Confession time: Yesterday, I bought my first bottle of wine to consume at home for us and not a celebration like Passover (where I always drink grape juice with the kids).
Some people may be shocked with this considering I am 30-something. It’s not that I will not drink beverages with alcohol, it’s more or less that I have never found anything that I like enough. A lot are too strong, too sweet, too dry or something else. There is also the money factor. As a foodie, I would much rather spend my moolah on something food related than empty calories that I drink. You see, the boys do not like carbonated beverges. Thanks to this, we pretty much only have water and some vegetable juice options in the house.
The other night, I mentioned that I wished I had something in the house to drink. I wanted something to help me relax, but had nada. My friend Danny is the wine guru. She suggested that I try a peach wine. Hmmm…..I LOVE peach everything. This really intrigued me since I have fond memories of trips to Canada where I ordered Peach & Tea drinks (ice tea with peach schnapps – YUM!).
I shocked TechyDad yesterday and told him I was heading into a local wine store to look for a peach wine. I asked them for the one my friend mentioned, but they did not have it (it was called Sweet Vines and from California). They took me to an area that had New York wines, including a peach variety. This is what they had:
It is a peach wine from Glenora in the Finger Lakes region of New York (always nice to support the home state). I figured I would give it a shot and bought it. After I paid for it and was putting it under the stroller, I stood up and lost my balance. As I did this, I crashed my nose into the hard pastic on the stroller – ugh!
Last night, when the kids went to bed, TechyDad and I had our peach wine in classy clear plastic cups. (The wine was not kosher – GRRRR.) We sat on the couch drinking it while watching Hot in Cleveland. All I can say is that it was delicious. It was not too sweet, had a great peach flavor and did not sting when it went down like wines often do to me. We will definitely buy this again and may try some of the other varieties.
If you have any other wine suggestions, I would love to know. It’s not like I am going to drink often, but variety would be nice.
Thank you to my friend Danny for the suggestion – you rock!
P.S. Be sure to enter my two current giveaway for Breyer’s Smooth & Dreamy (4 winners) and for the book Potty Animals (5 winners). Oh and TechyDad is also having a $25 gift certificate giveaway for ABC Neckties!
As the mother of two little boys, I have had more than my share of emergency room visits. Whenever we go on vacation, I secretly hope and pray that we will not need to call our doctor, visit an emergency room or require a prescription medication. Our boys have tested this several times. At my brother’s wedding, NHL was very sick and nearly had to go to the ER.
Of course, JSL the over achieving little brother, who must always top his big brother (be it febrile seizures or trips to the ER) taught us something else in February. While at Disney World on our family vacation part of the Disney Social Media Moms Celebrations (#DisneySMMoms), he got hurt twice (about the incidents from TechyDad). Thanks to the injury, our family visited Disney World First Aid twice. We now know the care that we received at Disney went above and beyond other amusement park First Aid. Here is a summary of the February incidents:
Injury #1: We were in Animal Kingdom and JSL was wandering around following NHL. He was getting tired and slipped on his own two feet. He face-planted right onto the concrete below him. He was hysterical and I immediately saw his forehead swelling. Lucky for us, the Animal Kingdom (and all Disney Parks) has First Aid stations clearly marked. We were able to follow the signs right to where we needed to go. We signed in and the EMT helped us assess the injury. He was great talking with us and getting us several ice packs to reduce the swelling on JSL’s head. We went on our way and thanks to that gentleman, JSL eventually kept the pack of ice on for a long time.
Injury #2: While I was at the DisneySMMoms breakfast, I received a text from TechyDad. He wanted me to know that JSL had gotten hurt. My heart sank and I did not know what to do. Eventually, I found out that he had fallen out of our rental stroller head first onto the marble floor at the Polynesian Resort. The Cast Members within the Polynesian were awesome. They gave TechyDad ice for the injury and asked if he needed anything else. They also took information about us down. TechyDad opted to take JSL to EPCOT, where I was located and have him checked at their First Aid. He did not feel that a concussion was involved and likely looked worse than it was since it was the same spot. First Aid at EPCOT was great and reassuring to hubby. Later that night, when we arrived back into our room at the Polynesian Resort, the phone was flashing. On the phone was a message from the manager of the resort. He wanted to see how JSL was doing. A phone number was given and told to call at any time if we needed anything else. Kudos to Disney for amazing follow through!
