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Rockabye Baby! the new baby rock

When my oldest son moved into his room in our new house, he had some trouble falling asleep. After many sleepless nights of having a little one bunking with us, we were desperate. We decided to play music on a CD player to lull him to sleep. NHL is now six years old and still likes to fall asleep to music when at home. We have searched near and far for music that we all can work with. For the longest time, we only had one CD and it was used every night. Let’s be honest, there are only so many days in a row that an adult can handle listening to The Wiggles sing your child to sleep on a baby monitor.

Recently, I was contacted by Rockabye Baby! to review some of their CD lullaby renditions with family. This was not the first time I had heard of their music. One of their CDs was on the list of items to get for my new nephew when he is born in February. Of course, this was to keep not only him, but my brother happy as he rocks his son to sleep.

rockabye baby logo

About Rockabye Baby!

From their website:

Rockabye Baby! is staffed by music lovers from all corners of the world. Headquartered in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Silver Lake, the label was born of the need to make children’s music cool–not only for babies but for their parents too. We turned to our record collections for inspiration: punk, metal, classic rock. The resulting albums are revolutionary yet reverential. In other words, the perfect gift for a newborn, new parents, or yourself.

Part of the CMH Label Group, a thirty-year-old independent bluegrass and roots-music stronghold that houses a variety of musical styles under its umbrella, including metal, rap, punk, and string quartet tributes, Rockabye Baby! is the latest addition to a diverse musical family. Says label Vice President Lisa Roth, "First and foremost, we’re fans, so we take care to make every album musically interesting enough to satisfy adult listeners. Believe me, making an album that’s gentle enough for sleeping babies but won’t bore Mom and Dad is trickier than it sounds." Producer/arrangers would agree! The job’s not easy, but it’s immensely gratifying to hear from pleased parents that Rockabye Baby! is now a treasured piece of their family history.

If you have never heard of Rockabye Baby! music you are missing out. They have taken classic music from different types of artists and made them into music perfect to lull your child to sleep. Some of the artists now available:

  • Guns n’ Roses, Metallica, AC/DC, Queen, Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, U2, Aerosmith, Nirvana, Green Day, Pink Floyd, Tool, The Ramones, Coldplay, Radiohead, The Cure, The Rolling Stones, The Pixies, Nine Inch Nails, The Beach Boys, No Doubt, The Eagles, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Beatles, Bjork  and others

When you go to the Rockabye Baby! online store, you are able to listen songs from each of the albums to help make your decision. It really is not easy since they all are catchy and nice to listen to. While there, be sure to vote for who you would like to see as the next Rockabye Baby! CD. The list includes: Bob Dylan, Bon Jovi, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Stevie Wonder and Slayer.

In addition to the music, Rockabye Baby! also have limited edition Long Sleeve onesies. You can also receive up to 20% off your orders for a Holiday offer good until December 31. For more details click here.

Our thoughts:

We were sent a complimentary copy of the newest Rockabye Baby! – lullyby renditions of Guns n’ Roses along with lullby renditions of Aerosmith.

Rockabye Baby!

When the CDs arrived, I was extremely excited to test them out. Of course, I could not wait until bedtime. I decided to open up the Aerosmith one first. The first thing I noticed was the playful Aerosmith cover art on the CD case and inside. There were also teddy bears paper dolls that were decked out in items from Aerosmith. One of the extremely nice touches was a fabulous note from Steven Tyler (this CD was released in 2009). He wrote that he liked how Rockabye Baby! not only did a cover of Aerosmith’s songs, but took a unique approach to it. He also mentioned that he will be playing these for his grandson.

