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Apples and Abba

Dear JSL,

This was your first full week of nursery school in quite some time. Wednesday, you were supposed to go on an apple picking field trip. There was going to be a hayride and other fun activitities. Unfortunately, the rain had other plans. Well over five inches of rain came and would not stop over several days. Thanks to this, apple picking was not an option. Your teachers made some extra fun activities that were apple related this week. You were so proud to share your painted apple on the wall:

Some painted apple fun

When we walked into school Friday, there was a surprise waiting for you. You had one of the most prized jobs for the week. You were selected to be Abba for Shabbat. I wanted to take your photo next to the table, but you were a little stinker and refused. So I took a picture of the table.

Abba for Shabbat

When school was over, you were so proud to show me your Abba sticker and tell everyone about it and the grape juice. Yes, there is no doubt you really like nursery school, even if you are a bit clingy in the mornings lately. I can not wait to see more of your projects and visit one day when you are Abba to see you in action.




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First Days of Nursery School

Tuesday morning, after dropping NHL off to school (photos and story on TechyDad’s blog), JSL was excited to head to his school. Yes, my three year old little guy was going off on his own for the first time. Of course, Tuesday was simply to go meet the teachers and spend a little time in the classroom with your parent. When we arrived, JSL was so proud to be wearing his adorable new LL Bean back pack. Here he is posing front and pack for me outside of the building (I was trying to kill time since we were pretty early).

Nursery school here he comes

After saying hello to his teachers, it was time to find his cubby and put his photo up inside. Check out JSL’s own spot in the classroom:

Cubby time

We also put spare clothing into his storage box and handed over some medicine to keep  at school just in case a fever hits. With JSL’s febrile seizures, this is a must since we never know when they may strike. He immediately wanted to play in the room. Rather than go to the rug with another little girl, JSL went right for the kitchen area. He really had a blast teasing everyone with his pizza making skills.

Cooking up a storm

Before we knew it, the time was up and we went home. Wednesday morning, JSL was so excited to go back for a full day. When we arrived, we saw his new friend D outside. The two boys walked upstairs chatting away and then held hands walking down the hall. After this, the boys played in the parents’ lounge until we were given the okay to go into the classroom.

Already friends

When they went inside, the water table and playdough were out to use while everyone put things in their cubbies and washed their hands. Before I left, I asked JSL if he had to go potty. He said no, but wanted to go see the potty. The second he saw the mini-potty, he had to go. He was so excited and kept telling me how it was just his size and he could pee standing up on his own. Ah, the simple joys of a three year old.

I went home, got a lot of work done and enjoyed the quiet. Still, I missed JSL and was so happy when he gave me a giant hug at pick up. All of the kids had a great day and they can not wait to go back again next week. 


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Tuesday Tales – Little Chimp’s Big Day

Tuesday Tales

Tomorrow is a big day in our house. No doubt there will be tears flowing from my eyes. Early in the morning, I will be dropping off JSL to his first day of nursery school. At three years old, he has never gone to school before and is quite excited to do so. This morning, we went to meet his teachers and a few of his classmates. He had a lot of fun making pizza for the teachers, being shy and of course teasing them in his cute little way.

Time to let go

I sat back and watched. It is still hard for me to believe that my baby is a preschooler and going off a few days a week on his own. I think allowing our children to grown up and become independent is one of the most difficult items that a parent faces.

It is only fitting that this week I selected a book just about this topic that we received from Sterling Children’s Books. The newly published Little Chimp’s Big Day by Lisa Schroeder and illustrated by Lisa McCue. Lisa Schroeder is also the author of the book that I read over the summer with my older son. I reviewed It’s Raining Cupcakes a few weeks ago.

Little Chimp's Big Day

About Little Chimp’s Big Day:  

In the jungle, in a tree
Sits a little chimpanzee.
Mother said she’d be right back
But now the branch snaps with a crack…

And in a SNAP, Little Chimp is off on a big adventure-taking a watery ride atop a hippo, swinging on vines, and munching bunches of bananas. But as he goes bumping, jumping, and racing across the jungle, he never stops wondering: "Where could Mother be?” Little Chimp may not know, but sharp-eyed kids will see that mommy has an eye on him all the time! An enchanting text filled with rhythm and rhyme, and sweetly charming illustrations. 

Little Chimp’s Big Day – Written by Lisa Schroeder – Illustrated by Lisa McCue – Sterling Children’s Books – On sale September 2010 – ISBN 978-1-4027-4967-4 – $14.95 – Ages 3 and up

What we thought:

Love – that is what I feel for this book. It truly is hard for me to put my feeling for this book into words since it hit so close to home. It could not have come out at a better time as I get ready to send my youngest off to school for the first time. Little Chimp’s Big Day is the perfect book for a mother (or father) and child to read together. It shows the love, trust, care and feelings that a parent shares with their child. The book’s message is subtle, yet oh so powerful. Schroeder does an amazing job showing readers how Chimp is spreading his wings and getting some time to be independent in the world. 

