Category Archives jsl

Tuesday Tales – Walter Foster Disney Drawing Books

Summer is almost here and while I hope to spend a lot of time outside with the boys, the weather can be unpredictable. We love to read and explore location destinations, but I also want to let my little artists express their creativity. I love to have art supplies and items to use inside the house for just this reason. NHL and JSL both adore drawing. For Chanukah, we bought NHL a Walter Foster book that teaches how to draw Phineas and Ferb characters. He adored it and it made us pull out another book that we had purchased while visiting Walt Disney World before that.

My post about NHL drawing caught the attention of the social media team at Walter Foster. They wanted to send him some more items to work on his new found love. It was an absolutely sweet gesture, with no strings attached. A bounty of new Disney drawing books arrived.

Mickey Mouse Drawing with Walster Foster

One of the items was a Learn to Draw Disney Mickey Mouse and His Friends Drawing Book & Kit. This kit had everything that you need to draw favorite Disney characters. This book would make a great gift for a child that likes to draw because of the items included. Of course, the book is also fantastic with great step-by-step instructions to help budding artists.

Inside the Mickey Mouse Kit

NHL wanted to dive right into this book. He decided to start with Mickey Mouse of course.

Learning to draw Mickey Mouse

While NHL was busy with this, I checked out the other books that came. They included (links to the Amazon affiliate page with these books):

Walter Foster Disney Drawing Books

One of NHL’s favorite characters is Piglet. On a past trip to Walt Disney World, he bought a little stuffed Piglet doll. Thanks to this, I jumped right to the Piglet page in the Winnie the Pooh book.

Drawing Piglet

Of course, once JSL saw that I made something for his big brother, he had a request.  He immediately picked a character from the same book (I wasn’t up to trying Buzz Lightyear just yet). So here is the bouncy friend that I made:

Drawing Tigger

I know I am looking forward to more drawing time with the two boys. We have colored pencils, crayons, markers, and other items to make our Disney friends come alive. No doubt, we will be adding more Walter Foster books to our collection. Do you have any drawing books from Walter Foster?

What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.

    It's Me

Disclosure: My kids received these four books complimentary of Walter Foster with no strings attached. No compensation was given and no review expected. We enjoy these books and wanted to share them with others. The opinions expressed in the review are my own. Four Amazon Affiliate links are included in this post for the books mentioned. I will receive a percentage of money for the sale should you opt to buy any of the books through my links.

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Preparing for Another Pirate Party

Last year, while at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, my almost four year old son fell in love with Jake and the Never Land Pirates. Sure, he liked it before we left for Disney. However, dancing around with Sharky and Bones, Mr. Smee, Captain Hook, and Jake sealed the deal. When we got home, he announced that he wanted a Jake and the Never Land Pirates fourth birthday party. Unfortunately, they did not have those items to buy so we improvised with what we had on hand.

2011 Pirate Party

For Chanukah, we were able to get JSL some Jake and the Never Land Pirate shirts from The Disney Store. He wore this shirt under his pirate costume for the Disney Junior Swashbuckler Soiree the first evening of the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration.

Jake and the boys

His love for all things pirates continued and grew. While at Disney World for the 2012 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, JSL declared that he wanted another pirate party. I think meeting Jake again and having him write a special birthday wish in your autograph book may have something to do with it.

Jake writing to the birthday boy

For his actual birthday, we found another new Jake shirt for JSL. Then we noticed that The Disney Store had Jake and the Never Land Pirate twin sized sheets. This was perfect for the new bunk beds. In addition to that, we splurged and got him the little Jake doll to go with the theme.

Sweet Jake Dreams

Now, less than a week away from the party, we are trying to figure out how to make it different. I have new pirate crafts, found a few Jake and the Never Land Pirate party items (not enough), and will be making the cupcakes the same since JSL requested them.

Some Jake Supplies

If you have had a pirate party, or have ideas, I would love to know suggestions on items that we may want to add to our second. Leave comments, links, or other items that you think would be helpful. Thanks so much!

It's Me

Disclosure: Although we paid for our own trip to Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, we were given an incredible deal from Disney. Also note that Disney never asked us to blog about this event. As a long time Disney fan, it is my pleasure to share my experiences from the event.

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To the Magic Kingdom and Beyond with Nana and Papa

Dear NHL and JSL,

The other day, I was finally able to get to see the photos that Papa and Nana took with their camera while at Disney World. I saw some of the PhotoPass pictures, but wanted to see more of the candid shots from around the Yacht Club Resort and Disney parks. I have to say, it looks like the four of you had an amazing time exploring things together.

