Category Archives looking back

Disney Junior – Live on Stage!

During our extended stay at Walt Disney World in March, we knew there was a new show at Hollywood Studios that we had to go to. Just a week or so before we arrived, the park opened up the revamped Disney Junior – Live on Stage! Prior to this, it had been a Playhouse Disney Live show, but was redone to go with the new branding.

The boys knew that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, and Little Einsteins would be back. JSL recalled the previous show and was upset that Tigger and Pooh were no longer included. This disappointment quickly went away thanks to something else.  A new Jake and the Never Land Pirates part would be in the show and intrigued all of us.

This was especially true after the Disney Junior Party during the Disney Social Media Moms event. That was where the boys met THE Sharkey and Bones.

Disney Junior Pirate Party  Sharkey and Bones

We knew that this show meant sitting on the floor, surrounded by other parents and children, but it was well worth it. Check out the excitement on JSL’s face just before the Jake and the Never Land Pirates section was coming on:

That happy little guy fell in love with all over again with his Disney Junior friends. Minutes later, the audience got really excited as Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Sharkey, and Bones came onto the stage.

Before we knew it, it was time for Captain Hook and Mr. Smee to add to the story line.

Now, I am kicking myself for not keeping the video on during the entire show. I will admit – my feet fell asleep sitting on the floor. Man, getting older is the pits. Anyway, thank you to Disney for creating a fun filled and interactive show that is perfect for young children.

Have you seen the Disney Junior Live Show? I would love to hear what you think.


Disclosure: Although we paid for our own trip to Disney World, we were given an incredible deal thanks to Disney. The sweet conference fee included 3 nights at the Grand Floridian, several meals for the entire family,  7 day park hoppers for everyone, conference/meals for me and some other items to take home. Also note that Disney never asked us to blog about this event. As a long time Disney fan, it is my pleasure to share my experiences from the event.

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Hello Four Year Old

Dear JSL,

As much as I begged you not to turn four, you have gone ahead and continued to grow up before my eyes. My baby is not a baby anymore and it is hard to imagine. It seems like you were born just yesterday and looked like this curled up in your Boppy.

Babay JSL

Now you are a four year old little boy determined to figure out everything before you. You want to know why, what, how, and everything in between. Of course, you always want to do things on your own. This year you have grown up and done so much. Here is a look at your third year.

To celebrate turning three, we took you to Build a Bear to make your first special friend. You picked out a puppy and HAD to have him be Buzz Lightyear. (May 2010)

JSL's first visit to Build-A-Bear

June is the month for weddings. Thanks to Cousin R getting married, you went to your first ever wedding. You were quite the party animal and loved dancing until we pulled you away to go to sleep for the night. (June 2010)

A lot of dancing going on

On the 4th of July, we took you to see your first movie at the theater. As a huge Buzz Lightyear fan, it was only fitting that Toy Story 3 marked this huge milestone. After all of the excitement you took what would become a very rare nap. (July 2010)

My tired little Toy Story fan

Your first ever nights away from home came in August when Mommy and Daddy both went to NYC for BlogHer. This was when you learned the word swag and met your recent best friend Eggbert – not seen below. (August 2010)

My Swag Kid

Your first time to school was met with a little bit of fear. Looking back, it is amazing to see how far you have come and how excited you get going to school these days. I will admit that I love my alone time, but I miss you when at school. The house is just too quiet. (September 2010)

Nursery school here he comes

Thank goodness you stayed healthy for Halloween this year. You were so happy to bounce like a Tigger and let everyone know you could act the part. (October 2010)

Proud little Tigger

Much to my surprise, you loved getting homework. Whether it was for speech, or a project you really got into it. For Thanksgiving, you made a poster to bring in to share with your friends at school. You were so excited to bring it in all by yourself. (November 2010)

Proud of his project

When it was time for your Chanukah party at school, Mimi and I went to watch you sing and dance. Of course, the surprise was on us when you and the rest of the boys stood there during the festivities. There must have been a pact signed by all of you not to do anything. It was still really cute to watch. (December 2010)

Time for some Chanukah snacks

There was a LOT of snow in January. We spent a lot of time digging out, but you also liked to play out in the cold. One of your favorite activities was the big brother sleigh ride. (January 2011)


Most of February was spent listening to you ask if we were going to Disney World. You knew that we were heading there for a conference, but you did not understand why we had to wait. I have to admit, I could not get that part either. To pass the time, we wore our Mickey ears and pretended to go to Disney to visit the characters and rides. (February 2011)

Ready to see Mickey

When we finally made it to Disney World, you were a different kiddo. You loved heading over to the characters and wanted to try any ride you could go on. So many happy memories from our family time together. (March 2011)

Time at Walt Disney World

You were home a lot in April, thanks to Passover. We spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you would eat, after a hunger strike. I think your face below shows my feelings for much of the events of the month. (April 2011)

The Face Says It All

Please excuse me if I cry today. It is just hard to believe that my little Pookaloo is now four years old. I love watching you grow up before my eyes and become a true personality plus. So grown up already

No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby boy. I love you my Super JSL Buzz Lightyear. Happy 4th birthday sweetie and here is to many more happy and wonderful memories ahead.