Although I was impressed at the time with Disney’s clearly marked First Aid areas and EMT workers, along with supervisors that follow-up, it did not register until recently. I guess I assumed that all amusement park First Aid would be the same. Please insert me slapping myself in the head for being naive. SERIOUSLY!
On June 19, we were using our season passes for our local amusement park. We were having an amazing time. TechyDad and NHL went onto a roller coaster together (kind of like Big Thunder Mountain for Disney People to compare). When they got off the ride, NHL was upset. They explained that his head was hurt at the end of the ride. We all went to find a restroom and regroup. When I got out of the bathroom, NHL started to really complain about his head. I looked down and started to see BLOOD coming through his hair. The kid has thick hair. At the mention of blood, NHL began to get upset. Someone cleaning the bathrooms saw what was going on and asked if we needed help. I asked where First Aid was.
Let the drama begin.
The one and ONLY First Aid in this park was way at the back and they could not explain where it was. Sure it was on the map, but there were not clear signs pointing to it. (So spoiled from Disney experience) She went onto her walkie-talkie to ask First Aid to meet us. We waited there with our screaming child for 20-30 minutes. NHL would not let me really look and wanted them to see it. It was bad. They had to call numerous times and found that the original message was not relayed. FINALLY, someone showed up. NHL allowed him to look at the cut. It was long, but not too deep. I was given antibiotic cream to put on it and that was the end.
Of course, I wanted to know where the disconnect was. Why did it take SO long to have help? The system at this park had failed and we are lucky it was not a more serious injury. I went to fill out a paper on the way out with my concern. My timing was amazing. The head of the EMT for the park was there, along with the gentleman that had helped us. I learned that there were only FOUR EMT in the park that day with well over 10,000 guests. Please note, this park is not just an amusement park with rides, it also has a water park section with pools and more. I could not believe my ears. The head of the EMT thanked me for writing this concern and said she hoped that more people would because it needed to be addressed by the powers that be. I was told that I would receive an e-mail or call from someone soon.
To date, I have still NOT received a call from said Park. In addition to the note I wrote on official paper, I also called and left a voice mail last week for a supervisor of the park. Nobody has responded. My son was injured on a ride – his head was cut and we still do not know how on said roller coaster. They never addressed that and more importantly nothing has been said about the lack of emergency responder/First Aid personnel in the park. To say that I am a concerned season pass holder would be an understatment.
You may wonder why I am writing this. Well, it really is not to complain. It is more of a warning to people visiting amusement parks this summer season. Look at your map and surroundings. Make sure you know where First Aid locations are and NEVER assume that it will come to you in a timely fashion. Have you ever had a First Aid experience at an amusement park be it Disney, Busch Gardens, Six Flags or Sea World? Please share and let me know.
As much as I love to read now, I was a reluctant reader as a child. I did not like teachers telling me that I had to read so many books each month, or a specific title. Thankfully, there were books out there that made me want to read and keep at it. Beverly Cleary is an author that saved me for years. Thanks to her books, I was able to find characters that would keep me engaged in reading and laughing while I went. If you are not familiar with the name Beverly Cleary, you may remember her infamous Ramona Quimby. Ramona was the Junie B. Jones of my generation – only she keeps on giving. Ramona and her family and friends continue to keep generations of kids reading to see what quirky adventure she will go on. I have secretly been wishing and waiting for NHL (almost 7) to be ready to read the Ramona books to share the experience with him.
