In New York, we go to school until the third week of June. It seems like other parts of the country have been out forever by the time we are just getting started. Do not fret, we all have to get in 180 days no matter what. If we have too many snow days here, we will have vacation days taken away.
Of course, this also means that the week after the kids end school stores like Target, Staples, CVS, and others are starting their Back-To-School flyers. When we walk into their stores, it is like a school supply factory came for a visit. When I was teaching, I loved this time of year. There was just something fun about getting new items for my classroom. Now, it seems like a chore. I know that if I do not snag these bargains now, I may not get them again.
So here we are not even into August and most of my son’s school supplies for third grade have been purchased. The Tweets from people questioning my purchases were priceless since it was still mid-July when I was buying items. The reality is that a 25 cent poly folder is a good deal when they are normally more than a dollar each.
Here is the list that came home with NHL on the last day of school:
- 6 Folders and 6 Composition Notebooks (see colors) labeled with subject and first and last name: Black & White (2), Red/Math, Green/Science, Yellow/Reading, Purple/Social Studies, Blue/Writing. Plastic Folder labeled “Take Home” folder Psssst – I bought all poly/plastic folders since they were on sale and will last.
- Looseleaf paper (wide line) – a constant supply will be needed At this age I fear how they may eat the paper. *sigh*
- Pencils No amount specified – in 1st grade it was at least 5 and 20 for second grade. I know kids and they use a lot more than that. Lots left from my classroom to hand off to NHL’s teacher.
- Erasers
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Colored Markers, 24 box of crayons or pencils
- Pencil pouch (zippered, soft kind)
- Glue sticks Whoa – no number required. I bought 8 for now, but have others from sales in past years.
- Three boxes of tissues
- Two rolls of paper towels
- 2 Dry Erase Expo Markers
- Old (but clean) sock (used as an eraser)
- $4.00 for Homework Planners, to be sent in a separate envelope
- $5.00 for National Geographic magazine My son is going to LOVE this!
- Curious how this compared to previous years? Here are old posts:
- 2009 1st grade – School Supplies – What’s on Your List?
- 2010 2nd grade – School Supply List 2010
NHL started this school at the end of last year, so I am not sure how this list compares with kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade in the building. I guess one day we will know with JSL. I recall, as a teacher, making my lists to send home to parents to buy. Now, I wonder how difficult of a task they may have had with certain items. Hmmm……
Love it, or hate it – what is on your child’s school supply list for the 2011-2012 school year? Inquiring minds would love to know.
I cringe thinking about next year because I will have a kindergarten kiddo and fourth grader to buy supplies for. Oy. They are growing up way too quickly. If anyone knows how to stop this, please let me know.