Category Archives looking back

My belated birthday dinner – four months later

Being a December baby, I am used to the snow altering plans for my birthday celebrations. The white nasty stuff put a damper on things this past year. It is hard to believe that, four months ago, we had almost two feet of snow dumped on us – happy birthday to me!

Heading out into the snow

Of course, the snow was just the start of the fun on that very cold and snowy December day. (Please note the extreme sarcasm here) While outside shoveling with my hubby, six year old NHL was hit near his eye with a shovel. I was inside the house baking my own cake when I heard screams and then saw a lot of red all over my child. A quick trip to the ER, glue and take out Chinese food rounded out the day.

He's a tough kiddo

TechyDad and I were supposed to go out for dinner at Hana Japanese restaurant, but it never happened. Things kept popping up and we pushed it off. Fast forward to Saturday when hubby and I left the kids with Nana and Papa and went out to dinner. We went to Hana and had an amazing dinner.

Belated B-day dinner in April

I had hibachi steak, while TechyDad opted for the hibachi salmon. We both started off with a bowl of miso soup. Everything was absolutely delicious. I made sure to save half of my meal for a lunch because I wanted to get something after dinner. Last year, we never made it to the local soft serve ice cream place. We packed up from dinner and went over. Both of us had the following:

Ice cream time

That would be a mint and chocolate swirl cone. I swear, it tasted like a Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie on a cone . . . it was amazing! When we were done with this, we went to Toys R Us for a kid free look around. JSL’s birthday is in a month, so we needed ideas without two kids telling what "I want" to everything they see.

All in all, my belated birthday dinner out was delightful. I told JL that I really liked the spring deal and not having to worry about driving to the celebration in snow and ice. Who knew a birthday outing could be so care free?! Thank you again to Mom and Dad for watching the kids, I know they had a blast with both of you.

So, do you go out to dinner for your birthday? What did you have for dinner on your last special day?


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Yom HaShoah 2010

Today, Jewish people around the world will unite to remember. We will recall the 6 million Jewish people that lost their lives during the Holocaust, along with the people that helped to save lives.  In the United States, Yom HaShoah it is more commonly called Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Growing up, my parents made it a point to teach my brother and me about the events of the Holocaust. We heard stories about relatives that had survived. Members of our synagogue were honored for being the Kinder that were transported out of Germany and other Nazi territories during the war. When I read The Diary of Anne Frank in fifth grade, I made it a point to read anything and everything I could on the subject. I wanted to know all that I could on the topic.

I still remember the day that one of my Hebrew School teachers rolled up the sleeve on her shirt and showed us the numbers etched on her arm. She and her husband had both survived time in Concentration Camps. The pain in her eyes was still there, but she made it a point to go into Jewish education to keep our traditions alive.

While in high school, I worked with my 11th Grade American History teacher to have a field trip for our class to see Schindler’s List. The power of Steven Spielberg’s movie in black and white still haunts me to this day. When I was teaching Language Arts, I made it a point to incorporate Lois Lowry’s Number the Stars in my curriculum. Teaching the history in this fictional book was powerful. My students connected and learned so much from this amazing novel. Many went on to read other books about this time period. Teaching about tolerance and learning about other religions and cultures through literature is an important goal in my educational philosophy. My hope is that others would not have to worry about living in the fear of hatred like I had at times as a child.

Today, I had planned on sharing a review of a book that was written by my Aunt’s father about his time during the Holocaust and World War II. The book by Herman Rothman is called Hitler’s Will. I read the book several months ago and was in awe of this amazing man. I want to be sure to do this right and will leave a teaser that a review and interview will be coming in the future. I hope to learn more about Hermie to share with my family and friends. It is my goal that NHL and JSL meet my aunt’s mother and father one day because they truly are special people. Knowing all that I do from the book, I am even more honored to say that Herman Rothman signed my Ketubah on my wedding day.

