Category Archives milestone

Proud puzzle moment

Dear NHL,

Three weeks of camp are over and you really seem to be enjoying yourself. Tuesday, you called and asked to come home early because of a headache I think you were really tired. We went to play at Nana and Papa’s house with the Kung Zhu’s. When you felt better, you decided to try the 100 piece Toy Story Puzzle. You ran out of time and we put it away. Wednesday, we were back there and you were determined to complete this puzzle and you did!

Happy big kid

You were SO proud of yourself. You did it really quickly, so I think we need to check out some even bigger options down the road. On Friday, when I picked you up from camp, you told me you were the camper of the week in your group. Way to go! They even made you a cool sign to celebrate.

Camper of the week

This week, there are several field trips that you are excited about. I can not wait to hear all about them and your special long weekend with Nana and Papa. Remember to smile and enjoy – I love your big smile.




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Potty Training Central

Dear JSL,

You and I have not seen eye-to-eye when it comes to potty training. I have known you were ready for a while. Once you went into a special private location to do your "business" and would ask to be changed, it was time. Of course, whenever we asked you to wear underpants or go on the potty you would scream at the top of your lungs. I didn’t push, but had mentioned to you in the middle of June that I would not buy more pull-ups. Then, we had to go away. Obviously, I was not going to start potty training two days before a car trip. So we went to the store. When you saw the pull-ups being put into the cart, you told me "Mama, you say no more pull-ups!" You got me and I knew it.

This week, something perked your interest and I went for it. I told you that we had Wiggles and Buzz Lightyear underpants. I pulled them out from storage on Wednesday and went for it. NHL was home from camp thanks to the storms and the roof getting fixed. We went for it. At first, you fought me. You did not want to wear the underpants. Then, when NHL made it exciting, you went. There was a small accident when you could not get to me quick enough. I cleaned the floor, then went to help your soggy bottom. That day, you went 4-5 times and had two accidents. The best part, you went to the Winnie the Pooh potty on your own three times and announced to me you peed.

Thursday was battle time. You had your Wiggles underpants on, but you were not in the mood to use the potty after an accident when you could not get your shorts down in time. To help with this, you played the role of streaker most of the day, or just underpants at times. I think you missed NHL. Once he came home from camp, you stopped fighting me and went potty several times for him. We ended the day with one accident and a few trips to the potty and quite a lot of frustrating moments. You did not want to do this, but day one showed Mama that you could indeed do it. My lesson learned – if I want you to deposit into the potty I had to push the water into you.

Serious about potty training

Friday was a rainy and nasty day. NHL stayed home from camp again and you had your Buzz Lightyear underpants on early. I reminded you that when you potty chart was filled we would get you a prize. Daddy and I told you we would get you a Buzz Lightyear toy like the Woody doll you have. Things went really well.  Whenever NHL asked you to go potty, you went to your little potty seat and did you business. After 3-4 trips (thanks to lots of water), you learned to exploit the system. You would go more often and just leave a small deposit and scream "Mama I pee – sticker time!"  By the end of the day, you had peed nine times and even pooped a little! That meant you got 11 stickers for the day. Here are the charts the way they looked at the end of Friday.

Major progress

Your last sticker before Wednesday was that lonely star on the chart. Everything else was earned later on. You are doing a great job and making me so proud. I know we may take some steps backward in this process again, but you are a big boy and have taken some HUGE steps this week. I love you my little guy.



P.S. A special thank you to big brother NHL. Without your help, I never would have been able to do this. You seem to have potty training skills with your little brother. You rock big kid!


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Toy Story 3 as first movie

Memories of my first times going to see a movie in a theater and at a drive in still are strong. How about you, do you recall what the first movie you saw in a theater was or your child’s?

When NHL was three, we went to visit Aunt M and Uncle I, along with Nana and . Nana and Papa came along for an extra special visit. It was winter break, December 2006, and we were there for a long weekend. Since it was Christmas, there was not a lot going on. We decided to all take NHL to see his first movie in a theater. We saw Happy Feet. NHL was so excited, but he also wanted to see the potty several times during the show. I started blogging just months after this, and apparently we did not take photos at the movie (bad us – sorry NHL). Here is one from that trip of NHL baking cookies with Aunt M.

NHL making cookies with Aunt M - Dec 2006

Fast forward to July 4th. We decided to take JSL to see his first movie in a theater. He is a HUGE Toy Story fan. He has been in love with them since our trip to Disney in February when he met Buzz and Woody and rode on the Toy Story Midway Mania ride at Hollywood Studios. Sad to admit, I have not been to see a movie in a theater since Twilight was out (not even New Moon – nor Eclipse). The last movie I saw with NHL was Happy Feet, but he saw Horton Hears a Who and Up with Nana and Papa.

