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Thank a teacher – Bing Teacher Appreciation Tour

As a classroom teacher, I spent a lot of my own money buying things for my classroom, students and beyond. It may have been a little here, and a little there, but it adds up quickly. Did I mind? Not one bit. To me it was part of my job and helped to make the classroom experience better for the kids.

My old classroom

Many people ask me why I became a teacher. It’s easy, I was inspired by my teachers. I loved how they spent each and every day trying to make us the best that we could be. They were the ones that taught me to read, write and have a fascination with the world around me. Although I am home with my boys right now, I am still a teacher at heart. When we go places, I am constantly thinking about lessons that could be taught. As I take photos, I inventory them for future use when I go back to teaching.

Right after I decided to stay home with my boys, I heard about This is an organization that works with teachers in the classroom to set up projects that need funding. Teachers submit plans for items that they need, you pick a classroom in need and donate money to them. buys the requested items for the classroom with the money donated and kids and teachers benefit. One of my teaching friends, CityStreams, did a project and wrote about it here. The possibilities are endless. Each teacher can submit an idea and donors help them to make their lesson plan a reality.

If you could take a minute to thank a teacher from your past or one that your child has now, would you? Would you do it if it meant you earned a $5 donation to that you could put toward any project of your choice?

Bing Education

Now that I have your attention, let me tell you you can participate. Here is more about the Bing Teacher Appreciation outreach with

Starting on May 19th, Bing is encouraging students and parents to recognize teachers who have made a difference in their lives through a new philanthropic campaign focused on supporting kids’ education. Bing has committed to a gift of up to $500,000 and teamed up with to provide both kids and adults with a way to express their thanks to a teacher and help another teacher or school in the process.

Visit to post a comment or share a story about a teacher who made a difference in your life (or the life of your child), and Bing will provide you with a $5 donation to, which can be applied toward any classroom project of your choice. Each visitor can leave up to 5 comments, resulting in a total donation of $25. At the end of June, Bing will aggregate the comments and share them with each teacher in the form of a congratulations letter.

It really is that simple. You go to the Bing website, thank a teacher, and soon after receive a $5 code to donate to any current project of your choice. So far I have sent thank you notes to NHL’s 1st grade teacher and the school Nurse Teacher. I will be doing an additional three to make sure that I get the $25 to donate by July 10.

Check out schools in your area. There are a lot in mine that are looking for donations. Right now, I am working with my son’s school to come up with a project. Why? Well, when I signed up for this Blog Tour I received a $100 code to use on I have donated with them before and seen projects that my teaching friends have accomplished thanks to them. I am looking forward to donating this $100 toward something that my children and others at our school will benefit from.

A big thank you to Bing for supporting teachers and all that we do in the classrooms to help the children that will be the leaders of the world in years to come. Now please do your part and thank some teachers to help classrooms that are in need. Let’s make sure that Bing donates the maximum amount to needy classrooms all over. 


Disclosure:  I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Bing and a $100 giving code to facilitate my review. Mom Central also sent me a thank-you gift certificate.

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Our Curious George Live Adventure

Ten years ago, I used to travel all around the northeast going near and far to hockey games. One of the places that we frequented a lot was Glens Falls. Their AHL hockey team and ours had a HUGE rivalry. Friends and I would go to see the hockey games there since it was so close and a fun, intense experience. Glens Falls is a small town and the Civic Center reminds me of old style arenas before the giant monsters were built. This building was made to house a hockey team and games and it shows.

Last night, the boys and I went back to the Glens Falls Civic Center to see Curious George Live. This was not only my first trip back since getting married/having two children, it was the first time I have gone there for something aside from hockey. When we walked into the front doors, I knew it would be different.

The boys were so excited to be able to go and see Curious George. JSL and I watched Curious George 2 early in the morning to get ready. Two Curious George stuffed friends also accompanied us on our adventure to see the live show.

Arriving at the show

What I had forgotten about the Civic Center is how steep the incline is and that there are NO railings to hold onto. This is no problem for most adults. TechyDad picked JSL up and carried him down the stairs to our front row seats. NHL and I walked slowly down together since neither of us wanted to accidentally knock the other off balance on the way down. When we arrived at our seats, we realized we had done well. We were not on the floor, but the area in front of us (by the hockey boards) was huge. The kids would be able to stand up and not disturb anyone throughout the show – SCORE!

View from our seats

Before the show started, we looked at the Curious George merchandise. The kids did not really need a hat or shirt (which were reasonably priced for a kids show). We toyed with a program, but knew NHL and JSL would fight to look at it. We said we would watch the first half of the show and see if we liked the music and possibly get the soundtrack from the production.

When the show started, both of the boys were ready. JSL stood up clutching his Curious George and did not move a muscle. He was leaned up against TechyDad’s leg and smiling away. It was funny listening to the audience react as familiar characters, like the Doorman, arrived on stage. Everyone cheered when The Man in the Yellow Hat came onto stage. I am sure they were excited to see him, but we all knew who would be coming soon afterward. Speaking of that, NHL cheered when the mischief making monkey made his way onto the stage!

