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Facebook Fallacies about Breast Cancer

If you are on Facebook, then you have probably witnessed some things that you are not fond of. Whether it is Farmville, Poking, or perhaps status memes that are alive and well. The reality is that many of these items are part of Facebook streams each and every day.

Recently, a blogger friend pointed out a new variation of one that is a pet peeve of mine. Basically, a private message is sent to people asking them to post something in their status message. This is what Irene was asked to do:

Women are supposed to put the number of their shoe size, followed by the word inches and a frowny face.

The basic thought by the person that created this status meme is that they are spreading breast cancer awareness. Are they? The reality is that the meme is secretive if you are just looking at it and does not help to get the word of awareness out. On The Crafting Hobbit, Irene really hits home about it in her post titled Breast Cancer Awareness is so much more than a Facebook Status.

So why am I mentioning this now?

1 – Breast cancer has personally hit my family. My Aunt S was diagnosed with it just weeks before NHL was born. She is now an eight year survivor who has battle scars to show her strength and courage. My great-grandmother was not as lucky. She was diagnosed when she was about my age and passed away when she was about 37 years old. My GYN asked me to get this history because she needed to know to schedule my first mammogram. Yes, it would seem likely that I will be getting mine within the next year. Of course, I plan on blogging about my experience to reinforce the importance of this testing and women’s health. My little guy gets to hug Aunt S today thanks to early detection.

Hugging Aunt S

2 – Then, there are women like Rene Syler of Good Enough Mother who shares her story. Rene opted to have a preventative mastectomy in 2007. Both of her parents were breast cancer survivors. Although Rene was not a carrier of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes (the only two linked to breast cancer to date), she made this decision and talks to women about how this changed her life. A reader on Good Enough Mother wrote in several months ago asking Rene about Preventative Mastectomy and she wrote about it. Lunch with Rene Syler

Much like Rene, Irene, who wrote the post I mentioned, is planning to have a double mastectomy this fall. Her mother is a breast cancer survivor, and her grandmother passed away from it at 36. She is a carrier of the BRCA2 mutation which gives her an 84% chance of developing breast cancer before she is 70. As the mother of an almost two year old, she is taking the preventative approach.

Irene and her son

These two women are brave and have shown their dedication to educating people about breast cancer. There are some amazing resources on The Crafting Hobbit and Good Enough Mother if you want to help yourself, a friend, or family member. Let’s remember cancer awareness and early detection is key for everyone.

So my question for you this week is:

Do you have a Facebook pet peeve? What is it and why does it bother you. Also, please pay tribute to any breast cancer heroes that are in your life. We can celebrate these people now, not just in October.

It's Me 
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Birthday Wishes for TechyDad – 2011

Today, I am breaking away from being completely wordless to wish my amazing husband, TechyDad, a happy birthday. For ten years, we have celebrated your big day as husband and wife. Eight years ago, we sat wondering on your special day when our first child would be born. Of course, that would be just two short weeks later.

Thank you for being the most amazing husband who gets my love for all things Disney and is now a proud NDD at The Disney Driven Life.

 Family Together

Fun Alone with NHL

Showing their guns before the castle

TechyDad and his boys

I love Tweeting to you and texting sweet nothings so the kids can not spell them while in the room. Wow, how things have changed in a few short years. I can not wait to sit and relax together on our belated 10th Anniversary trip without the kiddos.

Just the Two of Us

At least then you can sit by a slightly larger pool and not worry about getting hit in the head with a water toy by the boys.

 Pool relaxation attempt

The boys are so lucky to have you as their father. It isn’t every parent that would go running into the splash area at the park.

Fun at the park

Thank you for being the man of my dreams and riding this adventure of a life with me. I love with with all of my heart and hope to have many more amazing years together.


Your Angel Forever


Previous Birthday Posts to TechyDad:

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Tuesday Tales – Thank You Harry Potter


Tuesday Tales

As I wrote a few weeks ago, Harry Potter grew up along with me. As Harry went through Hogwarts, I graduated from earned two college degrees, got married, became a teacher, had two children, and the list goes on. I started the series while I was still in college getting my teaching degree. Then, I read the fourth book as my water broke for NHL’s arrival in August 2003. I still remember devouring the last book as I nursed JSL in the summer of 2007. So many memories.

One may have assumed that I rushed out to see all of the movies when they were released. That would be a bad assumption. While I have seen all seven of the previous movies, I had never seen any of them before they were released on DVD. I am happy to report that I finally broke that this past weekend. TechyDad and I were able to go on a movie date while Nana and Papa watched the kids. We went to witness the final chapter of this saga on the big screen.


I was excited and nervous about seeing this film. Would it live up to my expectations from the last book? Would I resent Hollywood for the way they represented some very intense moments? Would I cry like a baby? So many things were running through my mind as the movie started.

In the end, I loved the movie. It lived up to my expectations and more. It was powerful, made me feel like I was in their world, and the acting fantastic. I will also admit that I fell more in love with the actor that plays Severus Snape.

*Gasp*  I know – I just admitted I like Snape. I am completely fascinated with Alan Rickman’s portrayal of the professor that everyone loves to hate. I also find it interesting that Lord Voldemort was played by Ralph Fiennes, who played one of the horrid Nazi’s in the Academy Award winning Schindler’s List. While looking around online, I found this History of Snape video and adore it. I had chills watching this with interviews from many actors in Harry Potter actors and J.K. Rowling. Enjoy!

