Category Archives milestone

Goodbye to my last two year old

Dear JSL,

Three years ago today, I was very pregnant with you. It was Mother’s Day and I was ready to become the mother to another baby boy. Of course, Mother’s Day would have been the perfect day. It was a Sunday and practically on my due date. Your bris would have been the following Sunday and so convenient for relatives from near and far to come to. Of course, you had other ideas.

May 2007 -  - Looking back JSL is 1!

Almost three years later, you continue to show your independent spirit. You have a voice, opinions and theories about things and are not afraid to let them be heard. Your growing sense of humor and ability to melt everyone with your laugh and smile is contagious. You could also give Curious George a run for his money with your need to learn more about your surroundings. Watching you grow and spread your wings is hard to do, seeing you are my baby, but I know you need to do this.

The last year has been a fabulous adventure. Here is a look back at the last year in your life.

We celebrated your second birthday at the most magical place on Earth, Walt Disney World. Here is where your fascination with everything Winnie the Pooh began. (May 2009)

The Birthday Boy

Then, you made your own sand storm when you played on a beach for the first time. (June 2009)

Of course as much as you loved Disney World, you had a special place in your heart for Wiggles World at the Great Escape. There is just something special about riding in your own Big Red Car. (July 2009) 

Toot Toot Chugga Cuggga

Being a helper has been very important to you. This year, you have constantly been asking to help Mommy, Daddy, NHL or anyone else. (August 2009) 

Proud to be helping

Within a few months of turning two, you learned new tricks to try to get out of going to sleep. Suddenly, you were a comedian at night and aimed at making us laugh until we had the hiccups. (September 2009)

Trying to make a silly face

The fall was tough around here with three of us having H1N1. Then, after you were better, you had your fourth febrile seizure right before Halloween. Still, you loved going outside to play in your Cozy Coupe. (October 2009)

Outside for fresh air

You also went to your first concert this year. It was to see The Wiggles of course. The look on your face when you realized it was really the Wiggles was priceless. (November 2009)

Happy boy - the Big Red Car!

Chanukah became a reality for you this year. You knew that we had to light the menorah each night and looked forward to putting your kippah on before you received something special. (December 2009) 

JSL Chanukah 2009

For the start of the new year, a special friend came into your life. We welcomed Piggy Oink-Oink into our family and he has been going places near and far from that point on. (January 2010)

The many faces of Piggy Oink-Oink

You became even more of a Disney World fan in February when we went to a conference for Mommy. Watching you interact with your big brother there and the characters was even more magical this time around. (February 2010)

Breakfast with Donald, Goofy and Minnie at Cape May

With Spring coming, a big milestone came. We said bye-bye to your binky. To reward you for your first night without it, we went out to get something special. Of course, it had to be Winnie the Pooh related. (March 2010)

Binky go bye-bye

As the weather warmed up (at least for a while) we went to the park. You were the thrill seeker and showed us that you have no fear. (April 2010)

Daddy and his Little Monkey

You continue to try things on your own, and are so proud of your accomplishments. (May 2010)

Little guy learning to build

Please excuse a few extra hugs along the way today. Mommy is taking this growing up thing a little hard. I need to cherish the last two year old hugs and sloppy wet kisses from my baby. Yes, you are growing up, but you and your brother will forever be my baby boys – never forget that.

I love you Robot JSL Pup-Pup and look forward to watching you further explore the world around you as a three year old starting tomorrow. Happy early birthday.




Past B-day posts to JSL:

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Denial of the 3 year old kind

In less than two week, I will once again be the mother of a three year old. My baby is going to be three and it is hitting me hard. When I turned thirty, there was too much going on in my life. A pregnancy scare distracted me from the realization of the milestone. Now, as my youngest turns three and our household is getting ready to leave being two year olds for good, I find myself sad.

Sure, for three years we have known that our family was complete, but I guess it never really hit until recently. It has just hit hard as we weed through baby clothing/toys and things to give away. In addition to this, JSL is signed up for nursery school next year. We took the plunge since both TechyDad and I believe it is important for his developmental and social growth. As much as I have looked forward to some time alone where I can go to NHL’s school and volunteer without my toddler, I am going to miss my little adventure buddy. I think it really is true, you do not appreciate what you have until it is gone or almost over. I have told myself to stop, enjoy and cherish these moments, but have I? I am not too sure about that really.

Covered in dirt after the playground

So excuse me for a little while. My two year old is grabbing my arm to head outside into the beautiful spring day that awaits us. I must make the most of these last few days with my two year old before he continues to three and many more milestones ahead of him.

