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Passover shopping at Price Chopper

In less than a week, my family will be celebrating Passover. Thanks to that, this time of year can be quite hectic. TechyDad is in the midst of transforming our kitchen. It is time to get rid of our chametz and have only Kosher for Passover items. He cleans everything out, quarantines off non-Passover food, and will switch out our Passover pots and pans. This takes a lot of time and patience to do. Something that I really do not have a lot of – especially with everything else going on.

In addition to this, we have to shop for Passover food items. During Passover, we do not eat leavened foods and must make sure that meats, dairy and food other than fruits and vegetables are marked Kosher for Passover. In the past, this was a lot more difficult. As a child, I still remember going to the store and only seeing Matzoh and a few other items (like candy, cookies and cake) on the shelves. Over the last 5-10 years, this has changed drastically. Stores have started to carry a lot of different Passover foods. In the past, there may have been only an end cap at a store containing Passover food, now some stores have multiple aisles.

Passover shopping at Price Chopper

On Sunday, we went to two different Price Chopper stores in a search for some last minute Passover items. We needed Passover yogurt and cottage cheese. When we arrived at the second store, I decided to take out my camera and freak out the store share our adventure with you.

When we unsuccessfully finished looking for the yogurt (Dannon Naturals w/ Kosher for Passover stamp on them) and Price Chopper cottage cheese for Passover, I took out my camera. As we went around the corner, we were immediately met by the two large displays of Passover ready made cakes and cookies. It looks like a lot, but was not the only area with these items. When you go and look at the candy section there are more cookies, marshmallows, gum, and fruit snacks along with other items.

Lots of Passover goodies

From here, we went down the frozen food aisle. Almost half of the kosher frozen food section was filled with food for Pesach. I remember just a few years ago when there was just a small section of items. Now, you can find Dr. Pragers fish items (great for our kids), Meal Mart items including stuffed cabbage, vegetable soufles and much more.

Frozen food for Passover

Meanwhile, I was getting looks from some people. Not anyone in the store. No, my two year old was not a happy camper. This was his second grocery store of the day and he was tired and wanted to leave.

Mom, are we done yet?

On the other side of the aisle were spices, baking goods, canned items and boxed mixes. This year we are trying not to buy much if any of the packaged items. We want to try to limit these to only things for an emergency and focus on making healthier options.

A lot of choices this Passover

Of course, there was a lot of Gefilte Fish and tuna. Check out the price on Kosher for Passover tuna – Oy!

Canned fish for Passover

Then, we moved to the last aisle. Here, we found apple sauce, canned fruit, dried fruit, nuts, juices, soda and of course lots of Matzoh.

Passover shopping with the boys

Across from here was the butcher counter. Check our options (try not to collapse from the prices of kosher meat – thus the reason we are almost vegetarian at home). We picked up some of the Kosher Valley turkey to try. While I was at the Price Chopper blogging event a week ago it was suggested that we try this over the Empire turkey.

Kosher meat choices

In addition to this area, there was another large container with turkey and other meats for Passover time.

More meat options

Aside from the yogurt and cottage cheese, we only need fresh fruits and vegetables for Passover. Pretty much everything else is set, unless we want to try baking on our own.

So, will you come help us organize all of this for Passover now?  Please. . . I am willing to beg here!  For more posts about Passover from the past click here.


Disclosure: This shopping trip was a family adventure that was to Price Chopper for our Passover shopping. I decided to share our pictures to allow others to see how the world of Passover food shopping has changed. I received no compensation from Price Chopper and only wonder if anyone saw me with my camera while shopping.


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Moments with Mimi

A week ago Friday, I received a phone call from my father. He was on his way to my grandmother’s house because she fell down over another person’s wheelchair. 911 had to be called because she could not get up and was in a great deal of pain. After many tests, they were able to rule out several things. After a CAT scan, they found a double pelvic fracture. Mimi was in the hospital until mid last week. At that point, she was doing well enough to be transferred to a facility for rehab. She actually ended up going to the same home that my grandfather had been in for many years.

Fun time with Mimi

On Friday, the boys and I went to the home to see Mimi. When we arrived in her room, JSL clammed up. He stopped talking, would not look at people and was shaking. He had never been there before. NHL had actually been in the same room with Poppy S, but he was so little he would not remember it.

