Category Archives jl

One Big Mama Pizza

Have you ever seen a 30 inch pizza before?

No really, I am being serious. Such a beast really does exist, and not simply on Food Network for an eating challenge. We recently found a new pizza place that is really cute. The people there are very nice and the best part, they make wheat pizza.

My mother called last Friday to see if we wanted to have dinner with her and order a wheat pizza since my father was working late. We said sure and figured we would try an experiment. Since there were five of us eating the pizza, and left overs would be great, we opted to order the Big Mama.

After walking in to pick up the pizza, we wondered if it may have been a rather large mistake (pun intended).

The gentleman had to walk around the counter to hand us the mega box holding this 30 inch pizza. I stood there in horror wondering how we were going to get that into our car. I knew it could not go on JL’s lap in the front, nor on the floor in the middle with the boys. Clearly, the trunk had to work. Problem was it was too big to simply go there. Thank goodness we have a mini-van and were able to collapse the third row. We were able to put the pizza back on that and wedge it into place with the stroller and NHL’s car seat. Here is a visual: 

Big Mama wedged in the car

The pizza finally arrived safely at my parent’s house. Then another drama unfolded thanks to the size of the box. JL had to figure out how to get the box into the kitchen through the door frames. 

JL carrying the sucker in

Once on the table (where it took up the entire space) we could finally look inside the book to view our Big Mama pizza. 

A "little" perspective

Lesson learned from this experience is that in the future we will leave Big Mama slice eating to the restaurant. We will not be taking home another one of these puppies any time soon.



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Our Festival of Lights

This week it is time to dig out our menorah, dreidels and get ready for the Festival of Lights.

01 - Chanukah 2007

Yes, Chanukah begins next Sunday at sundown. Chanukah is a holiday about a miracle that happened long ago. JL and I have been working really hard to try to show our boys the meaning of this miracle. We read lots of Chanukah books, sing songs, bake/make traditional goodies, and try to make it less about gifts. It may be hard to believe, but traditionally Chanukah was not a time for gift giving. Over time, it has gotten that way because of the proximity of the holiday with Christmas.

Each night for Chanukah, we light our menorah as a family and sit watching the candles burn bright while eating our dinner. A new tradition that we have started with our boys is to play Chanukah music during this time. Of course we love Adam Sandler’s Chanukah song, but a new favorite is Hanukkah Blessings by Barenaked Ladies. The song sends chills down my spine. It is absolutely beautiful and includes the blessings that we say over the candles each night. The songs have helped NHL, now five, learn the blessings.

How lucky are we that we
Have lights so that we can see
All though the day is done
What a miracle that a spark
Lifts these candles out of the dark
Every evening one by one
Until the end of Hanukkah
Of Hanukkah
With the jingle bells and the toys
And the TV shows and the noise
It’s easy to forget
At the end of the day
Our whole family will say
These words for Hanukkah:
Barukh Atah
ADONAI Elohaynu Melekh h’olom
asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu
l’hadlik nehr shel hannukah
We light the candles for Hanukkah
For Hanukkah

We remember how Maccabees
Fought so all of us could be free
So we celebrate
On this festival of the lights
There’s a joyful time every night
Where we illuminate
The candles of Hanukkah
Of Hanukkah
Barukh atah ADONAI
Elohaynu Melekh ha’olom
She’asah neesim l’avotaynu
bayamim hahem ba’zman hazeh

JL and I also love to share our traditions with NHL’s peers. In the past, we have gone in to celebrate with his classes. JL went to NHL’s daycare to play the dreidel game with them. Last year, I went to NHL’s Chanukah party at school.

The Dreidel spinning center

This year, NHL’s kindergarten teacher asked me to come in next Wednesday to do something with the kids. I believe they are buying the materials to make potato latkes. We already bought each of the children their own dreidel. I plan on playing the game with them and doing some sort of craft.

Last year, we were lucky enough to celebrate part of Chanukah with our extended family. My parents had a Chanukah party during one of the nights. We had a wonderful time. JSL and Cousin S were celebrating their first Festival of Lights. My how the two of them have grown over the last year!

JSL's first Chanukah Mosaic 

Chanukah Party Mosaic

As you can see, we feel that it is very important to show the boys where our Jewish heritage is from and how to carry it on. We have been doing this since December 2003 when NHL celebrated his first Chanukah. 

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It is our hope that our two boys will carry on these traditions for generations to come.


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Time to get the Daddy

Last week hubby went away to a wedding alone. He left before the sun was up Wednesday morning and was due back in town Saturday at about noon. Thank goodness for my parents. The boys and I stayed with them Tuesday night to Saturday and enjoyed our extra time with Nana and Papa. Having extra hands on deck to assist me, and especially to go trick-or-treating was beyond a blessing. It was also pretty nice sleeping in my old room and looking at some of my things while the little guy bunked in with me.

NHL knew where Daddy was going and understood that he would be back by the weekend. Since he is in kindergarten he was able to count down the days before JL returned. Of course he did have some trouble expressing how he missed Daddy. Although he was very good while at my parent’s house, he was a little challenging at school on Wednesday and Thursday. Of course many of the other children were as well, so perhaps Halloween was a large factor with NHL.

Poor JSL did not understand what was going on. Daddy just disappeared and he never uttered "Dada" all Wednesday morning  or afternoon until we called JL to chat with him. My goodness the little guy’s face lit up as he chanted and clapped his hands. This was repeated many more times over the days JL was away. Still each night he looked sad and settled in to sleep in my old room. He was supposed to sleep in a Pack N’ Play in the room with NHL, but he was so restless he kept hitting into the side and waking up.

When Saturday morning arrived NHL was so excited. He knew that Daddy was already on an airplane coming home. JSL did not have a clue. I think he was too skeptical to believe anything we had to say.

Watching another plane fuel up

As we drove to the airport I realized something. Neither of the boys had ever been there in the daylight to see planes landing. We went up to the observation deck to show the kids the runway. NHL was amazed with the size of the planes on the ground. He was able to see several small airplanes take off and land. Eventually he saw JL’s plane land and taxi into the terminal.

Waiting for Daddy               The little guy gets a boost

Sadly, I did not take any photos of the reunion of my boys. It truly was priceless. Had security not been there I think the boys would have run to Daddy. Neither of them wanted to let go of JL. For the rest of the day they were quite attached to him, especially the little one who seemed afraid of Daddy leaving again.

I know that I am also glad to have my husband and best friend back home as well!


NaBloPoMo '08


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Fright Fest 2008

Several weeks ago we went back to Six Flags to get our photos taken for our new 2009 season passes. This time we decided to take the little guy with us and thought the big kid would love to go on some rides while there. JSL was mesmerized with watching the rides as he waited in line.

Waiting to ride

Thanks to a short rain storm, the lines were not too long. The boys were able to get some rides in before the rain started back up.

Riding time

In addition to just taking in the rides, we were able to enjoy the Halloween atmosphere within the park. Starting in October the parks all participate in Fright Fest. If you have never been before it is absolutely amazing. They go all out. Every inch of the park has something Halloween-ish going on. Whether it is cobwebs, skeletons, or wandering characters you definitely get the feel for the holiday. Now if only they realized the Chain-Saw guy running around with the horribly loud noise was NOT very friendly in the afternoon for families with young children.

Even the park entrance was decorated going out to the parking lot. 

Fright Fest 2008

Here are some of the decorations from throughout the park to get you in the mood for Halloween on Friday. 

A spooky good time

This was likely our last trip to the park this year (they close this coming weekend), but we look forward to many more memories with our season passes in 2009!


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