First, I will wipe my eyes, give him a big hug and be so very thankful that I have had these almost three wonderful years at home being his Mommy. 


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Ready to read Hebrew

Today, we were invited to a special presentation at the end of Hebrew School. The kindergarten and first graders were all ready to show us what they had learned this year. The kids, including NHL, had officially finished learning their Alef Bets. To celebrate this accomplishment, NHL’s teacher had the kids sing us this song (I took video of the kids singing, but no permission to share with the other children in it):

Here is NHL during the song. He loved singing it and had actually given us a preview of it Saturday evening. Here is NHL:

Alef Bet Song Time

When the song was over, they were presented with their own Alef Bet books that they had made throughout the year. In addition to this, their teacher gave them an award from Alef Betty certifying that they were now ready to learn to read Hebrew!

Alef Bet Certificate

Unlike my experience at Hebrew school, NHL loves it and is eager to go back each week. I hope this continues as we add on another day next year and beyond until his Bar Mitzvah down the road. 


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My six year old barber

Dear NHL,

Not too long ago, a bunch of other parents were talking about how their kids had cut their own hair. I mentioned that I was worried about my two year old doing this, but thought that my first grader was safe from doing this. Of course, our scissors are WAY back on the counter where any little people would have to use something to climb up and reach for. Clearly, I jinxed all of us.

After lunch today, we packed everyone up and went to the park. Here you are on the swings having a fabulous time in the gorgeous weather.

Before the cut

Yes, I will admit your hair is on the longer side, but we were waiting to get all hair cuts in a week or so. Obviously, you did not get this memo. When we were done at the park we went to get some fruits, veggies and more eggs at Price Chopper and then back home. JSL was sleeping in the car, so you went outside to play with the kids in the neighborhood. You rode your bike, played soccer, had a super-soaker battle and used bubbles. When you were done we deposited you into a bubble bath inside.

When you got out of the tub, I dried off your hair with a towel and joked that you had wild and crazy hair. This statement will now haunt me. I left you in the living room with your clothing while I went to help Dad and JSL in the bathroom. The little guy was heading into the tub. Suddenly, you came to me and asked for help getting hair off your hands. I asked you to repeat what you said.

The chop was made

After this, things get a little fuzzy in my head because I was SO angry with you. Apparently, you climbed up onto the counter in the kitchen and lopped off a huge hunk of your hair. I saw it and immediately went bonkers. I calmed down long enough to call Supercuts to see when they closed.

Doing some hair magic

With you crying in fear of what they were going to do to fix your hair, we drove there to see what magic could be done. Of course, you flipped out when it was your turn. I think the person before you having a buzz cut with a 1 blade made you think you were going to be that hairless as well. We convinced you that it would not be that bad. Thank goodness we went quickly. The woman there was able to make it look pretty darn good. It may be shorter than you usually get in front, but, when you look fast, you may not even notice the tiny patch missing.

Supercuts saves the day

With any luck, you learned your lesson that you are NEVER to use scissors on any hair, fur or similar item. They are only to be used on paper or something else that an adult approves. Mommy and Daddy also learned that we have to hide the scissors now and they are where even I can not simply reach for them. Always remember, even when I am upset with you, I still love you with all of my hair. . . -er I mean heart.




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TV interview and rally lessons

Dear NHL,

This week has been filled with a lot of ups and downs. We started the week off trying to get the word out about saving your school. Then we were told that the school was safe. Less than 24 hours later the threat to close things down was back in full force. It has been a very hard time for me to understand as an adult, I can not imagine how it has been as a six year old.

Yesterday afternoon when you got out of school, we were asked to stay around. People had been told that a local new station was coming to interview people about what was happening. Much to your surprise when they came and we were ready to leave, the reporter asked to talk with you. You were not nervous at all. You went right up to the camera, answered the questions and made me so proud. You told her that you liked gym, art, time outside at lunch, computers and math. I will admit, the teacher in me was a little nervous that it took you so long to mention the traditionally academic areas of your school day. You also saw how the news takes a longer interview and chops it to fit within a story that they air.

This morning we got up and went in the freezing cold temperatures to a rally to save your school. Parents, students and neighbors were there to let the media and others know that we are fighting to keep the school open. For two and a half hours you stayed outside and marched by the street, held signs and chanted in front of cameras and cars that went by to save your school.

Save our school

You had to regroup at one point, but once you sat down and talked with Daddy for a little while you were ready for more of the same. Today, you learned that in our country we are lucky to have the right to demonstrate our beliefs in this type of rally. I hope you know that Daddy, Mommy and the other adults are not going to back down. We are going to make sure that everyone knows that we will fight to the end to save your school.




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