Category Archives looking back

Lessons for the future – We will never forget

Dear NHL & JSL,

Today is September 11th. This is just another day to both of you, but for people like Mommy and Daddy, it was a day that changed the world we grew up in. Something pretty bad happened on that day nine years ago. When you are older, you will learn more about the specifics. Today, we remember the heroes that saved countless lives, and those that sadly lost their lives.

Most important today is to be able to show the world that people of the United States will continue on with life. We do not live in fear and will celebrate how our country banded together to support one another nine years ago today. Daddy and I will continue to teach both of you about other cultures and how important it is to learn and respect everyone within the melting pot that is The United States of America.

Twin Towers

We will never forget, but we will continue on and the reason we do is to teach other children like you tolerance and unity.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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Happy New Year 2010/5771

This is a scheduled post because I am really a figment of your imagination right now. Today, I will be celebrating the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana with my family. No doubt, at one point today, we will be eating some round challah with raisins and dippng apples into honey for a sweet New Year. This is a photo of NHL from last year as we celebrated with my parents.

NHL eats his apples with honey

Along with these traditions, we also hope to have some pomegranate. Here is an explanation from Ariela Pelaia’s guide of Rosh HaShanah Food Customs – Symbolic Foods of the Jewish New Year:

New Fruit

On the second night of Rosh Hashanah, we eat a "new fruit" – meaning, a fruit that has recently come into season but that we have not yet had the opportunity to eat. When we eat this new fruit, we say the shehechiyanu blessing thanking God for keeping us alive and bringing us to this season. This ritual reminds us to appreciate the fruits of the earth and being alive to enjoy them.

A pomegranate is often used as this new fruit. In the Bible, the Land of Israel is praised for its pomegranates. It is also said that this fruit contains 613 seeds just as there are 613 mitzvot. Another reason given for blessing and eating pomegranate on Rosh HaShanah is that we wish that our good deeds in the ensuing year will be as plentiful as the seeds of the pomegranate.

Ariela’s also writes on her blog called Baking and Books which is on hiatus right now. Always love her holiday inspired recipes.

So my questions to you this week is inspired by Rosh Hashanah:

If you were to pick a "new fruit" to try, which would you select? Have you ever tried pomegranates and did you like them?

To all of those celebrating Rosh Hashanah I wish you and your family a Happy and Sweet New Year.

Be sure to enter for a chance to win with my two giveaways –>  the What Are the Odds? kids music CD (ends 9/12) and Seventh Generation Back to School Kit (ends 9/16).



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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Island<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Aloha #116

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Phineas, Ferb and Kung Zhu Take 2

A little over a week ago, we had NHL’s family birthday party. As mentioned before, we planned on allowing time for the kids to play with the Kung Zhu’s that we were giving them. It was the perfect opportunity for them to do something fun while the adults talked.The day before the party, we came to the realization that it was just not possible to keep all items from our Kung Zhu universe out.

Battle Arena and Tanks

With a just starting to crawl baby and a few almost/barely three year olds in the mix, we decided to leave the Giant Battle Arena and the four tanks for all of the kids to enjoy. This really worked out well. As the kids were getting to know their Kung Zhu Hamsters, they were able to take turns with the tanks and use the battle area. Check out some of the action:

Some Kung Zhu battle action

The kids really did play with the Kung Zhu non-stop. I kept hearing them come into the kitchen as I was making things. Suddenly, I would look back and see a Kung Zhu and child run by. I think we kept the perfect amount of items out for our rather crowded space. The kids seemed to like the tanks and even tried putting them in the Battle Arena to see what would happen. I wish we had more photos, but they blurred a lot from chasing action – or TechyDad and I were in the kitchen getting things ready.

We had also planned on letting the kids make Kung Zhu inspired twinkie cakes, but due to two of the kids having food allergies it did not work out. NHL was disappointed with this and since there was no other Kung Zhu themed party things, I let him select another favorite. So Perry the Platypus, meet Azer, Thorn, and the rest of the Kung Zhu critters.

Phineas and Ferb B-day Style

There was also plenty of food for the humans and Kung Zhu’s to try. Of course, it makes me wonder if the Kung Zhu friends had anything to do with the great cake debacle. Hmmmm. . .

After playing and eating, it was time for presents.

Time for presents

NHL received some Ben Ten items, gift cards, books, a new lunch box and more to go with what he received on his actual birthday. Before we knew it, the time was up and everyone was heading home. We took lots of family photos at the end, which I will share later.

Thank you again to Kung Zhu and Mom Select for making this a second memorable party. 


Disclosure: This review (previously written) and party (part 1 and 2) were made possible by MomSelect and King Zhu. They provided me with all of the items shown above to throw the ultimate Kung Zhu party.The opinions expressed were mine and I received no other compensation.


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Meet the Divas – Twitter Edition w/Giveaway

On our bus ride back to the airport from the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in February, I saw several familiar faces. Among them were Cecelia and Bridgette. Then I realized that I not only knew them from their blogs and recent venture, they were the ones that had won a night IN Cinderella’s Castle. There they were holding the key, a glass slipper and sharing their magical memories with us.

We talked briefly about their new adventure with the Double Duty Divas. In August of 2009, while at BlogHer in Chicago, they decided to start this project together. To learn more about the Divas head over here.

When I arrived home from Disney, I went to the Double Duty Divas website and signed up to be a part of the group. While at BlogHer in NYC, I was supposed to go for a few minutes to meet up with the other Divas for coffee at Starbucks. Unfortunately, I had a prior commitment and was not able to get there in time. I was in one session with the ladies and Tweeted to them from the front of the room, but never got a chance to say hello.

One of the fabulous things about the Divas is they share with the community of bloggers. An example of this is going on right now!

Meet the Divas Twitter Edition

To help others to see who the Divas are within Twitter, the fabulous Double Duty Divas are having a Blog Tour promoting everyone on Twitter. So why not join in the fun? If you do, you have a chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card (Note: one winner will be randomly  selected from all participating blogs).

From the Divas: This is a Twitter only giveaway since Twitter followers is our main focus.  Readers can use this link to follow the participating Divas with one click.  When you click the link and are in the TweepML site,  you can uncheck individual Divas to not follow.

So, if you are a member of Twitter and want to have some fun, meet new people and have a chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card click on over and follow some of the other amazing Double Duty Divas. Leave me a comment with three members of the Divas that you are following on Twitter along with your Twitter name – it’s that easy!

Extra chances:

Since this is a collaborative giveaway you can get extra chances by going to other Divas blogs and entering at their posts. Come on back here and let me know where you entered for another entry. Please leave a comment for each comment on another bloggers post with a link. You may do this each time.

You may also Tweet the following for an addition entry: #Win a $20 Amazon GC from @DoubleDutyDivas Twitter follow. Open to everyone. @TheAngelForever #DDDivas

This opportunity will end on September 2, 2010 at 10:59 EST, so I have time to forward the entries to the head Divas to be included in the prize drawing. Good luck, have fun and happy Tweeting!


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