The boys had heard me playing the Rockabye Baby! music on the computer when I was debating my second CD to receive. As soon as I put the music on the boys looked up. NHL (6) wanted to know what it was. I told him the names of the songs and he was intrigued. Meanwhile, JSL 2, danced around quietly to the music that featured mellotrons, vibraphones and bells. Some of the songs are easier to recognize than others. This CD included the following Aerosmith hits:

  • I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing, Dude (Looks Like a Lady), Dream On, Walk This Way, Cryin’, Mama Kin, Rag Doll, Last Child, Same Old Song and Dance, Sweet Emotion, Amazing and Angel

At dinner the same night, I popped in the Guns n’ Roses Rockabye Baby! CD. I wanted my husband to listen and see what the boys’ reaction would be. The minute Welcome to the Jungle came on my son made the following statement: "Mom, can I please listen to that when I fall asleep tonight?" Sure enough, when it was time to tuck him in we started his usual music. He immediately protested and asked for the Guns n’ Roses, so we went to put it on. This CD included the following songs:

  • Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child O’ Mine, Paradise City, Live and Let Die, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Mr. Brownstone, Estranged, Yesterdays, Don’t Cry, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door and Patience

NHL fell asleep in record time that night. The best part was both of the boys asked to listen to the music while playing with trains in their room. NHL has also asked to hear the real renditions of the songs from Aerosmith and Guns n’ Roses. This will be nice to share with him and expand his musical appreciation.

We are definitely going to purchase one of these CDs for my new nephew and add more to our collection of night time music.  I just need to touch base with my family  to see which one they would like since there are so many groups that I know my brother loves. If you need a baby shower gift, or unique item for a music lover, I highly recommend Rockabye Baby CDs.


Disclosure:  I received the Aerosmith and Guns n’ Roses CDs complimentary of Rockabye Baby! in order to facilitate this review. No other compensations was given. The opinions expressed in the review are my own feelings about the products that my family tried.

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PatientStyle antimicrobial socks – Review/Giveaway

Spending time in a hospital as a patient is daunting, no matter what the reason. As a first time expectant mother, I had no clue what to pack and take with me to the hospital. The second time around, I knew things to leave at home and other items that were must haves. Then, when my little guy was only nine months old I stayed with him in the hospital for 4 long nights. It was during that stay, in February 2008, that I realized warm, clean socks were a must for me. The socks that they give you while there just do not cut it.

Recently, I was contacted by PatientStyle to review and give feed back about their anti-microbial slipper socks. Since I love slipper socks and thought they would be nice to have when traveling away from home, I opted to participate. Patient Style sent me a pair of  slipper socks – one mens and one womens.

PatientStyle logo

About PatientStyle (from their website):

Going to the hospital is no time to start compromising comfort, quality or style. is the perfect place to find gifts for a loved one or yourself, whether you’re planning to welcome a new family member or caring for the ones you have.

 We’ve searched far and wide – and designed our own exclusive offerings  – to bring you the best products out there in one convenient online store. From chic hospital gowns – front and back – to anti-microbial pillows and products, our site features the most useful, comfortable, and stylish items, designed specifically for what you or your loved one needs.

Feeling better means healing faster, and our products make a significant difference when spending time within hospital walls or while healing at home.

 PatientStyle socks

We received the men’s and women’s chenille lounge socks. They are enhanced with antimicrobial features and 99% polyester (1% spandex).

My Thoughts:

When I first saw the pink socks, they reminded me of my favorite cozy slipper socks from when I was a child. They seemed really soft when I was petting them with my hands, but that was nothing compared to when I tried them on. The minute I put them on, I was in heaven. They were the softest things I have ever felt on my feet. They were warm, cozy and fabulous. As a person who battles the cold all winter, these are a welcome addition to my slipper sock collection to keep my tootsies warm.

My husband has a hard time finding slipper socks. He has size 12 feet (wide width). Often, the socks we purchase from stores do not fit him. These socks were not too narrow and went up past his ankle properly. Score!

I definitely think that these would make fabulous socks for patients that are in the hospital having a baby (wish I had these with me), having surgery or have a condition that requires frequent hospitalization. Of course, I also think they will be packed with me when I go stay at other people’s house or a hotel. The antimicrobial bonus will help to protect me from all of the nasty item that can be found not only outside of my home, but inside with two young children. My only wish is that they had some socks in smaller sizes for my boys.


