Category Archives jl

A first in my marriage

I have been married for seven years and four months now. In that span the only nights I have been away from my husband  are when our boys were born. Of course during those instances JL was hardly gone for long and I had so many other things on my mind.

Fast forward to tomorrow morning when he leaves for a wedding of a friend. The boys and I will be without Daddy for the first time. I have put on a brave face up to this point to try to make it seem like a fun things for the boys. Special time with Mommy, Nana and Papa, but the truth is I am sitting here crying over it.

The boys in my life

I know that is silly, but it is the truth. What is worse is I am still angry over this entire wedding fiasco. My emotions keep flip-flopping between sad and angry. Not exactly a great combination, especially to hide from your five year old and 17 month old.

A little history about the wedding. At the end of last December, all four of us were invited to week long wedding destination wedding, all expenses paid. Our family and friends immediately thought it was a wonderful idea for us to take JL’s friend up on this opportunity and make it into a vacation. Before long things went down hill. When the flights were booked for us by the bride I lost it. They were horrid times for traveling with children. In addition to that, more of the week activities were announced and they were far from child friendly. Thankfully we were able to back out of taking the boys and little or no money was lost by JL’s friends.

My anger stems from my husband simply deciding he would go to the wedding alone. Why? Do not get me wrong I know that JL’s friendship means a lot to him. However, I also know the handful of times that he has seen his friend since we have been married. I also know that when I even suggested taking myself and the little guy to my cousin M’s wedding in the spring it was shot down, no questions asked. I know I should move on, but it still bothers me that I was not at M’s wedding and she is a very special part of my life, and family no less.

Ok, vent over. . . . see much better than therapy!

I can get past this, but my real fear is the boys. They are so attached to their Daddy. I worry that NHL will have behavior issues at school the rest of the week and that JSL will not sleep at night. Of course the boys could completely surprise me and be perfectly fine, that would not upset me at all.

My boys

JL please know that the boys and I love you so very much and will miss you lots.


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Thanks to Joe the Photographer

Sunday afternoon we went on an adventure. It was finally time to do NHL’s five year portraits. For those counting, that would make it over two months since his fifth birthday. We decided to head back to the popular portrait studio that we used in the past. JL and I just were not impressed with the other place that we had his four year portraits done at and JSL’s first birthday.

When we arrived we were all dressed in red with our jeans on. Talk about getting looks from people later on in the day – LOL!

We were told to head into the first studio as soon as we arrived. When we went in a very friendly photographer came into the room. We learned his name thanks to NHL. He asked and Joe told him. NHL quickly told him that he knew another Joe, you know, the one in Blues Clues. Of course all that went through my mind . . . . Joe the Plumber!

We decided to start with family photos since JSL had not napped earlier in the day (our session time was 2:00). Needless to say, it is quite tricky to get a decent shot with all four family members looking at the camera at the same time. I kept blinking, NHL kept talking/smiling funny, and JSL wanted to walk away. If you have done family portraits you know exactly what happened. We managed to get one that was not too bad.

October '08 Portraits - 2    October '08 Portraits - 3

Then it was time to get the much anticipated photos of NHL with the giant number five, dinosaurs and his camera. Joe did a great job working with NHL. NHL definitely played it up. As you can see we switched his red shirt and I really like the ones with the short sleeved blue on more.

October '08 Portraits - 10

 October '08 Portraits - 16    October '08 Portraits -  14

Once NHL was done Joe asked to try some with both of the boys alone. That did not work out too well. The overtired 17 month old kept walking out of the frame. We did manage to get one cute one before we switched gears. 

October '08 Portraits - 13

Before calling it quits I asked Joe to try one of all of my boys. This time both of the little guys were getting tired.

October '08 Portraits - 19    October '08 Portraits - 20

We bought a package that included the portraid CD so we own the photos and can print them whenever we want. JL was quite happy about this. That would be why I was able to post this so quickly.

The rest of the photos from the photo shoot by Joe can be seen on my Flickr photostream.


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Croquet for Columbus Day

If the weather would stay like it is right now I would be perfectly happy. The weekend was absolutely gorgeous and 70 degrees each day. The sun was out and the sky clear. It even made sick me want to go outside to enjoy it for a little while.

Saturday while JSL was taking a nap, JL and NHL went outside to get some energy out. It was time to make him run, jump, play and get some sun. While outside I decided to take some photos of the boys playing croquet.

Croquet for Columbus Day

Today the two little guys are home with me. We hope to be able to get outside to enjoy the weather while it is here. The end of the week calls for temperatures barely making it to the 50’s. Talk about a major change!

Enjoy the fall while it is here.



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Debate Bingo tonight – Tupperware party tomorrow

November 4 is coming quickly. . . although some in battleground states may not agree. Tonight is the second Presidential debate between McCain and Obama. Do you recall the first one they had?

Hmmmm. . . . probably not, right?  It was not too interesting and certainly did not live up to the hype of the Vice Predential debate between Palin and Biden.

Perhaps that means you were going to skip watching the debate tonight. I say that you should watch the two candidates that will indeed give our country some sort of change in January. While watching why not play some Debate Bingo that TechyDad and I made up. As Techy Dad puts it,  "It is Palin Bingo on steroids!" 

Seriously head on over to Techy Dad’s blog to say hello and get your randomly generated Debate Bingo Cards.

Debate Bingo Preview Cards

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Speaking of fun things to do. Tomorrow night  Mommytalk is hosting a LIVE Tupperware chat party.  Susan, aka The Lil’ Mommy That Could has been quite busy working on this big event. Please do her a favor and visit Wednesday night. Here are all of the details about the Tupperware party.  

Happy bingo playing and Tupperware party going!


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Debate Bingo Time

Tuesday night is the next Presidential debate. Will you be watching?

I know I will be watching while playing Bingo II – Revenge of the Debate.

Thanks to the success of Palin Bingo, TechyDad and I decided to revamp the word list, and the techy geek of the group added some new features as well. Here is a preview of the new cards: 

Debate Bingo Preview Cards

Please stop on by and get your Debate Bingo cards to play along. Be sure to let everyone know about it so they can have some fun as well.




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