared him. Since that time, he has only agreed to sit on the potty once or twice. Every other time he refuses.

Me: "JSL, let’s go to the potty."

JSL: "NO! Me no go potty!"

Me: "JSL why not?"

JSL "NHL pee on potty. Daddy pee on potty. Mommy pee on potty. No me!"

*sigh*  Mentally banging my head against the wall here. I know not to push this because if I do it will make matters worse. Instead, at least once a day, I ask if he wants to use the potty without an pressure. Typically, the same conversation of sorts takes place.

Of course, the most ironic part of this is my 2 1/2 year old is obsessed with potty talk. He will sit there with a huge grin on his face and say:

"Pee pee, poopy . . . potty talk! Ha-ha Hee-hee!"

This then leads to NHL scolding JSL, telling me to do something about the little guy and his potty talk. What can I do?! I just wish the little guy would channel his potty talk into using the potty for real!

My question to you this week:

Do you have any pointers on how to help potty train a stubborn 2 1/2 year old little person?

It is really too cold here to leave him sans pants and underwear to figure things out. Plus, I think puddles may freeze on contact with our hardwood floors. The potty talk is being worked on via time outs in a chair as I type (literally).



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #78



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Sunday school fun

Dear NHL,

This is your second year of Hebrew school on Sunday mornings. Last year, you loved going. Each week, you would talk about what you had learned and would eagerly wait for Israeli Dancing. This year has been no different. You seem to really like your new teacher and classmates. 

A few weeks ago, when you were getting better and having a tough time breathing, we told you that you could not do Israeli Dancing. The look on your face was priceless. It was like we told you something beyond horrible. In your six year old mind, we had taken away the best part of Hebrew School.

Last Sunday, you came home with a lot of items that you had been making with your new Hebrew School teacher. Everyone made items for Shabbat. These included decorating candle sticks, making a challah cover and Kiddish cup. 

Shabbat creations

In addition to all of these, you have been amazing us with all of the songs you have been learning. Hearing Hebrew come out of your mouth floors me every time I hear it. It is hard to believe that you are almost half way toward being a Bar Mitzvah.

Please slow down NHL and enjoy this time. You are growing up way too quickly.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

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100 Books and counting

Dear NHL,

On Monday, you went back to school and handed in your monthly home reading log. Going into October, you already had finished 82 books. Thanks to your love of reading, your books from October put you well over the 100 book mark. This is something that each first grader is supposed to do by June. You finished this goal in two months, along with your summer reading program titles. Way to go big kid!

Today, we went to the library again and took out more books. I love that you have such a variety of books on your list. Of course, having a reading teacher mother does not hurt. We have been experimenting with different genres and multiple authors. I love how you ask to read before going to bed each night. It is amazing to listen to a story being read to me by my own child.

Reading time

I look forward to reading even more books and seeing how many you can finish by the end of June before going to 2nd grade. Keep up the great work!




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.




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Going Bananas for The Wiggles

For over a month, we have been telling the boys that we are going to see The Wiggles soon. That day finally arrived. NHL understood what we were talking about. He is a pro and has seen The Wiggles twice before this. JSL had no idea.  This was his first Wiggles live experience (Six Flags does not count). He probably figured we were taking him to watch a DVD in a new location.

When we arrived at the venue, we bought the program for the show. We really did not need shirts, we have tons of DVDs/CDs, and can get the stuffed toys from Wiggles World at Six Flags if we need/want them. The boys were thrilled with this. While the little guy looked around the theater, NHL and I browsed through the program. Then JSL saw it and well, it was his from this point on.

Taking time to read about the show    Reading about everyone

The theater filled up pretty nicely. Of course before the show, TechyDad and I joked that tons of sick kids would probably be there to spread things like the flu and more. Sure enough, a group sat next to me. As I was feeding JSL a snack I heard her on the cell phone telling someone that her child had been sent home from daycare. Why? Oh, because the child had a fever. The best part – several other kids in the facility had already tested positive for H1N1. GRRR!  

About 20 minutes before the show, they put on a DVD that was advertising The Wiggles and their affiliation with Sprout.