Thanks to PatientStyle, one lucky reader will be able to win their own pair of the antimicrobial chenille socks.

Modeling my PatientStyle socks

Rules for Giveaway:

  • MAIN RULE – Head over to the PatientStyle website and tell me one other item that you like.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Follow me on Twitter @TheAngelForever. Be sure to leave your Twitter ID.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Follow PatientStyle on Twitter @PatientStyle. Be sure to leave your Twitter ID.
  • 1 Bonus Entry daily – Tweet about the giveaway. Be sure to include @TheAngelForever and @PatientStyle in the Tweet.  Please leave a direct link to your Tweet in a separate comment for each daily entry. Example Tweet (feel free to use): Have you seen the @PatientStyle antimicrobial socks? Review/Giveaway from @TheAngelForever
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Let me know who this pair of PatientStyle socks will be for.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Leave a comment on any of my non-giveaway posts from the month of December. Be sure to leave a comment here to let me know which one. You may only do this twice for this giveaway.
  • 3 Bonus Entries – Write a post on your blog linking to my blog about the PatientStyle giveaway. Be sure to leave 3 comments about this to get credit for all of your extra entries

To enter, please follow the rules above within the comment section. Contest starts today December 22nd and ends at 10:59 EST December  30, 2009. You do not have to be a blogger to enter, but must leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you for mailing address once the giveaway is over. I will select the winner using and contact you via e-mail. You will have 48 hours to claim the prize. If there is no response, another winner will be selected. Open to U.S. residents only. 


Disclosure:  I received two pairs of the PatientStyle antimicrobial socks complimentary of PatientStyle in order to facilitate this review. No other compensations was given. The opinions expressed in the review are my own feelings about the product that I tried.

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Diagnosis: Adult Eczema

There are days that I wonder exactly how old I am. Some days I feel young, while there are other days that I feel ancient. On a recent "emergency" trip to the dermatologist, it made me question just how old I really am.

Rewind to June when family was in town for my mother’s big birthday party. During the day, before the party, my parents, brother, sister-in-law, niece, JSL and I went to the cemetary. We went to see Papa S’s grave and check on things. We decided not to move the cars and walked over to where my Nana and Papa are, along with other members of her family. It was not a particularly long walk, but the terrain was rough and overgrown in areas. By the time we were done, I was itching my legs. With sensitive skin, I did not think too much of it.

A few weeks later, I noticed I had a little rash on my leg and it itched horribly. I used some cream on it and it got a little better. This happened over and over again during the summer months. When my electric shaver died, it really made my leg a mess in that area. Sensitive skin and real razor blades do not mix. Thank goodness I finally replaced my electric shaver the other day.

In July, I went to the dermatologist for a skin check. Being so fair skinned, it was time after over a decade without one. I showed him my leg and he said it was not ring worm (my fear from years of teaching), but was eczema. I was told to use some OTC items to help and call if it was not better.

School started, H1N1 ate up another 2 months and then it was December and my leg was a mess. I was up at night because it was so itchy and nothing helped. It was getting more inflamed and bothersome. With a little nudge from my sister-in-law, I made an appointment to see the dermatologist. I was shocked when I was told they had a cancellation with the PA for that afternoon. Thanks to NHL going to Chess Club, I was able to take the time.

The PA was really sweet. Of course, she wanted to know why I ignored the problem for so long. Then she looked at JSL running around the room and figured it out.

A quiet moment while waiting

I told her time just flew by, things happened and finally I had enough. She told me I had horrible eczema in that area. Something at the cemetary may have bothered the area initially. Shaving allowed it to continue and lack of proper moisture made it itch. Scratching only made it worse. I was handed a prescription and told that if things were not significantly better to call back in two weeks.

As I went to the car, I laughed. Here I was just 33 years old and getting treated for eczema. Oy! Now I guess we know where the boys have gotten it from. Of course, theirs never got as out of control as mine did. Tis the story of a Mama’s life.

