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Bowling with TechyDad on Father’s Day

Let me begin by wishing all of the Dads out there a wonderful Father’s Day. Remember, if you influence the lives of children and are a part of their world you are a Father. A special thank you to TechyDad for being such a wonderful father to our boys. A girl never could have dreamed for such a wonderful man to be the Dad in our family. It has been amazing watching you over the years with the boys teaching them all things geeky, techy and beyond. I also hope that Papa, my brother, all of my uncles and my Cousin D had an extra special day.

This weekend, we spent a lot of family time together doing fun things. On Saturday, we left in the early afternoon and went to Six Flags. This morning, we thought about going strawberry picking, but, thanks to a storm last night, we thought it may be too muddy and buggy. TechyDad decided that he would like to go out to lunch and then bowling. He thought it would be fun, cool inside and interesting since JSL has never been bowling before.

After lunch out, we decided to try a new bowling place. For some strange reason, most of the bowling alleys in our area are closed on Sunday.  Here are some photos of the boys bowling together.

My boys bowling

More about Six Flags, bowling and what we signed up for this summer coming soon.

Again, Happy Father’s Day to TechyDad and all of the other dads out there!


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Off to a wedding we go

Yesterday morning, we packed up the car. In the back seat was a very excited three year old singing his own little song. In a sweet little voice, he was saying, "I goin’ to a wedding – a wedding!"  – over and over. He really had no clue what to expect. To be honest, neither did NHL since the only wedding he has been to was my brother’s just over five years ago.

When I was little, I remember heading out to western NY for long weekends. We would stay at a hotel and go to visit my mother’s first cousin MB and her family. As the only girl in the group of kids, I learned to play with the boys. Here I am in the middle of RB and JB. Not sure where my brother was at this moment (probably too little for the swings).

Cousins in the 80's

Fast forward 20+ years and we are all grown up now. I was the first of the bunch married almost nine years ago. Here I am today with my husband, you know TechyDad.

C'est Moi with TechyDad

JB was married in December to LB (another teacher in the family). Sadly, we were not able to go to their wedding across the country. I had a nice time chatting with LB several times and look forward to seeing them again soon.

JB and his wife LB

Yesterday, it was RB’s wedding that we went to. He and KB are now husband and wife. Here is a photo of the newly married couple just before they cut their wedding cake.

RB and his beautiful new bride KB

We had a fabulous time and there is so much to share. Here is one photo of my little guys having a blast at the wedding festivities.

My boys were party animals

Thank you again to cousins MB and LB for inviting our entire family to be party of this special occasion. Mazel tov again on both of your boys being married!


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My computer savvy kid

Dear NHL,

It does not surprise me that you are a big fan of all things related to computers. I firmly believe that you would give up television if you could have your own computer. Thanks to Daddy, you have been learning a lot of skills. With all of this knowledge, you are pretty excited when we allow you to use the computer. You want  to go online to educational websites, and know all about what Mommy and Daddy do with Social Media and beyond. 

Today, while Daddy was pulling down the fence in the backyard you were tired and asked to go inside. When we got inside, you immediately asked to use my computer. I agreed since you had not used the computer a lot this week. You immediately went to the internet and to I thought you would go to, but you surprised me with something different.

Once you found what you wanted, you were all set. I went outside to check on things quickly. When I came back inside, you were dancing and singing along. Of course, your little brother was excited to see what was going on. You let him climb up next to you and showed him the ropes.

Computer geeks in training

It has been so much fun watching you learn to do everything on the computer. I can not wait for us to teach you even more items that will keep you ahead in the future. With your new found love of Star Wars, you are most definitely a proud geek in training.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear Kid Saturday

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Presents and Thank you notes

Some people may call be old fashioned, but I still believe in hand writing thank you notes to people. If someone takes the time to give you something special, the least you can do is write a note and add a personal touch. I think I owe this to my mother. She taught me to always write my thank you notes quickly and then I could use my new gives or deposit my checks. When we got married, I had my letters out to people within two weeks of getting back from our honeymoon – not too shabby!

When I was teaching, I made sure to mail notes to any student’s at their homes. If it was winter break, I wished them a Happy New Year. When it was the end of the year, I thanked them for a fun year and wished them a wonderful summer vacation. On the flip side, I also worked with my students on the art of letter writing. We read The View From Saturday by E.L. Konigsburg (love this book for so many reasons) and talked about the importance of a good "bread and butter" note. We thought about people in our school that helped us a daily basis that could use a nice thank you and wrote them notes to brighten their day. It was always interesting to see who the kids would select from within the building.

Last weekend was JSL’s third birthday party. With the celebration came these presents:

JSL's 3rd B-day Party

Since the boys are still little, I am the author of their notes. NHL is getting to the point where he can do them, but larger amounts of notes can be too much at six. While I was writing the notes for JSL on Wednesday, I decided to get him involved. I left space on the bottom of the note for him to draw a picture for the recipient with crayons (act surprised everyone when you get them). As I handed the card to him, I told him who it was for. He would shout out their name and immediately begin a special creation for them.

Thank you note writing

When JSL was done, the card came back to me to go inside the envelope. He was so proud that he helped Mama. I guess getting the kids involved in thank you note writing as young as possible is a good thing.

So my question to you this week:

Do you hand write (not e-mail) thank you notes to people? Why do you or don’t you write them? 

P.S. This is my 100th Aloha Friday – I think I need to write Kailani a personal note to thank her for all of these weeks of fun!



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #100

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