Ready to go to the parks

Without the two of you, I am not sure if Nana and Papa would have gone to have photos taken with Buzz Lightyear. Thanks to you being fans, we have the some Nana and Papa took of you alone and some with the four of you. These are priceless memories that I know will last.

Hello Buzz Lightyear

They also captured the two of you chilling out on the bus. I think you were likely looking at the ads up above. Most of the time you would point out Doc McStuffins and other familiar characters.

Back on the bus

I love seeing your smiles and knowing what a magical time we all had together, even if we were not always with you.



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Another Febrile Seizure Anniversary

As a parent, we love to remember the days that our children take their first steps, say our name, and other milestones. I have those memories in the front of my mind, but some others still haunt me to this day. The days that my boys have had febrile seizures will always be something I remember. NHL only had one, but it was the first that I experienced as a parent. JSL has now had five of them since he was nine months old.

Febrile Seizure 5

After each of the febrile seizures that the kids have had, we would get especially nervous when the boys would have another fever. We practice very strict fever lowering protocol thanks to our doctor. Every week and month that goes by after a febrile seizure is a wonderful accomplishment. It typically means we are less likely to have a repeat event. Of course, JSL is not the typical child. He has shown us that even after 20 months, they can happen again.

On June 3 of last year, my heart skipped a beat. It was the moment as a parent that you never forget. It was getting a call from school to meet your child with a full emergency response team out on the playground. At almost the one year mark, we are thrilled that we have made it this far without another episode, but my guard is not down.

The timing right now could not be worse. On Tuesday, JSL went for his five year well visit. I knew that we had to make up some vaccines that had not been done earlier since he was not feeling well. Since he was healthy, happy, and good to go the doctor, I agreed to allow JSL to have his DTaP and Polio vaccines. We are holding off on the MMR until later in the summer. With his fever tendency, everyone felt that combining the MMR and DTaP would not be good.

Before we left, the doctor and I talked about preventative fever measure. We were going to give JSL ibuprofen around the clock for at least 24 hours. Right before bed, JSL had a dose of medicine. He was sleeping so soundly we didn’t have the heart to wake him in the middle of the night for more medicine. At 6:45, we heard a scream from JSL. He was howling and burning up. All day Wednesday we battled the fever. At one point, it was 102 with medicine (his normal temperature is just about 97).

Fever be gone

With any luck, this fever will come and go and his body will fight off the reaction to the DTaP vaccine. Of course, now I am bracing myself for the next shot in a month. I just hope we can get to that year mark and beyond. Each month that passes, JSL gets older and kids usually do outgrow febrile seizures by 6-7 years old. I just hold my breath and hope.

Do you have one of those parenting moments that you can not forget? Please feel free to share and vent below.

It's Me

P.S. The other night I was in tears reading this post from Megan on Velveteen Mind. Her little girl also had a febrile seizure. So very close to home and brought back a flood of emotion. The truth is posts like ours help to raise awareness. Not only are they therapeutic to the parent after, but they let others know the signs, symptoms, tell-tale signs IF their children have a similar experience. We are not trying to scare people, but help people to be aware. A parent will forever remember that moment seeing their child’s blue or gray lifeless body.

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Watermelon Inspired Biology Lesson

Dear JSL,

There are days when your innocence makes me smile and laugh. This is not a bad thing at all. Thursday afternoon, I had the watermelon on the table for a snack. You came running over full steam ahead. You adore watermelon and flashed your big blue eyes at me. Then the following conversation happened.

JSL: Mommy, can I have watermelon.

Me: Would I ever tell you no? Wait, yes I would….if you had diarrhea.

(Note to self, you brought this upon your snarky self)

JSL: <<Clueless big blue eyes and a smile>>

Me: Wow, I’m impressed. Hmmmm…

Watermelon snack time

As I was giggling, I had to take a photo of you holding the watermelon. After being momentarily distracted with the doorbell ringing, it was time to see if your big brother had a clue in the world. As a teacher, I was perplexed. I remember singing a song as a kid on just this topic. So I wen to your brother.

Me: "NHL do you know what diarrhea is"

NHL: "No – can you please move out of my way"

JSL: "Mommy is diarrhea just for peoples that can read?"

It was at that moment that I walked away. Clearly, stomach bugs have never made an impact on your life (THANK GOODNESS) and I don’t have to worry about you chatting about this topic in school. Now, I just have to hope that you do not start singing that song thanks to me. I guess I should brace myself since you will likely learn a lot of new tricks and words when you head into kindergarten in a few months.



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