Several months ago, I heard that they were finishing up a movie called Ramona and Beezus. I had mixed emotions. Movies that are based on books often do not live up to my expectations (see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs – my favorite picture book). Of course, the Harry Potter movies have created a new level of book to movie phenomena. While teaching, I also did comparisons of books and Hollywood versions with my students (perfect Vehn Diagram opportunity for pre-writing). I knew that I had to see this movie.
Time went by and I heard bits and pieces about the movie. Then out of the blue, we were invited to a pre-screening of Ramona and Beezus (rated G) last week (it opens TODAY). The boys and I went, along with my Aunt S and grandmother to see Ramona and Beezus on the big screen. Thanks to the quick nature of this, I did not have time to reread the books, so my memories of Ramona are sketchy at best. When the movie began, I was instantly brought back to my childhood. Here was Ramona, Beezus, Picky Picky, Henry Higgins and the rest of the gang in front of my eyes. Thanks to Selena Gomez (Beezus in the movie), I have the official Ramona and Beezus Trailer to show you. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
What we thought:
Let me begin by saying that I really enjoyed the movie. Every time a new actor came onto the screen as a familiar character, I was taken a bit more into the wonderful and wacky world of Ramona Quimby. While watching the movie, I made a mental note that I had to find my old copies of the books to reread. The story of Ramona and Beezus is classic. There are two sisters realizing the important family bond as they move through some struggles in life to save their home. The movie really lives up to the tagline: "A Little Sister Goes A Long Way."
Joey King was Ramona and did a fabulous job in the role. She was cute, spunky and had the Ramona timing down. It really is hard to believe that this is her first motion picture appearance. The chemistry between Ramona and Beezus was also special in this film. Selena Gomez takes on the role of big sister Beezus and plays the perfect teenage counterpart to King’s Ramona. The two young ladies without a doubt brought the world of Ramona from the pages to the big screen.
Simply stated, director Elizabeth Allen created Ramona’s world in this film. She did a great job going from the serious scenes about the family losing their house, to Ramona’s day dreams and back to the silly water fight and lemonade scenes.
In addition to Joey King and Selena Gomez, the cast of actors in Ramona and Beezus helped this classic book come alive for fans of all ages. I am a long time fan of John Corbett and enjoyed seeing him as Robert Quimby. He showed his softer side and really had nice chemistry with Joey King, especially during the drawing scene with her. Bridget Moynahan was Dorothy Quimby. She played a serious mom, who could see the humor in a the antics of her quirky little girl. One of the best surprises in the movie was Ginnifer Goodwin in the role of Ramona’s beloved Aunt Bea. As a big fan of Big Love, it was nice seeing her spread her wings and show more of the comedic timing that is sometimes hinted at when playing Margene. Josh Duhamel as Hobart is a great counterpart to Goodwin and works well with the kids in the film. One other big surprise to me was Sandra Oh (Dr. Cristina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy) as Mrs. Meacham. As a teacher, I loved her portrayal of the straight-laced and slightly sarcastic Mrs. Meacham. Of course, I have to admit, I did see hints of Dr. Yang coming into the role – especially when she rolled her eyes a certain way.
Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. I do believe that Ramona fans of all ages will appreciate the book coming alive in front of their eyes. On the flip side, my almost seven year old son now wants to read the Ramona books. He had never heard of Ramona before the movie and is now excited to read more about this quirky little girl. Today, I will be heading out to get a copy of the book to use as the perfect summer read aloud now that we have seen the movie. Oh, I am purposely not telling you my favorite scenes from the movie since I do not want to spoil anything for you when you go and see it.
I highly recommend the movie Ramona and Beezus to people that grew up with Ramona and new fans alike (also a great summer family movie). The storyline and acting will help keep you in the land of Ramona Quimby and begging Beverly Cleary for more wonderful literary creations.
Disclosure: I received complementary passes for my family to see the pre-screening of Ramona and Beezus from the PR agency releasing the movie. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine. All pictures used with permission. Photos by Alan Markfield.
