I wanted to take time to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May your day be filled with good food, fun, family, friends, and everything that makes you happy. Today, we will be spending the day with my parents. Preparing food, watching the parade, enjoying food, and watching Cars 2.

Tuesday, I joined NHL at his third grade class feast. It was a lot of fun getting to meet the children in his class, along with some of the very nice parents. It was really impressive to see how well behaved the class was and how they really cared for each other. Oh my, what a difference a year makes!

JSL’s school had lunch together and then participated in an ice cream sundae party. Of course, we also were able to see the end product from his recent homework. The first turkey has the feathers that each child decorated the way they wanted.

JSL asked to raid my sticker box. Inside there he found Thanksgiving stickers, Disney stickers, hockey glitter, and more.

On another feather, we were asked to add items that we are thankful for. JSL kept rattling off items. His list –> Family, My friends, Disney World, Sharing, Dinosaurs, Pirates, School, and Flowers. This is the class turkey of thanks:

As we left for the long weekend, JSL handed us a turkey that he created with his foot and it was absolutely adorable.
The poem on the Turkey says:
This isn’t just a Turkey
As anyone can see,
I made it with my foot
Which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love
Especially to say,
I hope that you have a very
In addition to the foot turkey, JSL also made another little one that he brought home. He was even nice enough to hold it for a photo.

So many things to be thankful for this year. I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday spending it the way that makes you the most happy.