We stayed for a short time and then left to let Mimi rest. The next day, it was beautiful and we met Mimi outside for some air. Once again, we noted that JSL did the same thing. When he was near the wheelchair and Mimi, he was skittish at best. When he walked with Aunt S to her car for something, he perked up. Then, as he came closer to us, he stopped again. We talked with him about how Mimi was there to help her get better. In two year old terms, we told him that Mimi fell down and had a boo-boo that needed to get better by staying there. NHL had done something similar with Poppy S when he was in his wheelchair when NHL was about this age.

When we decided to go back to visit Sunday afternoon, we took a bag of tricks with us. We figured if JSL had some toys, he may be more comfortable. Here are both of the kids wearing their animal backpacks in to visit Mimi.

Heading in to see Mimi

It worked like magic. JSL was so excited to show Mimi his items that he was not nervous. He ran around, sang and even danced with NHL. NHL was singing Michael Jackson songs from his concert a few weeks ago. Here are both of the boys and Crush having some fun:

Playing while visiting Mimi

Then, it was time to say goodbye to Mimi and do some Passover shopping. Here’s to wishing Mimi a speedy recovery. The boys are looking forward to playing at her apartment when she goes back home. 


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Public schools – a dying breed

As a child, I went though public schools. Some people may not want to admit that, but I am proud to say that I went from kindergarten to a senior in high school in the same school district. Like most schools at the time, things were rough in the middle school level, but if you kept your nose clean it was easy to get a good education. I had opportunities in the high school that no other schools in the area, state or country were doing at the time. I learned so many amazing things during my time as a student in the public schools. I also had teachers that inspired me in my teaching career and beyond.

Save Our Schools

Today, I find myself sitting here scratching my head after recent events.

Last week, I went to a meeting at our school where they revealed drafts of the new budget. I sat at the meeting feeling more and more disgusted by the minute. I shook my head, worried about the future of the schools for my son and his peers. Right now, NHL’s school may be on the chopping block. 


That is a very good question. Something that I do not understand given the progress this school has made. It has steadily increased enrollement and done extremely well on state exams. The sad reality is this does not seem to matter in the district. They are willing to close one of the top performing schools because of the size.

Of course, the bigger issue is the cause of the budget issues. Like so many other school districts in New York state and beyond, budgets are being slashed. Thanks to sloppy work in the New York state government, the wrong amount of federal stimulus money was sent to districts thoughout the state last year. They were sent the money that should have been split over 2-3 years and they were JUST notified about this a few weeks ago. Don’t even get me started on how the individuals that screwed this up causing districts across the state to be short millions of dollars are still in their job. This is something I hope to continue to investigate.

The largest issue are the charter schools in our area that are sucking the tax money and literally killing off our public schools. What many people do not know is that charter schools are run by businesses, NOT educators. Where this may seem like a fabulous idea, it typically fails in the end. Tests are not developmentally appropriate for students, teachers are not licensed, business people run the school and make promises that can never be delivered. Worst yet – they correct their own state exams which are not audited (so DUH they do wonderfully). Having applied for a charter school teaching job I was floored with the line of questioning I received that had nothing to do with educating children. That is a topic for another day – we are talking major anger and pet peeve here.

For now though, my attention is on helping to save my school district and most importantly my son’s school. Here are some of the items on the chopping block with the first Tier of reductions even with another HIGH tax hike to all of us within the area:

  • Over 100 employees will be losing their jobs. This includes administrators, teachers, non-instructional staff, and substitute hall monitors. Note that last year over 100 also lost their job.
  • Discontinue Reading Recovery
  • Stop specials for PreK students (classroom teachers will be responsible for teaching art, music and I believe PE along with library)
  • Cuts in professional development and substitutes for this purpose (As a teacher, I do not know how this works when teachers are required by the state to have a certain number of continuing education credits)
  • Nurse teachers will be replaced by RNs.   At the meeting, the district speaker tried to say that they are not in the classroom. I beg to differ. The nurse teacher at my son’s school is an amazing woman that teaches health education, nutrition, distributes healthy snacks to the kids and is a fabulous resource for the kids when they need another trusted person to talk with.

