Category Archives looking back

Picking fresh fruit

During the summer, we often think about going to pick fruit in fields to eat fresh. My family does this since it is a great activity that we can all do together and have fun. My favorite is definitely cherry picking. While visiting my brother and his family we found a place that has mini-cherry trees that were perfect for picking.

Yum-o . . . . 22 pounds of cherries!

When we were finished, we had over 22 pounds of cherries! Seems like a lot, but they were oh so delicious and managed to get eaten up by all of us and others that we gave them to.

This year, we had hoped to get to strawberry picking, but other commitments did not allow for this. We have done it in the past.

The boys out in the field

Although I love strawberries, I am not a huge fan of picking them. Do not like getting down into the dirt with the bugs. It is also harder for the kids to grab them since they are so easy to squish.

Fun in the fruit fields is not limited to the summer, we also enjoy apple picking in the fall. This past year, we went apple picking for the first time with the boys and had a wonderful adventure. 

Apples on their heads

When we were finished, we had over 35 pounds of apples to eat, share, bake and make into different items.

With any luck, we should be going cherry picking again soon. Can not wait to see how the little kids do this time since they were in strollers on the last trip. This week’s question is inspired by all of the fruit picking adventures:

Do you go fruit picking with your family? If you do, what is your favorite item to get? If you have never gone, what do you wish you could go to pick fresh from the field?



BTW – Be sure to stop by and enter my Simply Go-Gurt Giveaway pack that ends on 7/14.


Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island<br />

Aloha #107

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The Mommy Moment (aka The moment I knew)

Do you remember that moment? You know, the moment you saw the line on the pregnancy test and knew that you were having a baby. I remember both times pretty well. 

Let me take you back to the end of December 2002. TechyDad and I had just gotten back from Las Vegas and were upset to learn that our digital camera had been stolen from our backpack while we were in the Pittsburgh airport coming home. We went to bed that night furious about the memories of Cows on Parade that were gone. Still, we both knew that the next morning our lives may change. We had bought a pregnancy test and I planned to use it first thing in the morning when I woke up.

At about 5 in the morning, I woke TechyDad up and told him that I had to use the bathroom. Unlike my usual self, I was having to make pretty frequent trips to the restroom. My teacher bladder had gone out the window, making us curious if I was indeed pregnant. So we went into the bathroom and I did my thing with the stick. We walked out and waited. When we both went back into the bathroom to check, we were greeted with a plus sign! We never took photos of that positive sign, but we did make calls to relatives at that early hour. We also made a special book of sonogram photos of NHL as he grew from a little bean shape into the little guy who would be born.

NHL at 4 days old

At the end of August 2006, just before I was heading back to teaching, I had a feeling that I was pregnant. We had bought a kit of ovulation and pregnancy tests to use. One morning, I left the bed and went into the bathroom while TechyDad still slept. I did the test and hardly had to wait. Within seconds I saw the following:


Yes, I took a picture later on. I planned to use this picture to e-mail to family and friends to announce that we were expecting our second little one. I did and it was fun seeing/hearing/reading their reactions. After I saw the positive test, I ran into the bedroom and woke TechyDad up telling him he was going to be a Daddy again! Over the next nine months, we took photos of me pregnant and kept the sonogram photos of the little guy who looked like this once he arrived on the scene. 

Sleeping JSL - about 10 days old

What did you keep, document, or take photos of when you were expecting? Did you take a photo of your pregnancy test, or dare I ask . . . do you still have it?  Yes, I’m serious. Apparently, people keep their positive pregnancy tests as keepsakes. When Mom Central asked people to sign up to tell people about our Mommy Moments, I signed up because it sounded like fun. As my baby days are behind me, I still cherish that time in my life.

