Category Archives looking back

Denial of the 3 year old kind

In less than two week, I will once again be the mother of a three year old. My baby is going to be three and it is hitting me hard. When I turned thirty, there was too much going on in my life. A pregnancy scare distracted me from the realization of the milestone. Now, as my youngest turns three and our household is getting ready to leave being two year olds for good, I find myself sad.

Sure, for three years we have known that our family was complete, but I guess it never really hit until recently. It has just hit hard as we weed through baby clothing/toys and things to give away. In addition to this, JSL is signed up for nursery school next year. We took the plunge since both TechyDad and I believe it is important for his developmental and social growth. As much as I have looked forward to some time alone where I can go to NHL’s school and volunteer without my toddler, I am going to miss my little adventure buddy. I think it really is true, you do not appreciate what you have until it is gone or almost over. I have told myself to stop, enjoy and cherish these moments, but have I? I am not too sure about that really.

Covered in dirt after the playground

So excuse me for a little while. My two year old is grabbing my arm to head outside into the beautiful spring day that awaits us. I must make the most of these last few days with my two year old before he continues to three and many more milestones ahead of him.

First, I will wipe my eyes, give him a big hug and be so very thankful that I have had these almost three wonderful years at home being his Mommy. 


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Easy way to be green = reusable shopping bags

For at least two years, we have been trying to use reusable shopping bags whenever we go to the grocery store. At first, we picked up a few at the store and would forget them at home. Over time, we have obtained many bags and always have a few in the car for emergency trips to not only the grocery store, but any other location that we shop at.

April 22, 2010

It may seem odd, but we appear to have quite a little collection going. We have bags from Price Chopper, Wegmans, Hannaford, Trader Joes, Disney World, Target and one from Environsax (dream about owning more from them since they have so many gorgeous styles). Along the way, several have had to be retired from use, not being made as well as others, and being ruined from other uses. The reusable bags haul things to school, work for TechyDad, to Nana and Papa’s house when the boys stay there and other fun places near and far. No two bags are created equal and there are many different materials used to make them. We definitely have our favorites and know which do the best with frozen food, cans, boxed items or toys.

Of course, using reusable bags all the time does have a draw back or two. When you actually need a plastic bag for something, well it is often impossible to find one in our house. Those moments are few and far between, so we now keep a few plastic bags strategically located in our house. Of course, even the boys like the reusable bags. Check out the little guy playing with one the other day, and then resting by some on another shopping trip. 

Doing our best to be green

So my question to you this week:

Do you use reusable bags when you go shopping? If you use them, do you have a favorite brand/company? If you are not using them, is there a particular reason?

Please be sure to check out my Marcal Small Steps Products (great for Earth Month and beyond), National Geographic Little Kids, and Human Nature – Reach Out. Stay tuned because more will be coming next week.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #96

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Ultimate Blog Party ’10 – The After-Party

On Friday, April 9, I asked my readers if they were going to be joining in on the fun of:

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

That Aloha Friday question of the week also served as my official UBP10 post for the online festivities. I stayed up the evening it went live to put up my link and waited patiently while 5 Minutes For Mom were working out a few server issues. When the post finally was working properly, I linked up my #UBP10 post, put my Twitter name in and left a comment. My post was well into the 80’s within seconds, but I was the 13th comment on the post. During the week long event, over 2,300 people linked up on the original page. Now Janice and Susan are keeping the fun going. They are asking people to join them with the Ultimate Blog Party 2010 After-Party.

During the week, I spent time visiting many new blogs and meeting people  on Twitter. Here are a few of them in no particular order:

Jolly Green Mommy – Another teacher, turned SAHM who also happens to be Jewish and have a love for Disney. Love all of her toddler projects to do with the kids and kosher/vegetarian vegetarian menu ideas.

From the Same Nest – Written by two sisters about their lives as wives, mothers and sharing the items that they create in a humorous fashion. They had a hilarious UBP10 post that really caught my eye.

Kelly’s Lucky You – Another Mom that went to DisneySMMom that I wish I had met. Kelly writes about many topics including winning contests, getting free samples and getting the best value for your money. 

Kellys Button

There were many others, but these are three that came to my head right now. I must admit, I am a little tired right now. I went to sleep early last night (before 11) because I was not feeling well. At about 12:20, I woke up and heard TechyDad going to check on the boys. At about the same time, my cell phone did a beep or two from text messages. I looked quickly and saw it was a Tweet coming in. Seconds later another. This time I could see it was a mention (@TheAngelForever). Suddenly, I saw person after person congratulating me for being the Grand Prize winner of the Ultimate Blog Party 2010!

I yelled to TechyDad to see if his computer was still on (mine was off – go figure). He said it was, so I told him why. We went to check and see what was going on and sure enough, there I was listed as the Grand Prize winner. What did I win?

UBP10 Prize

The funny part, the post just 24 hours before was a wish list of practical  things I would really like. Check it out. . . item #2 (the first really just for me):

New Laptop – My laptop is on borrowed time. It is almost 5 years old and the letters are worn off (stickers have not helped either). Plus, the fan makes a horrid noise from time to time.

TechyDad and I both laughed that I should make a new blog post immediately with a wish for a big winning lotto ticket! Well a girl can dream, no?

