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A whole new dental world

Imagine going to a dentist and not wanting to leave their office. No really, this does exist at least for my children. Growing up, I went to a pediatric dentist. He had a fun office with video games upstairs in the waiting room, and more fun downstairs. There was even music to listen to if you needed to have something worked on. I still remember listening to music and then realizing that if I opened my eyes and looked at the reflection in the light I was able to see what was being done – yikes!

The boys have been going to the dentist since they had teeth. Actually, for JSL he has been going longer. His first appointment was when he was only weeks old. Thanks to this experience at the office and watching TechyDad and I at the dentist, the boys are pretty good about dental visits.

Of course, the office that we go to certainly helps. Aside from having three amazing dentists that are fabulous with the boys, the office is just plain fun to go to. I wish I had time to explore more of the fun and games each time, but the kids won’t let me. Here is a little tour. Sorry for the quality of some of the photos. A few were taken with my cell phone before I bothered to take my camera out of the bag.

Before we are called back into the room, JSL plays in the kids gaming area. There are several stations set up with video games. I am particularly intrigued by the touch screen option that has a bunch of educational games, but JSL had no interest in that. He preferred to "play" Mario Kart.

Game time

Then it was time to play with some other options. He also enjoyed the other area that has a giant ball maze on the wall (not shown). This kept him quite busy until we were called back.

Playing before seeing dentist

When we were called back, JSL was NOT happy. He cried and showed all of us just how nicely his lungs could project his protests. He also looked at me and told me that they were going to eat him. Not sure where this is coming from, but it is a new phrase we hear all the time (may explain the nightmares too). When we got into the room, the woman quickly put a movie on above the dental chair. Here check out the view:

Swiper no swiping!

Not the best of movies, but Dora kept him quite happy. See, here is happy JSL waiting to see the dentist.

All smiles

The little guy is used to the routine here. What is not to like here? The rooms are colorful, cheery, big, and have movies to keep the kids occupied before, during and after the exam. Most of the dental equipment really blends in and the kids (and parents) hardly focus on it at all. 

Not a care in the world

When the dentist came in, JSL was great. He opened his mouth nicely and let him do the exam. He mentioned that, according to the report from the other dentist (6 months ago), it looks like JSL’s binky bite is correcting itself. He asked if JSL was using his binky less. Yes! We had gotten rid of it, but illness allowed it to sneak back for our sanity. Dr. J was not worried in the least. He said to keep up what we’re doing with the less binky, great brushing and fluoride drops.  Of course, when he asked JSL questions there was no answer. The little guy was a little too involved with Dora. 

Serious little guy

After his exam, they agreed that we would do another cleaning. Last time JSL shocked all of us and allowed a full teeth cleaning with no protest. So the hygienist came in and JSL was pretty good once again. The teeth were polished, spaces flossed (we need to do that more with him), and the fluoride brushed onto his pearly whites. Since the little guy was asking for water, we opted to stay and play a few more games to stretch the time. After the fluoride is put on, there is not eating/drinking for 30 minutes. Here is where the little guy went to: 

A little play after teeth cleaning

Eventually, it was time to leave. There was much protesting, but I reminded JSL that we were off to pick our a new Hot Wheels car for being such a great big boy at the dentist. Special thanks to Dr’s N, J & J for having such a fabulous practice for the kiddos to learn about proper dental care. We will see you in a few months for NHL’s next visit.

Don’t you wish you could go to a fun dentist like this too? I know I’m pretty jealous of my two boys!



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Being married to a webmaster has perks

For my one year Blogoversary, I celebrated with a new blog design. I was sick of my old header/theme, so TechyDad quickly made something up. This was only supposed to be a temporary fix. Fast forward almost two years later (my 3rd Blogoversary is in February). The old design was functional, clean, easy to read and I liked it. See below for a reference.

Out with the old look

Over the past few months, both of us were not thrilled with my blog. To be honest, I never really liked the hearts and had asked for those to be changed to something else (honey do list = never done). Hubby wanted to change the theme, but I had different thoughts. My thought was something crisp and more "professional" looking. I also really wanted a blog button. One day, hubby talked with a very talented friend who happens to do graphic design. He quickly did a sample of something for a header and sent it our way. I was in love. It was perfect!  Look at the top, it is there now.

Friday, I was surprised with the latest addition, a brand new button for my blog. Here it is:

TheAngelForever button

After I saw the button, I finally made a list of items I wanted changed and asked my favorite webmaster about them. He said all of them were not too difficult and doable. The best part was by  the end of the weekend it was set and live.

Of course, all of these items meant we TechyDad had to fix/tidy up areas of my blog.

  • Put an area on the right designated to website/networks/organizations that I am part of
  • Blogroll was moved from right side to separate page because it was too overwhelming
  • Categories is now an area you can click on to open up. This takes up much less space
  • Flickr photo feed moved up top and different style
  • Heading for "Buttons from Blogosphere" added
  • Last 10 posts on left is gone. No need with archives/search/categories
  • New area on the right for "Special Event Bloggy Buttons" to keep easier track of seasonal/timed events
  • My shiny new blog button has a code box to make it easy for people to place on their websites
  • Added a contact page/form for people to get in touch with me easier

At this point, I am keeping the theme because it is easy to view and I have not found anything else for WordPress that I like enough to alter it now.

To continue with the changes, I also updated my Twitter avatar. I made it festive for Chanukah since that begins this coming Friday at sundown. Check me out:

TheAngelForever Chanukah style

Welcome to my renovated home on the web (launched Saturday night for those in a reader). Pull up a chair, read about my world, enter a giveaway or two and please take time to drop me a line in the comments. I love seeing my in-box fill up with comment love from everyone. 