Mom Central also let me in on the pregnancy test keeping thing. I had never heard of this before (I’m naive I guess) and E.P.T. is making it easier for those that want to keep their pregnancy test memories for years to come.

e.p.t Keepsake Case

Yes, if you go to the e.p.t.. website you can read about their keepsake case and products. Here is a little more information:

According to a recent survey commissioned by the makers of e.p.t. brand, the top three pregnancy keepsakes are ultrasound photos, items from the delivery day and at-home pregnancy tests.  What’s more, 67% of expectant mothers saved their at-home pregnancy test – the first proof that they were pregnant – for reasons ranging from showing it to a partner to saving it as a poignant life-milestone keepsake. Now, e.p.t. offers women a commemorative Keepsake Case and scrapbook card to mark the life-changing occasion (available with a mail-in proof-of-purchase).

I guess I am in the minority since I never saved my test longer than to take a photo for later use. Am I sad about this? No, not really since I have the memories of those magical moments to last me along with my two beautiful little boys.


Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of e.p.t. keepsake case. I received a keepsake case to facilitate my review (willing to donate to anyone interested) and will also be receiving a $20 gift card to for my participation. I look forward to donating this to a great charity close to my heart.

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Toy Story 3 as first movie

Memories of my first times going to see a movie in a theater and at a drive in still are strong. How about you, do you recall what the first movie you saw in a theater was or your child’s?

When NHL was three, we went to visit Aunt M and Uncle I, along with Nana and . Nana and Papa came along for an extra special visit. It was winter break, December 2006, and we were there for a long weekend. Since it was Christmas, there was not a lot going on. We decided to all take NHL to see his first movie in a theater. We saw Happy Feet. NHL was so excited, but he also wanted to see the potty several times during the show. I started blogging just months after this, and apparently we did not take photos at the movie (bad us – sorry NHL). Here is one from that trip of NHL baking cookies with Aunt M.

NHL making cookies with Aunt M - Dec 2006

Fast forward to July 4th. We decided to take JSL to see his first movie in a theater. He is a HUGE Toy Story fan. He has been in love with them since our trip to Disney in February when he met Buzz and Woody and rode on the Toy Story Midway Mania ride at Hollywood Studios. Sad to admit, I have not been to see a movie in a theater since Twilight was out (not even New Moon – nor Eclipse). The last movie I saw with NHL was Happy Feet, but he saw Horton Hears a Who and Up with Nana and Papa.

Sunday morning, we decided to go and see Toy Story 3 with the boys. We settled on a 1:50 start time and did not go to the 3D version. I had never been to the new theaters and thought the party room that was there was too cute (made me think of things to do for NHL’s B-day).

Party room at movies

Then, JSL modeled his Buzz Lightyear attire. Yes, he insisted on taking one of his Buzz figures with us.

Can you tell his favorite Toy Story character?

We walked down the hall to the theater. I received a few looks from people working at the theater as I took photos. I looked at one and said "I blog – therefore I take photos of my son’s first movie experience!"  He gave me a thumbs up and kept walking.

Heading to Toy Story 3

At first, JSL did not want to walk in. The darkness inside scared him a bit. We reassured him that it was not bad and he would see Buzz Lightyear, Woody and Friends inside.

Not too sure about this

There was hardly anyone inside when we got there (this would change as time went by). We opted to sit in the front row of the stadium seating area. We also went to the side near an escape area, just in case we needed it. This would prove to be a great place later on when JSL was antsy during an intense scene of the movie and wanted to stand up. JSL sat really well waiting for the movie to begin.

Is it show time yet?

After a few previews, he was getting a little upset and asked JL where Buzz Lightyear and Woody were. Luckily, they came on soon and he was very happy.

When we made it back to the car, JSL showed his age. My sweet little three year old passed out in the carseat on the way home. Note his Buzz Lightyear hat, shirt and Buzz toy firmly gripped in his hand.

My tired little Toy Story fan

If you have not seen Toy Story 3, we highly recommend it. Loved the way that Pixar has improved on this series with each sequel. Way to go Disney and thank you for all of the Toys Story Memories that we have from JSL’s first movie!

The boys did so well, I am thinking about taking them to the free movie tomorrow solo. Someone please hold me!


