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Talking to Kids About Current Events

Current events are a tricky topic to talk about with children. They need to know what is happening in the world, but, let’s be honest, the news can be a scary thing for even an adult to watch. The other day, we were visiting Nana and Papa’s house and CNN or another news channel happened to be on. I quickly shuttled NHL and JSL away from the television. They were showing some graphic scenes from Syria. In addition to this, they were talking about things in Israel that may scare my children. NHL knows that we have family there and I do not want him to be upset over something he will not understand.

Current EventsI certainly can not shelter my children from the world around us, but as their parent I need to help them to get doses of it that are developmentally appropriate. Of course, the news and current events can be a great way to start conversations. The untimely death of Whitney Houston can be the starting point for talks with children about addiction. Discussing how they can always turn to you, that you will always be there should they be faced with making a hard decision in a social situation.

This reminded me of something I wrote for another project just over a year ago. It was from mid-January 2011. One year later, I could have written it about a number of different events or items that have take place.


Last Saturday, the world stood still as we learned about the chilling events in Tucson, Arizona. So many lives lost, and others forever changed. After other tragedies, I remember being glued to the 24 hour news channels. I lived in front of CNN and MSNBC after the Columbine shootings and events of 911.

This time was different

I wanted to learn more, but I had a problem. My 3 and 7 year old children were around and I did not want to scare them with the news. My husband and I did not talk about anything with NHL. I kept trying to think about what I should say to my 7 year old, but there were no words..

911-MemorialThis made me flashback to September 11, 2001. A day that everyone will forever remember. I was a substitute teacher that day in a first grade classroom. The teacher I was in for was overseas at a wedding. I was scheduled to be in for 1-2 days. As I was teaching that morning, the principal stepped in with a note about what had happened. At lunch, we discussed that we would not talk about anything until the kids went home to their families. The next day, the kids came in. Several had seen news with the planes crashing into the Twin Towers. They knew their teacher was on a plane that day. Counselors came into the classroom and the kids were reassured that their teacher was safe and would be back the following week.

As I watched the moment of silence covered on Monday, I wondered if NHL’s school would observe this. They did, and he came home that evening asking questions. He wanted to know what it was about. I sat there wondering what he had been told, and even more curious about what I was going to say. In the end, I told him that something bad had happened Saturday. A lot of innocent people had been hurt, and several were killed. I told him that everyone stopped for that time to remember those people and to hope that those injured would get better soon. No more was said since he seemed content with this explanation. Still, I worry about what he will hear in school. Kids talk, don’t know the facts, and scare each other with inaccuracies.

How do you talk to your children about current events? Do you tell them everything, let them watch the news, or try give only details that they need to know?

It's Me

Disclosure: This post was previously published on a project I worked on during the time when Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Arizona. The text is mostly the same, but I placed a new introduction for events happening one year later.

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Tuesday Tales – Shiver Me Letters A Pirate ABC

P1060933For almost a year now, my little guy has been quite into all things having to do with Pirates. When we made his birthday party, his request was for a Jake and the Never Land Pirates theme. Of course, Jake was new on the scene. Thanks to this, we had to improvise.

Once again, Pirates are on JSL’s mind. Yesterday, he wore his Jake shirt for the premier of Peter Pan Returns. Yes, Peter Pan finally arrives on the scene with Jake and the Never Land Pirates. This is a huge event in a four year old’s world.

The popularity of all things pirates is evident when you see all of the pirate themed birthday items, costumes, and lots and lots of books. Yes, authors are reaching out to new landlubbers to take them on an adventure with their own cast of pirate friends.

Last year, a Scholastic Book Club flyer came home and a book caught my eye. When I saw the title by June Sobel, I knew it was being purchased for our family. Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC seemed like a perfect book to help my little pirate loving child to immerse himself into his alphabet learning through literacy.

Shiver Me Letters - A Pirate ABC

This book is now a family favorite. Big brother NHL even likes to practice his pirate talk when reading this fun tale to JSL. The pirate adventure begins with the captain of the pirate ship ordering his crew to find him more letters. After all, a pirate does need more than just his R’s you know. The bright, cheerful illustrations by Henry Cole add another dimension to the story. What I really enjoyed was allowing JSL to search for each new letter within the pages. This helped him with letter recognition and gave us time to talk about what we could see within each page we turned.

Pirates teaching ABCs

As an educator, I love picture books that tell a story, captivate their audience, and teach children at the same time. Shiver Me Letters certainly does this and more. What I also adore is that June Sobel has a page on her website for teachers. Here you can find some great items to print and pointers to use when reading this with your class. She also linked up to Scholastic’s PDF with Read Aloud Activities to accompany the book. I have a feeling that JSL and I may have an alphabet treasure hunt next week during break. I know NHL would love to help us to make a map and I think it would be a great activity for all of us to do. I highly recommend this book to use with preschool and kindergarten age children to reinforce alphabet recognition and to create fun adventures with pirates and letters.

The End

What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.

It's Me

Disclosure: An Amazon Affiliate link is included in this post for the book mentioned. I will receive a percentage of money for the sale should you opt to buy the book through that link. We bought this book on our own from Scholastic and know it is on our gift list for other children.