Past B-day posts to JSL:

If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />


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A Much Needed Mommy Field Trip

Yes, it is true. This mommy took herself, and a friend on a field trip the day before Mother’s Day. Some may call it selfish; others call it a must needed adventure. I call it being a GEM and knowing that I need ME time. Thanks to Rene Syler, I have realized that it is fine for me to need time away from my family. I love the boys, but this mama likes time with friends and having some additional estrogen in her life.

Lunch with Rene Syler and Christina

The reality is that a lot has changed since we got back from Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. At the time, I knew there were big changes coming,  but never could have imagined the way it would play out. We started to look at different schooling options for our son. After a major bullying incident, we had to look into this faster than we had intended. I am no longer associated with the local magazine for a variety of reasons.  What I realized during all of this chaos is that I love my family/friends and their place in my life. I also saw how people stepped up, helped me with things, and allowed me to laugh during a highly stressful time. Most important of all, I saw the power of women coming together. Reinventing myself is happening with each breath that I take.

Since we got back from Disney, I have been communicating with Rene Syler. Rene has been awesome cheering me on in the background as I embrace my inner GEM (Good Enough Mother). Her energy is contagious. At one point, Rene and I realized that we do not live too that far from one another. The Head GEM suggested that we meet for lunch one day. Before I knew it, Rene and I set a date for a Mommy Field Trip for the two of us and  Christina from Cutest Kid Ever.

This past Saturday, yes the day before Mother’s Day, we met at a restaurant. After lots of hugs, we sat down, ordered some drinks/food, and talked up a storm. We had a lot to chat about. Business, families, education, social media, fun, Disney, and pretty much anything else you can think of was on our agenda. Being bloggers, we all took turns taking photos of our food and other items:

Mommy Field Trip Food

Of course, being the social media groupies that we are, we also sent out some Tweets from the Mommy Field Trip. Here is the TwitPic that I captured of the beautiful Rene:

The Head GEM

Before we finished our meal, we asked someone in the restaurant to take a photo of us. We hoped to get one outside along the Hudson River, but needed one from inside. Here is a view from our Mommy Field Trip:


Before we knew it, the time had come to head out to our cars. Lots of hugs, some photos by the river, and promises to do this again. It was an amazing first ever Mommy Field Trip for me thanks to the women I was with. Thank you Rene for being an inspiration. I know that Christina and I will use your words of wisdom in the not too distant future. Thanks to you, I move forward one step at a time toward my GEM reinvention. Thank you for supporting me and my new projects that are yet to be seen.

Have you been on a Mommy Field Trip recently? If not, what are you waiting for?!


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Artist Appreciation

Growing up, I loved art class. I may not have been the best at drawing, but it was fun and helped me to relax. In elementary school, I would stress over my art work looking like my classmates. Middle school was a blur for a lot of reasons. High school changed things. My freshman Studio Art teacher was an amazing woman. She inspired me to be myself in my art. She told me not to worry about what others thought and enjoy.

Thanks to Ms. W, I continued on with art every year in high school. I took several classes that were on painting and, in my last year of high school, art, pottery, and sculpture filled the end of my day. Art classes were something that was a perk for me. I was lucky to go to a school that had a variety of options in high school. Then, in college, while working on my teaching degree, I took an Art & Learning course. This course was a lot of work, but oh so rewarding.

I remember studying different artists over the years during classes. My bedroom was decorated with Monet’s Water Lilies and I adored it. Art appreciation continues to be part of my life. JSL’s nursery school class recently completed a unit on artists. They studied Seurat (one of my favorites thanks to his dots) and here is JSL’s version of Mondrian:

Mondrian by JSL

So my question to you this week is inspired by my love of art:

Who is your favorite artist and why?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Island<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Aloha #150

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Graduations From My Past

I have a little secret. I never went to my two college graduations. As a transfer student planning a wedding, I had other items to occupy my time when I was finishing my undergraduate degree. When it was time for my graduate school ceremony, I was frugal and wanted to save the money for a fun vacation with my new husband.

Parents always think ahead about graduation moments for their children. I am no different. I dream about watching my boys in a cap and gown at the end of high school, but also college and beyond. My boys are young, so we have time to prepare for these bigger days. Still, kindergarten was a milestone for NHL. Just a few years ago, TechyDad and I sat in the school cafeteria to watch our oldest son finish his first year at elementary school. Some people may have cried as they walked their child into kindergarten the first time, I was more emotional at graduation.

Memories of Kindergarten Graduation 2009

I spent all that year calling NHL my Kindergarten Kid – and suddenly it was over. He was moving onto first grade and the more real side of elementary learning. He could read, write, and was learning about so many things. I even wrote about the poem that made me cry. To me, it symbolized the last day he was a little kid, he was moving up in the world.

May means that people are starting to think about graduations. College students are finishing up their tenure, high schools are starting to practice their ceremonies, and younger children will be moving from one school milestone to another. Although I do not need any graduation cards this year, many other may need some.

Tiny Prints Graduation

Now it is time to go. I need to cherish these moments with my children. Before I know it – they will be off to college and beyond!


Disclosure: I wrote this post as part of a Global Influence campaign for Tiny Prints. By sharing this information with my readers, I will also receive a Tiny Prints gift code to thank me for my participation. No other compensation has been given.

Global Influence Network

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