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Saying bye-bye to binky

Dear JSL,

Tuesday was a big day for you. That was the evening you finished up the antibiotic for your strep throat. It was also the night that things changed forever in your little world.During the day, I noticed that a binky you had was chewed through. I did not know where another one was and told you it was broken. Little did you know that I was preparing you for something big. When it was time for bed we told you your binky was "broken" and there were no others in the house. It was time and we knew you were ready.

Much to my surprise, you only cried for a little while. When I was able to calm you down, I reminded you that it was your last binky and it was broken. You repeated the information back to me. I asked if you wanted your back patted to fall asleep. It took a while for you to quietly settle. For quite some time you simply looked at me and sulked.

When you woke up in the morning you asked for your "baby" right away. We told you it was broken and all gone. You wimped, but with a little diversion you were good. Several more times you mentioned it. I asked you if you wanted to go to the toy store to get a bye-bye binky toy. You said yes. When I asked what you wanted, you told me a Winne the Pooh toy.

Who knew that getting something with Winnie the Pooh would be so tricky? We went to four stores and then finally went to Toys R Us and found something. You were SO happy!

Binky go bye-bye

When NHL got out of school you proudly showed him your bye-bye binky presents. Now of course, we are going to work on a bye-bye diapers! I know you are ready and I am willing to deal with more laundry if need be. You are growing up so quickly, but you will always be my baby.




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Dear Kid Saturday

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3 Years of Blogging today

On February 4, 2007, I was about 6-7 months pregnant with my second son. I had just had quite a medical scare with my pregnancy and was trying to enjoy the time with our oldest son NHL before the new little guy’s arrival.

For several months, I had been following along while a few of my friends shared their blogs. I would check in to see what was new in their lives. That night I was tired, uncomfortable and did not feel like lesson planning for school. Rather than do work, my friend helped me to set up my first blog (originally on LJ). The first post was nothing big and exciting. Simply testing things out and stating my purpose of sharing events of the day. As I was getting to know LJ that evening I made a second post. As you can tell, back in those days I liked the flashing, funny saying buttons. You know like this one that helped to inspire my tag line:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That same evening, I decided to write about the events of the day. We had taken NHL to his first ever Sesame Street Live. We were all in love with the show and I figured it was a great chance to try and put photos of ours onto the blog. Nothing fancy was done, but I eventually got them there. Over the last three years, I have outgrown using the flashy buttons (thank goodness) and focused more on sharing memories through photos in creative ways.

Although my blogging style has matured over the last three years, the purpose of my blog has not changed. Blogging is a creative and fun way for me to capture memories of my family, share items with family/friends and meet fabulous new people.  My blog has long since moved from LJ and I now have my very own header that I adore. These days I not only do I write about my family, but also about events of the world, reviews of products we have bought/been asked to try, and do giveaways.

I am a Mommy Blogger and proud to say it. Being a Mommy blogger has given me opportunities that never would have happened other wise. I have met wonderful people, formed great online friendship for people that I genuinely care for, and found something that I truly enjoy doing. If it was not for blogging, I never would have gone onto Twitter and beyond and be heading to my first conference in a short time and to BlogHer ’10 in NYC with TechyDad.

I'm Going: Social Media Moms Celebration

Thank you to my family, friends and readers that have been there supporting me since day one. To all of the wonderful PR people and companies that I have worked with – thank you for the amazing opportunities past, present and in the future. Without  all of you, your inspiration and comments, I would have stopped having fun and quit long ago. I have always promised myself that the minute blogging becomes a chore, it will be time to stop. Here is to wishing that that time never comes!

I am working on something special for my readers to celebrate my 3 years of blogging. For now, I will open up to questions you may have for me. So feel free to ask away!



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1st Library Card

Dear NHL,

For quite some time, you had been asking me about getting your own library card. I told you it was just easier to use mine and keep track of everything checked out that way. You accepted that reason and picked out books and DVDs using my card. Two weeks ago we decided to go to the new library to get some items. While there, the kids computers were not being used. We thought it would be fun for you and JSL to get in some computer time.

When we tried to log into the system, we realized that the kids computers need valid library cards from someone under the age of 12. I went up to the desk and asked them about this. So, I called you over and we filled out the paperwork for your very own library card. Here you are signing the back of the card:

Time for a library card

Do me a favor, please do not tell JSL he has his own card. One day when he is your age I would like to capture the moment of him getting a "first" library card as well. The teacher in me thinks that this was a huge moment for you. I still remember when Nana took me to get my first card. 