Sprout Video over

The sad part is, anyone in our area that has Time Warner Cable does not receive Sprout – like us. JSL was so thrilled. When it was over he was upset. We tried to explain that this was not the show and The Wiggles were really coming. They played this video one more time and then the show started soon after.

JSL sat on my lap so he could see over the railing near our seats. His body stopped cold in it’s tracks the second he saw Jeff come onto the stage. Of course, this was nothing. Each time a new Wiggle arrived onto the stage he grabbed my hand and just kept staring and the smile got bigger and bigger!

Happy boy - the Big Red Car!

The part that really got him was when the Big Red Car came onto the stage.

The Big Red car comes on stage

While JSL took it all in and watched The Wiggles, big brother NHL was up dancing and singing the entire concert.

Taking it all in

He had a fabulous time watching this very different Wiggles show. At the end of the night, as we were walking to the car, I asked NHL which was his favorite Wiggles show. He said this one since he did not remember the others too much and then complained. Why was he complaining – the poor kid had no voice from singing along with The Wiggles for an hour and a half!

One of the rare moments that he was kind of sitting

TechyDad and I both loved the show. Not only was it wonderful watching the boys as they enjoyed the show, we thought it was a great production. The Wiggles Go Bananas tour was like a Cirque du Soleil and Wiggles production combined. Confused? Not to worry more photos coming soon to explain what I mean. TechyDad took some amazing photos and fun videos that I will share to tell the store. The Wiggles actually encourage their fans to take as many photos and videos as you like – sweet!




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Portrait conspiracy of the 6 yr old kind

Last night, we FINALLY took NHL to get his six year portraits done. Yes, he turned six two months ago, but who’s counting?!  Throughout the entire thing, I kept thinking that there has to be a conspiracy. There must be more going on behind the scenes that happens when you go to these studios.

#1 – YESTERDAY, they changed the prices. Just our luck. We wait this long and they do it on the day that we finally go in. *sigh*  Had the flu not gotten our house, we probably would have done this 2-3 weeks ago. Oh well, what can you do?

#2 – There has got to be something in the air once you enter the studio zone. The kids are great and cooperative when out in the waiting room. The second they walk into the actual room with the camera all bets are off. This happened in June with JSL for his 2 year portraits (had to do them twice since he would not stay still) and this time it was NHL’s turn. It was like someone was pumping sugar into his veins. He was bouncing off the walls after the first few pictures. NHL would wiggle, dance like he had ants in his pants, and look at the computer monitor instead of the camera.

#3 – Although you never really get the perfect photo, you select the best of the bunch just so you do not have to trudge back again for a second round of "fun" and excitement. I definitely felt this way last night. Even now I am second guessing what was ordered because I sort of like a different one more. Oy!

#4 – The child that is not celebrating their "birthday" is always the better behaved one. That child is the one that will pose, sit quietly and help to make the session work. I swear in May, I am telling NHL it is for him and not for JSL to test this theory.

So, you want to see some of the photos? Here are some thumbnails of the ones taken (sorry they are not the best). First up are the photos with the 6. We took dinosaur and Nintendo/Mario props with us. Two with dinosaurs made the photographers cut and only one with Nintendo.  

Photos with the 6

We went with the first one because it was the best. TechyDad liked that one more than #3 because of the smile on NHL’s face. #2 was never really in the running.

Next, NHL was asked to go onto the floor. The photographer captured this gorgeous shot (this does not do it justice): 

Relaxed close-up

From this point on, the session started to go downhill. NHL was wired and did not listen well and could not stay still. He was looking the other way, doing a goofy smile, or something else that a six year old boy would do. Only three from this section made the photographers cut. (Please note the bad cropping was the program I used and not the studio) 

6 Year old no go photos

Then we decided to be really brave and toss JSL into the photos. We were shocked that it was the little guy that was listening to what the photographer said (unlike at his portrait session in June). The photographer tried a few cute poses, but the little guy had a hard time balancing. Still, she sold us on this one: 

The boys

Now I need to stop second guessing the sheets that we ordered and go with it. I know I did this last year as well, guess it is just a mother’s job!



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