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Falling in Love with Disney

My first real memory of a trip to Walt Disney World was when I was in kindergarten. Of course, I had actually been there several times before that. My parents have a cool 1970’s style photo album that they turned into a scrapbook of my adventures there. There are photos of me running around the Contemporary Resort kiddie pool, taking a big sister only trip with my parents, and more. Still, my memories are of a family trip with another family. I remember going to Chef Mickey in what would eventually become Downtown Disney.

Hello Chip

Epcot had just opened and I fell madly in love with Dreamfinder and a cute purple dragon named Figment.

 Dreamfinder and Figment

My love for Figment held on during that trip when it was time to pick something special out. The figment I am holding below was the special friend I picked out from a bribe my father made with me for going on Space Mountain.

Holding my Figment

Growing up at Walt Disney World, I watched as it went from one park to four over the years. The Contemporary Resort and Polynesian Resort soon had more and more resorts cropping up throughout the sprawling land that Walt Disney had purchased in Florida. Going to Orlando and spending time at Walt Disney World with my mother, father, and brother was priceless. It was a place where we were carefree, all kids at heart, and my father and mother laughed, smiled, and were relaxed. Memories of my father leaving his lens cap on during the Hoop-De-Do Review always make us laugh. Then there was soaring high over the Seven Seas Lagoon with my brother as we went parasailing for the first time. Classic times that were even more magical at Disney.

It’s no wonder that TechyDad and I picked Walt Disney World as our honeymoon destination. He had never been and I wanted to share my passion for this special place. I do not think it took a day and he was hooked. We even had a special tenth anniversary trip planned there in September. Unfortunately, that trip was canceled thanks to Hurricane Irene.

 Disney Honeymoon

Now we both have watched as our two boys have caught the Disney bug. We have watched NHL and JSL meet characters, grow big enough to try out new rides, and many other items with us.

 Disney 2011

There are other places that we could go on family vacations, but each time is unique and provides us with special moments. Disney World is like a home away from home where we can forget about our troubles and enjoy time together.

So now it is your turn. What made you fall in love with Disney? Feel free to share a story, link up to a funny memory, or anything else in the comments.


It's Me

P.S. A huge thank you to Mariana from The Domestic Buzz for creating this magical Blog Hop!

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Counting Down the Days to Disney

To tell the kids or not to tell the kids? That is often the question that many families contemplate as they plan a Walt Disney World vacation. I will admit, as we finalized our plans to go to the 2012 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, I was not sure what to do.

 The last day at Disney 2011

I wondered how I would be able to keep this BIG secret from my boys. I always watch the videos of people surprising their children the day of and wonder how they do it. TechyDad and I just did not think it would work for several reasons.

  • Our house is not large enough to have a secret packing area. Packing for a big trip is stressful enough in a smaller house. I could not even imagine trying to do it while in stealth mode.
  • How does one talk to teachers and others at school about missed days, but not tell their child? My eight year old would know something was up as I went into school and came out with a load of work.
  • I am WAY too excited and can’t stop thinking about everything. I wanted to be able to share the magical planning and joy in my heart with the kids now. Winter can be depressing enough, so having something to look forward to as a family seemed like a great idea.

There were other items on my mind, but those were the biggest things. To date, we have never been able to keep a Disney trip a secret from the boys for long and I think it has been the right decision for our family. When we told the boys that we were going to Disney World, their faces lit up. Then, they wanted to know when and how many days away it was. Chatter about rides to visit, places to explore, and Hidden Mickeys to find have dominated things in recent days. The boys sit together and read planning guides and think about how they will notice a new Hidden Mickey in their adventures.

Researching Disney trip

Each day, they recite how many days are left until we head to see our favorite destination. Excitement is definitely in the air. At eight, NHL gets that we have just under three months until we go to Disney. JSL is only four and does not quite get it. I have thought about making a Mickey Ears paper chain to help us count down the days. This will help him to see as we get closer to the day of our trip.

Have you ever kept a Disney trip or something else a secret to surprise your children on the day of your trip? I would love to know how it went and if you have any other count down traditions that you do with your family.


It's Me

P.S. A huge thank you to Mariana from The Domestic Buzz for creating this magical Blog Hop!

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To Super Bowl Watch or Not

Superbowl Sunday

The Super Bowl is a day that most people probably love, but I am not really one of those people.  For some reason, I never really got into football. Living in the land of the Giants and not far from the Patriots, I watch as everyone goes Super Bowl crazy. Growing up, my father was a San Francisco 49ers fan. While my brother learned to like the game, I preferred to watch commercials on this big day. Classic commercials like the ones with Michael Jordan and Larry Bird for McDonalds still bring me back to the good old days of Super Bowl ads.

Over the last few years, I could hit or miss watching the Super Bowl. The ads in recent years have gotten mostly cheesy and leave me forgetting what they are really about. This year, advertisers have also leaked out a lot of the bigger ads before the big day. I will admit, this one from Honda made me smile.

Yes, bringing back Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in a spoof was brilliant for the new CRV. It made me smile and remember the good old days.

So today, while everyone gathers around watching the Giant and Patriots battle, I will be spending time with my boys and when it is time for the half time show, I will be rocking it out with them and of course Madonna.

So how will you be spending Super Bowl Sunday?

It's Me

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