Scenes from the first half

TechyDad and I immediately noted to each other that we really liked the catchy tunes from the show. The people that created the show did a fabulous job in several areas.

  • They used the narrator’s voice from the PBS show. It was like we were watching a giant, in-person episode of Curious George.
  • The dance choreography was great. Thanks to the actors and their bright costumes and props, it was nonstop fun for the entire audience.
  • Lots of subtle jokes/one liners tossed in that would go over kids head, but were definitely appreciated by adults paying attention.

When the first act was over, the boys all went up to buy the CD soundtrack. JSL was so excited about it, he would not let go of it and demanded to hold it the entire second act.

Happy with new music

The second act was a great wrap up of the adventure that George went on to Rome for the meatball contest. With a quick change of curtains, we went from the back of an airplane to the streets of Italy, and then into the meatball contest.

The fun costumes really were distinct in the second half. There was a Japanese style chef – a la Iron Chef, along with an Irish inspired one. Of course, Frankie and The Meatball Girls were hilarious. Nothing like an announcer with slick backed hair and dancing plates with spaghetti and meatballs.

Scenes from the second half

The show ended just before 8:30. It was just under a 90 minute show and perfect length for the kids. NHL and JSL were both exhausted when we arrived into the car. Both slept for part of the ride home as they fell asleep listening to our new Curious George Live Soundtrack. Thank you to Curious George Live for a fun filled family evening out!


Disclaimer: Last week I read about a giveaway on Albany Mommy’s website. I entered to win 4 free tickets and found out Saturday that I had won. A huge thank you to her for meeting up with me to get the tickets. No review of this was expected, we just wanted to share the fun family night that we had.

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Thank you on this Memorial Day and beyond

Too often we forget why we have this day off  and long weekend with family and friends. In the sunshine and fun we get caught up in the moment. Please stop for a while to remember the real reason for Memorial Day. 

Flags for our freedom

There is no hero braver than those that serve in our United States military to protect our rights. Far too many pay the ultimate price to defend our country and the rights that we have. To all of those that have served, lost their lives and the brave families behind them . . . .thank you! All of you are the real reason that we celebrate Memorial Day. 

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A wedding we will never forget

Dear NHL,

It seems like yesterday, Memorial Day weekend 2006. It was a very special weekend for our family. Uncle I was getting married, so Aunt M officially joined our crazy family. You decided to make things more interesting. On the car ride to the wedding, I noticed something. Your eye was glued shut. *sigh*  This was the beginning of what we now lovingly call the Buffalo jinx!

Not only did you have pink eye, but the next day you spiked a really high fever. You were miserable and we were quite worried. Our doctor called in medicine for you (assuming you had an ear infection) so we could get you ready for the wedding. That weekend we became quite familiar with many pharmacies in the Buffalo area. Each time we had to do medicine, you fought us. You did not want to take anything, but we forced the issue.

On the day of the wedding, I was not with you much. I went with Nana to get our hair done. When I came back, you were running around the hotel room playing. As I was almost ready to leave, your temperature started to go up again.  I felt so guilty, but I knew Daddy would take care of you with Nana and Papa’s help.

The next time I saw you, you were dressed in your cute little tux. You had a job to do. The two of us were in the wedding and going to walk down the aisle together. You were so adorable, even with your ultra pink cheeks. It was two months before you would be three, but you took your job seriously. You watched over the pillow with the ring making sure nothing happened to it.

May 28, 2006

Then, the moment we will all remember. Uncle I and Aunt M were under their chuppah. The room was quiet listening to the rabbi reciting the ceremony. Suddenly behind me, I heard a familiar little voice loudly declare "I need to go potty!" Oy! Daddy took you out quietly to the bathroom, where you apparently had no business to take care of. The two of you came back into the room and sat back down. Seconds later "I need to go potty!" boomed across the room again. Thankfully this time around, Daddy kept you out of the room. Both times the rabbi was quick on his feet and made a jokes about how these things in life happen and when you have to go, you have to go.

That night at the reception, even while sick and heavily medicated, you danced like a super star. You loved seeing all of our family and spending time with them. I’ll spare you with a few details of what happened when we forced your medicine at the dinner table. Let’s just say we learned our lesson the hard way.

Why did this come to mind today? One very important reason is yesterday was Uncle I and Aunt M’s 4th Anniversary (HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!), so it made me relive the day. Another is we are going to another wedding in a few weeks. This will be your second wedding and JSL’s first. Daddy and I already have a plan on where to sit so we can have a quick escape route just in case. You taught us a very valuable lesson at your first wedding. Now here is hoping that your second wedding is filled with healthy vibes, quiet little boys and is fun and memorable for different reasons. 




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