With the easy flowing rhyme and rhythm of the words on the pages, we are quickly transplanted into the jungle with Little Chimp. Suddenly, the branch of his tree breaks and he falls. He thinks that he is alone, but Schroder clues us in that Mama Chimp is watching her little one to see how he can figure things out. From that point on, we can search for her in the beautiful illustrations from McCue

Little Chimp lands with a thud

in a mucky patch of mud

In the jungle, peek-a-boo,

two big eyes, peering through.

We follow Little Chimp along as he looks for his mother and encounters other creatures in his jungle environment. My three year old son loved the verbs that described what Little Chimp was doing. He helped to repeat them along with me whether Little Chimpy was bumping, chasing, jumping, racing, grooving, gliding, moving, riding or doing something else. He was also able to know that at the end of each section we would stop with Little Chimp to wonder "Oh, where could Mother be?"

In the end, there is a happy ending that not only leads to hugs in the book, but JSL and I hugged as well. I know that tonight, I will be reading this to my little guy again before he ventures off to his first day of preschool without Mama there. I know that he will be fine, but I need to reassure myself with a book and hug at the end.

I highly recommend this book to other parents to read to their children before they go to school, head to a different situation or just to remind them that it is okay to try things on your own because your parents will always be there watching over you. This will be a book that will definitely be added to baby gifts for parents to have when they need it down the road (the teacher in me likes to give books).

So what have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Tuesday Tales and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.


Disclosure: I received this book complimentary of Sterling Publishing in order to facilitate this review. No other compensation was given. The opinions expressed in the review are my own.

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Happy 7th Birthday NHL

Dear NHL,

Seven years ago today, my world changed. The instant that you were born, I fell in love. You were and are such a special little guy. No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby. It is so hard to believe that you have grown into quite the young boy. In a few shorts weeks, you will be off to second grade to learn new and exciting things. It seems like only yesterday that I held you in my arms rocking you to sleep. Now, you are quite the independent kid who is shying away from hugs and kisses in public. It’s okay, I understand since I was a kid a long time ago. I know that when you smile your silly way, or give me a zerbert that you love me.

Now let’s take a walk down memory lane at the last year – NHL at 6.

About a week and a half after you turned six, you lost your first tooth. Sure it was filled with drama, but you did it. That night when we got ready for the Tooth Fairy you were so proud. (August 2009)

All ready for the Tooth Fairy

The school year began and you were ready to go with your new backpack from Bubbe and Grandpa. (September 2009)

Heading out of the house

The flu hit hard just before Halloween. Luckily, you were finally well enough to head out to a few houses that Goulish night. Your love of Mario Kart Racing showed with your costume selection. (October 2009)

New mustache = plan B

Twas the night before Thanksgiving and you had a blast at a hockey game. You lived up to your initials of NHL and had a blast watching warm-ups down by the boards. (November 2009) 

Warm up time on the ice

December was a month filled with many items. On my birthday, you ended up in the Emergency Room to have a cut by your eye glued. There was Chanukah and playing in the snow. Thanks to Hebrew school, you wanted to say the prayers each night that we lit our menorah. (December 2009)

NHL Chanukah 2009

January was a very cold month. There were some days that we decided to stay in our PJs and play. Some of the happiest memories were watching you and JSL together. Loved brotherly tickle attacks. (January 2010)

Brotherly tickle attack

In February, you became another official Disney addict. When we planned a quick trip to Disney World for a conference, you fell in love with everything – including the characters and getting autographs. (February 2010)

For the love of Disney

In March, you were able to say some of the four questions for Passover in Hebrew. You rode your bike like a pro when it was warm and were even interviewed on television about saving your school the day before a rally. (March 2010)

The many faces of NHL

April marked a first for you, you cut your own hair. The scissors are now a lot higher, along with the Sharpies. The end of the month was also when you officially finished the Alef Bets at Hebrew School. We were so proud of you and your love for Sunday School. (April 2010)

Alef Bet Song Time

In May, you helped us plan JSL’s third B-day party looking for all things Winnie the Pooh. You also had fun at another building clinic at Home Depot. (May 2010)

Big kid building time

June marked the end of first grade. You were sad to leave school for the summer. Earlier in the month, you went to a family wedding. You declared that you wanted another wedding to go to soon since you had so much fun.  (June 2010)

A lot of dancing going on

The start of the summer was fun filled with movies, being silly outside with water, camp, cherry picking with family and spending the day at the lake. Oh and thanks to your super skills at potty training, JSL is no longer in pull-ups! (July 2010)

Fun in our driveway

So far this month you have wanted to keep things a bit more quiet. You love using the computer. Most days we will allow you to have some time using it. At home, you have my old laptop that you love playing math games and doing puzzles on. Here you are at Nana and Papa’s house. (August 2010) 

Concentrating at the computer

This year, we have learned a lot about you and together we have grown. I hope that this year is even more fun and care free than last year. Please know that Daddy and I will do everything in our power to be in your corner cheering you on. I know that you can do and be anything that you want. This year is going to be great and togetehr we will make sure it happen. May the magic of your birthday continue the whole year through. NHL, always know that I love you with all of my heart.


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