Tomorrow, I have to head out to get moisturizer for my arms and legs since the winter is zapping everything out of my already dry skin. So if anyone has any suggestions for good fragrance free body lotion, please let me know.



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Potty talk from the Diaper Kid

I will admit it, we were not really the ones that potty trained our oldest son. NHL was almost potty trained before 2 years old with us. Then he was finally able to walk and we lost some ground. Being on the move was too much fun to bother with the potty. A short time after this, NHL was moved into the toddler classroom at daycare. After a few weeks, they asked if we would send in a bunch of underpants and lots of spare clothing. They were going to work on using the potty with a bunch of kids at the same time. NHL loved this. He was able to sit on the potty with his friends and chat while learning. NHL and all of his friends quickly learned to use the potty together.

Flash forward to my 2 1/2 year old son JSL. He has used the potty several times over the last year. Not too long ago he was eager to pee on the potty for a Sesame Street sticker and Diego potty seat. I thought we had something here.

Potty Sesame Stickers

Then, things changed. He was in the tub and had to get out quickly since he seemed like he was going to dirty the tub water, if you know what I mean. Daddy apparently scared him. Since that time, he has only agreed to sit on the potty once or twice. Every other time he refuses.

Me: "JSL, let’s go to the potty."

JSL: "NO! Me no go potty!"

Me: "JSL why not?"

JSL "NHL pee on potty. Daddy pee on potty. Mommy pee on potty. No me!"

*sigh*  Mentally banging my head against the wall here. I know not to push this because if I do it will make matters worse. Instead, at least once a day, I ask if he wants to use the potty without an pressure. Typically, the same conversation of sorts takes place.

Of course, the most ironic part of this is my 2 1/2 year old is obsessed with potty talk. He will sit there with a huge grin on his face and say:

"Pee pee, poopy . . . potty talk! Ha-ha Hee-hee!"

This then leads to NHL scolding JSL, telling me to do something about the little guy and his potty talk. What can I do?! I just wish the little guy would channel his potty talk into using the potty for real!

My question to you this week:

Do you have any pointers on how to help potty train a stubborn 2 1/2 year old little person?

It is really too cold here to leave him sans pants and underwear to figure things out. Plus, I think puddles may freeze on contact with our hardwood floors. The potty talk is being worked on via time outs in a chair as I type (literally).



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #78



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Helping Children with Joy Berry Books

There are often times as an adult when you are not entirely sure how to talk to a child about a certain topic. As a teacher, and especially now as a parent, I have learned to turn to books for assistance. Whether trying to help a child understand about a new sibling, moving, or even death, books offer an amazing resource for children of all ages.

When my grandfather was very ill, in the winter/spring of 2007, NHL was only three years old. NHL loved going to see Papa S. They would make animal sounds together, eat ice cream and just watching  people come and go outside in the courtyard. As Papa S’s health declined quickly, we knew that we had to talk to NHL about death. The first thing I did was e-mail my librarian friend to see if she could recommend book titles to use with NHL. We picked up a bunch of books at the library just in time to read them when my grandfather passed away. These books were beyond helpful. They not only broached the subject that was hard, but opened up the lines of communication. To this day, NHL still recalls items from those books.

We have also used books to help with emotions/behavior in the past. Recently, I was contacted by Joy Berry Enterprises and asked if I would like to review some of Ms. Berry’s books with my children. As an educator, I had seen some of her books in classrooms, but had never used them with my own children.

Joy Berry

 Here is a little more about Joy Berry:

Joy Berry, pioneering educator, trusted child-development and parenting specialist, is the bestselling author of Joy Berry books for children with more than 250 titles and 85 million copies of her books sold. Joy Berry’s lifelong mission is to help kids help themselves by providing he information and motivation children need to lead responsible lives. Simply put, Joy Berry knows kids!

"Children should be 100% responsible for all of their choices and decisions by the time they are 12 years of age." Joy Berry says, "In order for this to happen, parents need to encourage their children to make as many choices and decisions as possible as early in their lives as possible."