On this day, I hope that you will take a moment to remember the six million Jewish lives that were lost during this dark time in history. We must not forget and have to continue to teach our children about this period to make sure that it stops happening again and again in different parts of the world. It is only through educating children and fellow people about tolerance that this vicious cycle of hatred will end.


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The Great Debate – Roll Poll Results

When TechyDad and I got engaged, we had a few pieces of  "business" to take care of. One item that I insisted on: he HAD to put the toilet seat back down when he was done using the bathroom. I had heard too many stories of women going to sit down in the middle of the night, while half asleep,  and getting a rather unpleasant surprise. On the flip side, TechyDad had a demand of his own. He wanted the rolls of toilet paper to go over and not under. At the time, I preferred the roll going under, but was willing to give into his request. Now, almost 9 years later, we have both adjusted nicely to these bathroom rules of sort.

For months, I had been reading people on blog posting about Cottonelle’s campaign called The Great Debate or Roll Poll. People were asked whether they were part of Team Roll Over or Team Roll Under. The results of the Roll Poll are now in and it was not even close.

The Great Debate Results

Thanks to these results, Cottonelle has reformulated their toilet paper to be even softer and stronger than it previously was. This will help those of us that roll over to keep our paper in check.

Cottonelle Roll Over

The paper seems really soft and durable to me. Very easy to grasp when rolling over for my oldest son. I have to admit though, I really like the cute puppy on the packaging and the fact that Cottonelle has Box Tops for Education. It is always great to help support our school, even when selecting what to use when . . . well -er wiping our rears!

 So are you on the winning Team Roll Over or the less popular Team Roll Under?

BTW if you want to see some funny videos, check out the ones on the Cottonelle website. The boys and I laughed along with them.


Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Cottonelle and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the  time to participate. 

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Pesach 2010 is here

Monday evening, Jewish people will be celebrating with their family and friends at the first Passover Seder. Right now, we are still putting the final touches on getting our house ready for Pesach. Not a lot to do, but time consuming along with other items in our regular day to day routine. As I head off to get things done, I wanted to share some of the items that NHL has made at Hebrew School recently. 

Crafts from Hebrew School

  • Bag to put the afikomen in.
  • Seder plate that includes a shank bone and roasted egg made out of Model Magic
  • Poems and items from Dayenu! A Passover Haggadah For Families and Children by Carol Boyd Leon 
  • Kippah that NHL made

We are basically finished shopping for Passover and only need to stop by and get some fresh produce at one point. To read more about past Passover celebrations, please check out some additional posts from past years:

Chag Sameach Pesach to all of my family and friends that celebrate.


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TV interview and rally lessons

Dear NHL,

This week has been filled with a lot of ups and downs. We started the week off trying to get the word out about saving your school. Then we were told that the school was safe. Less than 24 hours later the threat to close things down was back in full force. It has been a very hard time for me to understand as an adult, I can not imagine how it has been as a six year old.

Yesterday afternoon when you got out of school, we were asked to stay around. People had been told that a local new station was coming to interview people about what was happening. Much to your surprise when they came and we were ready to leave, the reporter asked to talk with you. You were not nervous at all. You went right up to the camera, answered the questions and made me so proud. You told her that you liked gym, art, time outside at lunch, computers and math. I will admit, the teacher in me was a little nervous that it took you so long to mention the traditionally academic areas of your school day. You also saw how the news takes a longer interview and chops it to fit within a story that they air.

This morning we got up and went in the freezing cold temperatures to a rally to save your school. Parents, students and neighbors were there to let the media and others know that we are fighting to keep the school open. For two and a half hours you stayed outside and marched by the street, held signs and chanted in front of cameras and cars that went by to save your school.

Save our school

You had to regroup at one point, but once you sat down and talked with Daddy for a little while you were ready for more of the same. Today, you learned that in our country we are lucky to have the right to demonstrate our beliefs in this type of rally. I hope you know that Daddy, Mommy and the other adults are not going to back down. We are going to make sure that everyone knows that we will fight to the end to save your school.




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