P.S. An extra special thank you to my hubby. TechyDad you are the best – I love you with all of my heart. Kuddos for a fun new web design for my blog.

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The importance of Child Car Safety

With the holiday season moving into full swing, families across the country are in the car and on the go.  Whether you’re driving across the country to visit family or across town to holiday shop, it is important that your child passengers are riding safely and that child safety seats are used correctly.

AAA estimated that 30 million people travelled this Thanksgiving holiday alone and, for many, this is just the beginning of the holiday hustle and bustle.  Now is the time to utilize the Child Car Safety tools provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Ad Council to learn more about proper car seat use and installation.  You will find informative resources that include instructional videos.

Have child passenger safety questions that you need answered before you travel over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s?  NHTSA is always available to answer your questions online through Facebook and Twitter.

Latch Cross Country Blog Tour

Why is this so important to me? Back in July 2006, we were driving to the store. My husband was driving our van, I was in the passenger seat. In the back seat was my mother and almost 3 year old son NHL. We were on a six lane major road and had a green light. As we passed through the intersection, another car going the opposite direction made an illegal turn into us.

Our van went flying across six lanes of traffic while up on two wheels. After doing a 180 degree turn, we stopped in the grass looking back in the opposite direction. Someone was watching over us that day. On a regular day, oncoming traffic is usually heavy in the other direction. We were not hit by another car, we missed the center median (or I would have been a goner). The adults in the car were shaken up and my mother really hurt her back. The person in the car that jumped out of his seat with no complaints was my son thanks to his car seat. The car seat below had to be replaced since we were in a collision and the kiddo helped to pick out a replacement pattern.

The life saving seat

From day one, we took our car seats to a local dealer that had a specially trained car seat installer. Thanks to him, we knew our LATCH was done correctly. My then three year old is now a thriving 6 year old in first grade because his car seat did it’s job.

Cow seat properly put into the car

Remember, kids are precious cargo, so make sure your car seats are installed properly and buckle up when you hit the roads. 


Disclosure: I am a member of Global Influence and asked to participate in their LATCH Cross Country Blog Tour. As a parent I felt it was extremely important to share these recources with others to protect all children that ride in cars.

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Birthday shopping Pandora style

Without a doubt, I am a horrible person to shop for. I can never think of anything I want. When/if I do, I often do not tell people what I want for fear of my taste not being matched. Thanks to this, my birthday (next week) and Chanukah (begins at sundown next Friday night) are tough for people like my parents and my hubby. It is especially hard since they are usually at the same time or within days of each other.

Last year, my parents told me that they wanted to buy me a watch. Mine had died and was not worth replacing the battery. They are addicted hooked on Invicta watches. They have some gorgeous items, but no matter how long and hard I looked at items online at Shop NBC (or where ever they sent me), I never found anything I loved. Part of the problem is I like to see an item in person before I buy it. What if it doesn’t look right on me? Spending that much money for something meant homework. 

When we all went to Disney World, I looked for a watch there, but nothing sparked my interest. As we approached another birthday, my mother mentioned something to me. She asked if I had ever thought about a Pandora jewelry. I had heard about them before, but had never seen them in a store.

Thursday, this all changed. I told my mother that I was really intrigued with the Pandora bracelets and charms. Thanks to seeing Aunt S and Cousin A’s bracelets at Thanksgiving I wanted to go to the store at our local mall. Mom was off work yesterday, so we went to look at this. All I can say is WOW!  I was in love from the moment I walked into the store. The set up was amazing and the person who worked with us was patient and wonderful.

In the end, I finally picked out my birthday present for last year and this year. Here it is: 

My Pandora bracelet

There are two little boy charms, one for NHL and one for JSL. I did not like the birthstone charms, so I looked at the Murano glass beads. I have a history with Murano glass. When TechyDad and I were in Las Vegas before we had kids, I fell in love with the Murano store at the Venetian. I stood for a long time debating whether to purchase something. In the end, I did not. The light green bead on the left is for NHL’s birthday in August and the dark green for JSL’s in May. Worked quite nicely! I also took a book and circled a Forget Me-Knot charm for hubby to get for our marriage/love/life together.

Forget Me-Knot

That one will go between the two Murano beads when I get them. I’m also eyeing an Angel bead, but want to see that in person first.


So my questions for this week:

  • Are you easy to buy presents for – whether birthday/holiday?
  • Is anyone else into Pandora? Would love suggestions from others.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #76


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Hockey game highlights before Turkey Day

Dear NHL & JSL,

On Wednesday night, we took you to a hockey game. There was a deal that we just could not pass up. What you both may not know is that for many years Mommy had season tickets for our local hockey team. I traveled near and far with my friends to watch and cheer on the team. I miss those days a lot, but am so happy to watch both of you experience hockey now.

NHL, this was the first time that you remember being down by the ice to watch warm ups before the game. We did this when you were really little, but no doubt you do not recall that. You got to see your friend down there and the three of you had a blast watching the team skate by, bang on the sideboards and toss pucks to some of the other kids.

Warm up time on the ice

Then JSL was in his glory. He watched the entire post warm-up ice cleaning by the zamboni. According to Daddy you would not leave the area until it was completely finished. For each stoppage in play during the game you kept saying that the game was over. We finally realized it was because you wanted the zamboni to come back out.

The Zamboni

Between the periods JSL watched as the zamboni went round and round. He kept waving and his smiles got bigger and bigger each time it went by our end of the ice.

Silly boy during hockey game

NHL was funny because you were very concerned with the rough behavior of the players on the ice. Once you realized that penalties were being called you were ready to toss most of the players in there for anything. You will quickly learn that fighting is part of this sport and so is bumping each other on the boards.

Watching the home team win

Hopefully we will get to more hockey games soon so you can both watch the hockey players and zamboni do their thing. 




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.



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