Joy Berry Classics is a collection of books from Joy’s works on living skills for children. Her titles have been broken down into 6 age appropriate series for toddler to tweens. The collections along with some example books are below:

  • Teach Me About, for Ages 1-3: Mealtime, Bedtime, Potty Training
  • Let’s Talk About, for Ages 4-5: Feeling Angry, Feeling Afraid, Being Patient
  • Help Me Be Good, for Ages 5-7: Being Rude, Being Messy, Being Selfish
  • A Fun and Easy Way, for Ages 7-10: Getting Good Grades, Doing Your Homework, Clean Your Room
  • Winning Skills, for Ages 11-12: Get Over It!, Work It!, Go For It!
  • Good Answers to Tough Questions, for ages 6-12: Moving, Divorce, Death, Disasters, Trauma, Substance Abuse

Within each of these series, there are 18-29 books that cover most major topics that a child will encounter within that age range.

My Thoughts:

We decided to try the Help Me Be Good Books with NHL.

Help Me Be Good Books

About this series from Joy Berry’s website:

Replacing Misbehavior with Good Behavior in Children Ages 5-7, Grades K-2

The normal egocentricity of young children often leads to misbehavior that evokes negative responses from others. These negative responses can lead to a destructive cycle of negative action and reaction. The purpose of the HMBG products is to break the cycle of negative action and reaction. This is accomplished by helping children replace misbehavior with acceptable behavior.

Each HMBG book:

  1. Defines a misbehavior
  2. Explains the cause of the misbehavior
  3. Discusses the negative effects of the misbehavior
  4. Offers suggestions for replacing the misbehavior with acceptable behavior

Now a 6 year old in first grade, NHL has learned some "interesting" and sometimes negative behaviors that need to be addressed carefully now. As a teacher, I know that if done the wrong way it will only increase the frequency of said behaviors. We were sent the following titles: Being a Bad Sport, Throwing Tantrums, Being Bossy, Showing Off, Interrupting, Overdoing It, and Lying.

I had seen some of Joy Berry’s books in classrooms that I have taught in before. This was the first time I had used them with my own children. I really like the way the books define what the book is about. First, you meet a character and are told that he/she is going to help you to understand and deal with said behavior. The books do just that. On the left page of each book is explanations about what may be an example of lying, being a bad sport, throwing a tantrum or so on. The right page has an illustration using the character you met and often dialogue with others dealing with or fixing said behavior.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, we were at my Aunt and Uncle’s house for Shabbat. They decided to take some games out. NHL was teamed up with Aunt S against Aunt A. The game involved a lot of strategy and planning. NHL is learning about this in chess, but at six is hard for him to understand completely. At one point he had a melt down and wanted to quit the game. He felt he was losing and was done. We all tried to explain to him that you have to do your best and you can not win every time.

That next day, I found the Joy Berry book about Being a Bad Sport and Tantrums and pulled them out. It was the perfect time to address this topic and discuss how it connected to what had happened the previous day. NHL was actively engaged in the book. It allowed for nice ideas to flow from both of us. Rather than a lecture about good behavior, it showed both sides of the puzzle and how a certain behavior looks on your end and the other side. Ms Berry also shows how to change to a positive bahavior and how this will be rewarded with peers and beyond.

I would highly recommend Joy Berry’s books to other parents to use with their children. My only complaint was I wish we had other books from the collection as things have cropped up. If we had had the entire collection we would have been able to use the CD that has the songs at the end of each book. I imagine that they would really help to bring home the message of the books in a catchy and fun way for children. Now we are thinking about purchasing the Do-It-Yourself Potty Training Kits for Big Boys to try with JSL.

Thank you to Ms. Berry for writing these books and helping children (and parents) for over 30 years and many more to come!


Disclosure: I received the 7 Joy Berry books mentioned above complimentary of Joy Berry Enterprises in order to facilitate this review. no other compensation was given. The opinions expressed in the review are my own feelings about the product that I tried.

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