Thank you again to everyone for coming by my blog, I hope to see you again soon – remember I love comments. Janice and Susan, thank you for the fabulous party. Seriously, I am not just saying that because I won the Grand Prize. I feel honored to have met you both at DisneySMMoms and enjoyed my chat with Susan that Friday after the conference. Now I will be able to finish my Disney posts on the snazzy new computer when I get it.


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The wishful spring thinking list

Spring has sprung and my mind has been wandering lately about things that I would like. Not sure why this seems to happen now, instead of in December when I am being quizzed about birthday and Chanukah presents. I guess it just means that I see more items between December and the spring that make my mind race. 

Spring Time Thinking

Here is a list of a few more realistic items that I would like. I say realistic because I will not put the Disney Alaskan Cruise on this list. Nor will I add in being a member of Disney Vacation Club (DVC). This girl will continue to dream about those for now. Another wish that will remain empty is a treadmill. I know I would use it, that is not the question. My issue is where to put it in our small house, Please add bigger house in another school district to my larger wish list. A treadmill or elliptical machine would fit in the upstairs room, but we really want to start utilizing that space for a play room/work area now that the boys are older.

So here is my list:

  • Swing set – Would love to have something in our yard for the boys to use. Sure, there are a lot of parks close by, but having something at home would be amazing. Before this could happen a tree or two (with berries) would need to be removed from our yard.
  • New Laptop – My laptop is on borrowed time. It is almost 5 years old and the letters are worn off (stickers have not helped either). Plus, the fan makes a horrid noise from time to time.
  • iPod Touch – I think it would be a great tool to have when out and about since we do not have iPhones or Blackberry phones. Of course, I would love a Blackberry, but the added $30 a month per phone is a bit much at this point.
  • Bike – When growing up, I loved to ride my bike. My bike is still at my parent’s house, but I do not think I would like it now. It was the 90’s style with ram horn handles and I am not into that these days. It may be great for TechyDad and I to get bikes for our anniversary to get out and exercise more as a family.
  • Season Passes for Six Flags – We had them last year and used them 3-4 times which paid for the expense. The boys love going to Wiggles World and it truly is fun for the entire family.
  •  Membership to Weight Watchers – Pure lazy behavior here. I need to get back on track. I have had success with the online plan, but it is a little more than we can afford right now thanks to home repairs that are needed and saving for nursery school in the fall.

So my Aloha Friday question for you today:

What is on your practical wish list and why?  Do you have any suggestions on bikes for TechyDad and I to get? We do not want to spend a fortune, but do want something that will last and give us enjoyment.

Please be sure to check out my National Geographic Little Kids and  Human Nature – Reach Out. Stay tuned because more will be coming next week.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #95

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Home Farming with some help from Triscuit

Six years ago this April, we bought our house and moved in by July. The following year, TechyDad wanted to start planting flowers and possibly some vegetables. Over the years, he and our oldest son, NHL, have attempted growing many different items. Each year, our biggest nemesis has been the neighborhood "wild" bunny family. These furry pests have destroyed many items over the years.

After the first attempt at putting them into the ground did not work, the boys tried to put them into pots that were off the ground. This did better, but there were still problems. Last year, our plants were in large pots on our front patio. Finally, we had items that  were successful. We had a bumper crop if jalapeno peppers, a lot of mint, several cucumbers and a handful of tomatoes.

Jalapeno Pepper Progress

With Earth Day coming next week, we will probably try to plant some items this coming weekend. Our 2010 home farm will likely be grown inside our covered porch. This will allow it to have plenty of light, but protect our plants from bunnies, birds and hail.

During the Spring and Summer, we always support our local Farmers Market and love the local and fresh produce. Still, there is just something extra delicious about items picked from our own garden. In addition to the savings, our children have also learned valuable science and life lessons from growing our own plants and vegetables.

Thanks to Mom Central, I recently found out about a Home Farming campaign that Triscuit is working on. I received one of the four million boxes of specially marked Triscuit boxes that contains seeds to help start our own Home Farm.

Home Farming with Triscuit

Here is more about the program:

In an attempt to help Americans celebrate the values of simple goodness found on farms and encourage the growing of fresh herbs and vegetables at home no matter where you live, Triscuit has launched the Home Farming Movement in collaboration with the non-profit organization Urban Framing. Together, Triscuit and Urban Farming plan to create 50 community-based home farms across the country in 2010 in order to connect communities through growing food together. 


To help get this fantastic program off the ground, Triscuit is putting plantable herbs seed cards in four million boxes of Triscuit crackers to be grown on home farms in backyards and balconies. With Earth Day right around the corner, this spring proves ideal for incorporating home growing values into your family’s life. Head to the Triscuit Home Farming Movement Web site,, for more information on how you can start your own home farm or get involved in the Movement.

So will you be joining in on the Home Farming movement this year? If you are what do you hope to plant this year in your garden?

Zucchini bread dreaming

I know that we will be planting the basil that was included on our Triscuit box along with tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and other items that we find. With any luck we will have more nutritious and delicious items to eat right after we pick them.  Happy planting!


Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Trisciut and receive the product necessary to facilitate my candid review. In addition, I received a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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