Library computer time

I promise we will go back again soon to play games and use your brand new library card. I hope you always keep this love for reading. I am so proud that you have read almost 200 books this year. Keep it up!




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Potty time and preschool preparations

NHL went back to school today and I began my mission. No, not the potty training of my two year old. That one is on hold for this minute, Over break, big brother NHL and JSL were both given potty charts in the bathroom. Stickers were rewarded each time they used they potty. Care to guess what happened?

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Both of the boys received a Sesame Street chart to fill with stickers.
  • The little guy saw NHL use the potty and get a sticker.
  • JSL immediately begged to get onto his Diego potty seat. Within a few minutes of concentration, he had a sticker on his chart.
  • NHL knew that if he filled up his chart he would get a prize from us.
  • The 6 year old learned to exploit the system. He went to the potty to pee more times in one day than I can remember. I finally had to set a rule that he could not simply have 2 drops count for a sticker – OY!
  • 2 year old went onto the potty another time. This time he sat there for over 30 minutes (allowing my laundry ready to come out to wrinkle) and did nothing. He got off and wanted a sticker. Mean Mommy told him you need to pee or poop for a sticker.
  • NHL continued to use the potty and filled over half of his chart in a day.
  • By day two, NHL was doing potty math. He figured out how many variations of peeing and pooping were required to finish his chart. *sigh*
  • This weekend, we bought NHL something special for helping out with the potty training Olympics.
  • JSL’s chart still remains at 1 sticker and new plastic potty training pants are ready for when he expresses a little more interest.

One Potty Chart Complete

Back to today. While NHL was off in first grade learning more about subtractions, how animals grow and digraphs, I decided it was time to look into preschool for JSL. Denial is rough, but the reality is that September is coming quickly and spots fill up. I made a phone call to a local organization that has lists of preschools in the area with contact information. Less than a half hour after my call, I had an e-mail with the names of about 20 places. When I narrowed the list down, I had five places to call (being Jewish church based schools are not an option).

The locations are all close to us. Still, we need a little more information to compare all of the options. I know that two are 2 1/2 hours 3 days a week. One has a lot of options on days and the other is 3 days a week for 4 hours a day. Two of the locations are higher on my list from prior experiences there. The only issue with one is that we would have an additional membership fee to pay. Of course, then we would have pool access along with a gym and other options. The front runner is the place that I loved last year when we went to see their 2 year old program. The only reason I passed was the price tag for a 2 year old. They also mentioned that they had early drop off option and flexability for extended day. This would be fabulous IF I could line up substitute teaching. You know, keep my foot in the door in some districts/schools while paying for nursery school at the same time.

Wednesday, we are going to see one of the locations, another on Friday. Both of these are my "favorites" and I like their potty training philosophy. The third told me to call back when I can secure a place for JSL (why he can’t go kind of bothers me) and the last has to call me back.

So, do you have any items that you think I should ask when I visit these locations? This is new to me since NHL went to a daycare center that had a preschool program built into the day. Thanks in advance.

Now I am off to hug my baby and try to forget that he will be going to school in the fall along with his big brother. . . even if it is only preschool for now. 

Spending time in first grade


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Chanukah Candle Time 2009

Dear NHL,

This year, you really showed how grown up you were during Chanukah. Sure, you were excited about the presents, but you knew there was more to our celebration. You had learned about the story of Chanukah and why we celebrate the holiday for eight nights. It was so nice watching you take ownership in lighting our menorah. Not only did you help guide the shamash each night, but you would also say the blessings along with us (sometimes before us). This year, you have taken pride and ownership in being a Jewish child. You do not get jealous about Santa and Christmas. Instead, you have been eager to show your classmates at school how to write in Hebrew on their Chanukah math sheets. Go you! I hope that you always keep this love in your heart for your Jewish ancestry.

NHL Chanukah 2009




Deal JSL,

For months now, we have been "torturing" you with buying things and then telling you they were not for now, but for Chanukah. We think the wait was probably worth it since you loved carefully opening your presents and shouting "No Way!" each time you saw a familiar item. Of course, you also wanted to help us light the candles. You would run to get your yarmulke and beg Daddy to pick you up. He would hold your hand around the shamash and you would light some candles. Tonight, we were afraid you were going to protest no more menorah, candles and presents, but you were good and played with your new loot. Soon, you will also realize the true meaning of Chanukah like your big brother. For now, I hope you continue to enjoy the fun of it all.

JSL Chanukah 2009




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