Although seeing this final movie was sad, it helped me to close this chapter of my Harry Potter life. Of course, now I am even more excited to share the wonderful world of Harry Potter with my boys as they grow up. NHL has seen the first movie and is now quite intrigued with the series. I think we may do a read aloud of the books soon. TechyDad wrote about NHL confusing something from Harry Potter and the world of the Smurfs – really he did.

Please feel free to share your favorite Harry Potter moment from the past, present, or possibly future. I would love to hear them.

What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Book Posts, and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.

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Disclosure: For the record, I did have tears in my eyes for several parts of the movie. Highly recommend seeing this movie and bringing tissues or a good sleeve to wipe your eyes.

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The Help – Coming August 10 (Giveaway)

Back in the October, I read a book that really left a mark on me. It was called The Help by Kathryn Stockett. When I finished listening to The Help I had to wait to read another book for a while. The messages within the book were beyond powerful. The amazing women depicted in it blew me away and I did not want it to end.


Soon after this, I started to hear that the book was being made into a movie and would be out this coming summer. I will admit, I was excited and nervous. You see, as a teacher, I’m often skeptical about books being turned into movies.


On August 10, 2011, The Help will burst into the movies for all to see. I was lucky enough to see it last Thursday during a screening. I am not allowed to say anything now, but I can share a preview with you:

My suggestion: if you have not read The Help, please do so. Read it with a group of friends, talk about it, and then make a girls night out to see the movie. There is even a free book club kit to use while enjoying the book. It has fun facts about the book, along with some recipes to test out. You can also keep up to date on the movie release with The Help Movie page on Facebook.


While waiting for the official release date of The Help, the PR agency at Dream Works would like to add a bit of fun for you. One of you has a chance to win the following  prize pack which includes:

  • The Help t-shirt in adult femal sizes S, M, L, or XL
  • The Help pocket jotter & pen
  • The Help fan
  • The Help nail file/mirror
    The Help Giveaway Items

Rules for Giveaway:

  • MAIN RULE – If you have read The Help, which character are you most excited to see come alive on the big screen? If you have not read the book, why are you hoping to see the movie?
    The following Bonus Entries may also be done. Please be sure to leave separate comments for each that you complete below to make sure you get the right number of entries.

  • 2 Bonus Entries – Follow me, TheAngelForever, on Twitter and let me know you Twitter ID.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Tweet the following about the giveaway (May be done up to three times a day): Change begins with a whisper – #TheHelpMovie comes out on Aug 10.  #Giveaway on @TheAngelForever for a prize pack
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Follow Help Movie on Twitter and leave your Twitter ID in a comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Leave a comment on any of my non-giveaway posts from the month of July or August. Leave a comment here to let me know which one. This Bonus entry may be done up to three times.
  • 3 Bonus Entries – Add my blog button to your website and/or add me to your blogroll. Be sure to leave a link with the location.

To enter, please follow the rules above within the comment section. Contest starts today August 1, 2011 and ends at 10:59 EST on August 15 , 2011. You do not have to be a blogger to enter, but must leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you for mailing address once the giveaway is over. I will select the winner using and contact you via e-mail. You will have 48 hours to claim the prize. If there is no response, another winner will be selected. Open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.

As always to keep up to speed on giveaways and other items, Like The Angel Forever on Facebook.


Disclosure: PR from DreamWorks sent me media information about The Help and asked me to conduct a giveaway for my readers. As a fan of the book, I wanted to offer this opportunity to all of you. No compensation was given, and all opinions are mine.

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Tuesday Tales – Goodbye Borders

Tuesday Tales

As a teacher, I received a lot of gift cards to the local book stores. The most popular, for a while, was Borders. I was able to go and shop for myself, my classroom, and my family. With my free Borders reward card and teacher discount, it was a nice place to go and play.

No more Borders rewards

When NHL was little, we used to go to Borders and spend a lot of time there. He would wander around the store, practice walking, or nap in his stroller while I would gawk at books to use in my classroom. When we would go to our local mall, we would always park by Borders. The kids always begged for a new book. Sad to say that TechyDad and I often caved at the bargain book section – especially before a trip away.

When we heard that Borders was going to close and start to liquidate their inventory, we figured we would head over there to see what was going on. The first day of the sale was during the heat wave, so it was the perfect location to spend time walking up and down the aisles.

Something caught me off guard. NHL, almost 8, asked me why Borders was going to close. I told him that sometimes businesses are not able to stay open, so they are going to be closing all of their stores. He was visibly upset and told me that he was sad. He stood there in the store recalling times that we had gone there together. He remembered books that we had bought, events we had participated in there, and on and on.

We walked around looking for something to get the boys. I was intrigued with some math/reading books for NHL, but passed. Instead, we got him a new Sudoku book for the summer and beyond. Then, I noticed the Geronimo Stilton books from Scholastic. My eyes noticed the one on Niagara Falls. NHL eventually agreed that he wanted to try that chapter book since it looked interesting and very different. Then, it was time to find something for JSL. He fell in love with a Winnie the Pooh book about the new movie. I agreed and he is in love with the Read-Along CD. He has never used one of these before and loves the character voices telling him the story for independent reading.


I also picked up a non-book item for TechyDad. They had Envirosax. They happened to sell the Sesame Street variety there. I was in luck, they had one of the Grover bags left, so grabbed it.

While paying, it was sad to realize that this was the last time I will use a gift card at Borders. It may be the last time we buy something at Borders. Of course, the memories of the times spent there, and the books we will continue to read that we bought there will live on.

What memories do you have of Borders? Did you go to their Harry Potter or Twilight Parties? Will you be going to their sale to see about getting some books to put away?

What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Book Posts, and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.


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