Category Archives laughs

To my little rotten egg

Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

Dear NHL,

This week you said several one liners that made both Mommy and Daddy laugh. First was Tuesday morning. As we were scrambling around trying to figure out what to do with a leak under the sink in the bathroom. You helped to ease the tension. While eating your breakfast  and hearing that we had to call a plumber you asked me the following:

"Are you calling Joe the Plumber?"

Daddy and I tried not to laugh since we were so shocked at the words out of your mouth! Where did you come up with that? I guess you are really paying attention to the news when we have it on.

Then today while getting ready to leave the house you proclaimed:

"First one with shoes on is the rotten egg!"

Much to our surprise you rushed to have this "honor" with your shoes on way before the rest of us. I suppose we need to go over the meaning of rotten egg with you one of these days.

Thank you for keeping us on your toes and making us laugh even when things are rough.

I love you my kindergarten kid,


 NaBloPoMo '08

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Debate Bingo Time

Tuesday night is the next Presidential debate. Will you be watching?

I know I will be watching while playing Bingo II – Revenge of the Debate.

Thanks to the success of Palin Bingo, TechyDad and I decided to revamp the word list, and the techy geek of the group added some new features as well. Here is a preview of the new cards: 

Debate Bingo Preview Cards

Please stop on by and get your Debate Bingo cards to play along. Be sure to let everyone know about it so they can have some fun as well.




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Get ready for debate bingo!

As I hinted at yesterday, TechyDad (you know my hubby) and I are going to revamp Palin Bingo (photos here) for the next presidential debate. This time TechyDad has come up with a few new features to allow you to have more fun. We need your assistance.

What words should we add to the new debate bingo?

The words should be something that either candidate would say, thus making it fun no matter what your political viewpoint.. Please head on over to TechyDad’s post here to see the words that he already has, have been suggested by others and of course to give some more thoughts.

The new bingo will likely be live later today or tomorrow. . . plenty of time to get yourself ready for the debate on Tuesday.





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Aloha Friday #16

Aloha and TGIF everyone!

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My question for this week is inspired by the great VP debate:

Did you watch the VP debate last night? Did it change your view or feelings about anything? No need to go into specifics if you do not want to.

My husband and I watched the debate. We were quite interested in seeing how things would shake out with Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. My feelings about qualifications going in changed a little toward one candidate, but made no difference in the way I will vote on November 4th. 

Of course while we were watching we also played Palin Bingo. We each used three cards at once to make it more interesting. These are my cards from the end of the debate:

Palin Bingo night

 And at 9:47 EST I called out PALIN. . . . not long after I complained about having a miserable group of cards. 

P-A-L-I-N - I won!

Thanks to TechyDad for making a fun game to play and share with everyone. Oh and we plan on making something generic for the next Presidential debate. So stay tuned!


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