Tier 2 of reducations get even more frightening and includes some of these items:

  • Close 2 elementary schools
  • Reduce sports programing by 50%
  • Cut Special Education Teacher Assistants
  • Close down K-7 Summer School
  • Get rid of Literacy and math coaches

For the record – even if everything in Tier 1 is nixed, there will not be enough money generated to stop Tier 2 from going forward. The reality is that both are likely needed to just get the district out of the deficit and keep things at a status quo. Today, people received notices that they will likely not have a job next year. The reality is harsh and as a parent I fear for our children. Public schools are a dying breed and it makes me horribly sad.

So I am now on a mission. I need to write letters, let my voice be heard and find a way to save not only our school, but our district that is in a horrible mess thanks to the economy and our bankrupt state.

My question to you. Where should I start? Who should I write to outside of the school district to let them know how they are failing the future of our state with their incompetent spending and constant cuts to education? Where do I send a letter to let them know the truth about Charter Schools and how they are slowly making public schools in our area dinosaurs that will not be seen?



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Coming out of my bloggy shell

For three years, I have been blogging and never actually stated where I live. This has partially been to protect my children/family. Plus, I’ll be honest, I never really felt the need to come out and say it. Could someone figure it out? No doubt people probably could have narrowed down the part of the country and possibly the state from photos of snow, places we go and so on.

Recently, things have been cropping up that have made me change my tune. The Disney Social Media Moms Celebration got my real name out there. In addition to this, local opportunities have come up and some big plans/projects are in the works. If I do not let places know about my three years of blogging history, it pretty much defeats the purpose of my hard work over the years. Of course, anyone really close to me knew who I was from the start. Will I have my full name on The Angel Forever? Not yet. Again, no real need for that. People that need to know will continue to get that information.

Coming out of my bloggy shell

Of course, the timing on this is really good. Recent events in my home state of New York have gotten me very angry. Born and raised in New York, it absolutely disgusts me when I watch the news and see how things are falling apart. Up until now I have stayed quiet about news events, but thanks to coming out of my bloggy shell I can vent, collaborate and work with others to see what more I can do via my blog and beyond.

Right now, my brain is in hyper mode. A recent PTA meeting at my son’s school has me disgusted. Budget cuts, broken political promises and powers that be who do not see how their actions will kill our schools. Ultimately, our children are the ones that will pay the price. You know, the children that are the future of not only New York State, but our country and world.

*sigh*  This is a topic that I will definitely be addressing another day. I will be looking to others for advice on where to go with the people from our school, to fight long and hard to save teachers, nurses, art/music and most importantly our school that may be on the chopping block.

So my question to you this week:

If you blog did you come out of your bloggy shell and tell people where you live and why did you this? If you always were upfront did you have any negative experiences with this?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #90

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Rainbow Brite is back

Flashback to the 80’s and what toys do you remember? A few that crop up in my mind immediately are Care Bears, Pound Puppies, He-Man, Cabbage Patch Kids, Nintendo and of course the very colorful Rainbow Brite who was created by Hallmark (a little known fact).

Did you know that Rainbow Brite is back for her 2010 debut?

Rainbow Brite 2010

Yes, you read that right. In February 2010, the new revamped Rainbow Brite doll collection was released in  Toys R’ Us and Target stores. Availability, free games/activities and more can be checked at Once again you can see Rainbow Brite and her two loyal friends Moonglow and Tickled Pink, and their  companion horse friends Starlite, Shimmer and Sunriser.

Once again Rainbow Brite is back empowering children to use their imaginations for adventure she spreads her message of courage, kindness and hope.

Yes, I have two little boys, but I am still happy to share a piece of my childhood with them. Thanks to Mom Select, my family and friends received Rainbow Brite CD packs that include Rainbow Brite games and activities.

Be sure to head over and check out the 2010 version of Rainbow Brite and friends. There is nothing like a little nostalgia from your childhood to make you smile.


Disclosure:I did not receive any compensation for this post. MomSelect supplied me with the Rainbow Brite CD packs for my family and friends. All opinions are 100% mine.

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