2010 Twentieth Century Fox and Walden Media, LLC. Was given special permission to use these photos after viewing the pre-screening of the movie as a member of the media.
When my son left school on his last day of first grade, we assumed he would be back there in September to see his friends, teachers and other members of this amazing school community. This assumption came to a screeching hault on Tuesday afternoon. After a fun filled morning out, I arrived home to a rather disturbing e-mail. Nothing could prepare me for this as I let out a rather frightening scream and tears fell down my face.
It seems our dear governor had pulled some powerful punches that would pretty much screw our entire school district. Rather than think about the children that this move would hurt, he kept signing off on item after item. Once again our district was being forced to make some rather disturbing decisions which may include closing one or more elementary schools, including ours.
I do believe that fire burst from my eyes as the anger increased. No, I never thought we were 100% safe until my child walked into school in September, but I NEVER expected this on going roller coaster. My son heard me and saw that I was upset. I had to explain in second grader terms that once again we did not know if his school would be opening again. My child asked me why. This was a tough one. I told him that for too many years members of the powers that be have sat back and allowed some businesses to come into our district and take children away from us. I told him that they pretend to be schools, but most of them are not. I promised him that I would do everything in my power to:
I asked NHL to go into the other room and play with JSL. I had some important phone calls to make. I started with the mayor and moved on down my list of community politicians. I left messages, talked with some people and then called a representative of our school district. I wanted to know what a concerned parent/citizen could do to wake up our community. Enough is enough! The truth needs to be heard and people need to stand together to stop the insanity. If we do not do this, not only will my son’s school be on the chopping block, but our entire public school system could be in danger. Our community needs to be the example to other parts of our state and I dare say the country. We need to get the right people to hear us and see how these money hungry businesses that are dressing up as educators are killing public schools across the nation.
Previous posts about the battle to save our school:
I have a confession, I am addicted to books. These are just some of the books that our boys have. Some were mine from teaching, others ones we have bought or received over the years. There are many other chapter books and adult books in storage for another day.
Of course, this is not really surprising since I am a teacher, but something you may not really know about me. My favorite class while getting my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education was Children’s Literature. Where else could you spend an entire semester talking about favorite childhood books, characters and authors? In addition to reading a lot of children’s books for the class, we also had to do a presentation on a picture book author and one on an author that writes for older children.
Who would you have picked for each of these?
For the first of mine, I wrote about Arnold Lobel. He is the author behind the long time favorites Frog and Toad. While Lobel is possibly most famous for the stories about this famous duo, he also won the 1981 Caldecott Medal for his book Fables. I learned a lot about his career and grew to love Frog and Toad even more.
My second presentation was on Lois Lowry. When I was in elementary school, I adored the Anastasia Krupnik. They were the books that I went to when I was older and had finished reading Beverly Cleary’s Ramona series. While in college, I found another book of Lois Lowry’s that will forever be one of my favorite books, Number The Stars. This historical fiction book about the Holocaust won the 1990 Newbery Medal. It is a powerful book that teaches children about the topic on a level that is perfect for them. I adored this book so much that I did several projects in college about it and then did a unit on it when teaching Language Arts a few years back. After looking over her website, I now see that I need to catch up on some of her latest books.
For many years, all I read were books for college, my classroom, and my own children. Even when I had time over the summer, I would sit down with a children’s chapter book to see what my students had been reading – you know like Harry Potter, The Series of Unfortunate Events and the list goes on. These days I do stop and read my own books by Debra Macomber, Mia King or dive into a little vampire life with a Sookie Stackhouse book, but the teacher in me always moves toward books to read with my children.
So now each Tuesday, I hope to bring you some books that we have read. Whether they are old favorites, newly released or something a little different we will be sharing them with you via:
I hope you will join me each week to share a favorite story and link up what you have been reading, whether with your children, at school or on your own. All books are welcome. See you next Tuesday when we share with you The All-American Jump and Jive Jig by M.P. Hueston.