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3 Year Portrait Success

No matter what happens, I always cringe when it is time to get portraits done for the boys. Last year, it took us two takes to get them done for JSL. In the end, they came out really nicely. Of course, our experience with Sears Portrait – on the corporate level was less than satisfactory. Still, when it was time to go back for JSL’s 3 year portraits, we went back to Sears. Corporate may not be the best, but it is the people in the studio during the session that really matter.

Originally, I had wanted to get JSL’s portraits done the week after his birthday when my mother had the day off of work. That changed when JSL got hurt the Sunday before. We waited for time to heal his lip and tooth. Things were better and I decided to make an appointment before NHL was out of school. We are not sure if JSL’s tooth is going to get worse, so I wanted to get them in sooner rather than later.  I figured try to get it done one evening when TechyDad could go with me. I scheduled an appointment for early evening just about six weeks after his birthday.

Last Wednesday, JSL took a nap and woke up in a good mood. We packed his outfits and props and went to the local Sears studio. At first, JSL was shy with the photographer. Eventually, he got into the groove and was helping to put props into the shot. He really liked playing with the photographer. Our only problem was that he kept running out of the picture as soon as she was ready for the shot. Luckily, she was quick and got a bunch of fabulous pictures.

Here are views from our session. As you will see, they are watermarked from Sears, but I HAD to share them since you can see the character come out of JSL in the various poses. First were some with the giant 3, his favorite buddies and his Winnie the Pooh outfit.

Picnik collage

Then, we had a quick change of clothing to sport his new favorite Buzz Lightyear. 

Buzz Lightyear Time

Although there were a lot of pictures that we really liked, we quickly narrowed it down to one with the giant three and one close up shot. In addition to this, we received a free collage that had three other pictures that we had not purchased within it. With any luck, everything will come in properly and not damaged so we can pick them up and not worry about portraits until NHL’s 7th birthday in August.

Do you like getting portraits done? What are some tips that you have to a good session?

Always looking for some ideas since you never know what may happen next time.


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Sea lions and asthma weekend

Nothing like spending the night of your 9th anniversary on the road with your kids (please note the extreme sarcasm here). That is exactly what we were doing Thursday evening on our way to a long weekend with my in-laws. Not that I have anything against my in-laws, but the road from here to there is a bit nerve wracking to say the least. You see, travel from here to there requires driving through roads that border the Bronx and other parts of New York City, and going over two large bridges. By the time we arrived at the Long Island Expressway, I was curled up in a fetal position with my eyes closed and sprouting new gray hairs by the minute. My biggest mistake of the trip was opening my eyes at one point when TechyDad yelled out "Holy Cow!"  Let’s just say that NYC drivers are rather daring to say the least. Luckily, we arrived safely and got the kids into bed.

Friday morning, we all headed out to the Atlantis Aquarium. We had been there before when NHL was three (JSL’s age) and so much had changed. The boys had a lot of fun exploring things, but both really loved the sea lion show.

Sea Lion Show Fun

Those were a few of the pictures that I took with my camera. TechyDad took many more of the show, the kids and inside and out of the aquarium. No doubt he will be sharing them and the video of the sea lion doing her dance coming soon.

We had a very nice visit with my in-laws. I did not enjoy myself as much as I could have thanks to my asthma. Usually, I have issues there because of their dog. Lacey has passed away and I actually went there having lung issues. After my sinus infection came and went at my cousin’s wedding, my asthma really kicked into high gear. This seems to be something that happens with any small illness since I had the flu in October. It is safe to say that my rescue inhaler has become my best friend since I realized the cough was really my airways being constricted and needed to be opened from an asthma attack. The heat and humidity outside and even inside really made it difficult to breathe and sleep.This week I am hoping to call my allergy/asthma doctor to get an appointment. Obviously, I need some help getting my lungs up to speed and maintaining them if I get a cold or something else.

On that note, I am off to rest in my nice cool room and enjoy the AC that is making it a bit easier to breathe at the moment. More photos and items to share coming soon.


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