Sunday morning, we decided to go and see Toy Story 3 with the boys. We settled on a 1:50 start time and did not go to the 3D version. I had never been to the new theaters and thought the party room that was there was too cute (made me think of things to do for NHL’s B-day).

Party room at movies

Then, JSL modeled his Buzz Lightyear attire. Yes, he insisted on taking one of his Buzz figures with us.

Can you tell his favorite Toy Story character?

We walked down the hall to the theater. I received a few looks from people working at the theater as I took photos. I looked at one and said "I blog – therefore I take photos of my son’s first movie experience!"  He gave me a thumbs up and kept walking.

Heading to Toy Story 3

At first, JSL did not want to walk in. The darkness inside scared him a bit. We reassured him that it was not bad and he would see Buzz Lightyear, Woody and Friends inside.

Not too sure about this

There was hardly anyone inside when we got there (this would change as time went by). We opted to sit in the front row of the stadium seating area. We also went to the side near an escape area, just in case we needed it. This would prove to be a great place later on when JSL was antsy during an intense scene of the movie and wanted to stand up. JSL sat really well waiting for the movie to begin.

Is it show time yet?

After a few previews, he was getting a little upset and asked JL where Buzz Lightyear and Woody were. Luckily, they came on soon and he was very happy.

When we made it back to the car, JSL showed his age. My sweet little three year old passed out in the carseat on the way home. Note his Buzz Lightyear hat, shirt and Buzz toy firmly gripped in his hand.

My tired little Toy Story fan

If you have not seen Toy Story 3, we highly recommend it. Loved the way that Pixar has improved on this series with each sequel. Way to go Disney and thank you for all of the Toys Story Memories that we have from JSL’s first movie!

The boys did so well, I am thinking about taking them to the free movie tomorrow solo. Someone please hold me!


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My new second grader

Dear NHL,

September seems like such a long time ago. You went into school at the start of 1st grade and were nervous. You had a new backpack that seemed so big at the time. You did not know your teacher and were anxious to see your friends.

Looking a little worried

Fast forward to June, last Thursday to be exact. That afternoon it was official, you are now a second grader! It is hard to believe that you are finished with the first grader and moving on up in elementary school. You have learned so much in the last year and have made us so proud. In the last year you have read well over 200 books and counting. That scared little boy that you see above on the first day of school is no longer here. You are so much more confident now. Here you are on the last day of school as you learned who your 2nd grader teacher will likely be.

New Second Grader

That last bit of my little boy is gone since you have grown up so much this year. I really hope you know how much I love you. I am so excited that you will be going to camp this summer. I think you will have a lot of fun running, playing and exploring all that they have to offer. Of course, the days that you are not at camp, JSL and I will have adventures with you. We will do crafts, bowl, go to the park, swim, dance, sing and be silly together. I want your summers to be as memorable as I recall mine being.




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TechyDad and Moi – 9 years ago today

Dear TechyDad,

Let me begin by saying that I am so lucky to have you as my husband. Not every woman can say that they have a husband that cooks dinner almost every night, loves to play and teach the kids all things geeky, work as my webmaster for free, likes to grocery shop and is an all around amazing person, but I can! I know I do not say it enough, but thank you for being you. Sure we may hit a nerve with the other one from time to time, but that is to be expected when you have been married for nine years and counting. 
 11 Under the chuppah

It is hard to believe that nine years ago today we walked into the synagogue unmarried and left as husband and wife. The year of preparations were a whirlwind for a day that I would love to have back. The day that I became your wife was magical, but so much was a blur. If I could get that time back I would love it. I would have paid more attention to the little thing. Like the goofy smile when you signed our ketubah or look on your face when I came down the aisle to join you under the chuppah. Sure I can see these in photos, but I wish I had savored the moment a bit more. Of course, you know the truth. I was a little distracted during our actual ceremony. Underneath my layers of dress, I was doing the "gotta go" dance. Apparently my teacher bladder failed me that day. 
 16 - Our first dance

I wish I could remember more little details about our first dance as husband and life. Instead, I what sticks out in my head more are the images from thinking we were going to be killed during the Hora when raised up in the chairs. The expression on my face captured by the photographer says it all.

15  Help me . . . I'm going to die!

Of course, I would never want to go back in time if it meant that things would change. So much has happened over the last nine years. We have both grown up together. Sure we are both still kids at heart, but we have added a lot of responsibilities. Together we have two beautiful little boys, a house of our own and hopes/dreams/goals that we are both working toward.

21 - JL has trouble with his kippah while cutting cake

May we always remember the good times, learn from the tough times and help each other to focus on the things that matter most – our time together and with our family. 

C'est Moi with TechyDad

I love you with all of my heart and look forward to the rest of our lives together.


Your Angel Forever

P.S. For a walk down memory lane you can check out more wedding photos here.

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