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Character photo crusade at Six Flags

Last year when we went to Six Flags NHL wanted nothing to do with the characters walking around the park. He would shut down and refuse to move if they were close. Eventually we proved to him that if he did not go to them, they were not going to approach him. When we booked our trip to Disney World in May we were a little nervous. We figured by the end of the trip NHL would either need therapy or would finally get over his fear of the big costumes.

Over the week at Disney World we slowly moved our way up to the characters. Things did not go well at our initial dinner the night we arrived. The screams at Chef Mickey coming from our table were quite loud from both of the boys. Soon after we managed to get the boys with Pocohontas and do a family photo with Lilo and Stitch. JL went into some photos (like Buzz Lightyear) with both JSL and NHL to continue the progress. By the end of the week NHL was running to Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto and Goofy!

We were curious to see how NHL would do when we went back to Six Flags on Sunday. Would he gravitate to the Looney Tune characters and Wiggles favorites? He talked about seeing Henry, Dorothy, and Wags all the way up.

When we walked into the park several of the characters were waiting to meet and greet people. Daffy Duck was first. NHL was not too sure about this. As you will see JL jumped into the shot, after handing a screaming terrified JSL back to me.

Daffy and Dad

Next up was Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo. JL casually moved back of of the shot and NHL was fine with it.

Scooby and Scrappy

When we went to Wiggles World he saw Captain Feathersword and Dorothy come out and RAN to them. Victory was ours!

Ahoy there Captain Feathersword

Dorothy the Dinosaur

After the Wiggles show he finished off getting some additional photos with the rest of the Wiggles gang including the Wiggly Dancer.

Wags the Dog

Thrilled to see his favorite Henry the Octapus

Heather the Wiggly Singer and Dancer

Later on we caught up with Sylvester, the Tazmanian Devil and Pepe Le Pew.

Sylvester who?


Pepe Le Pew

Then right when we were leaving we saw the Six Flags guy from the wacky commercials. Even JSL thought he was kind of funny and did not scream.

The Six Flags Dude

We will see if JSL will warm up to the characters. We figure seeing his big brother happy this year should help. Season passes and more opportunities should also keep things going in the right direction, but only time will tell.


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Follow the M&M Road

Today was supposed to be a gorgeous day. Thanks to a little pressure from Nana, we decided to take the boys to Six Flags. In the fall, we upgraded our tickets to season passes for 2009. Prior to this, we had not gone this summer season. We arrived by Six Flags at about noon and went to a pizza place for a quick much less expensive lunch. Then we went back to the park. Thanks to our parking pass we did not have to pay almost $10 for a space. We bought nothing at the park. I had packed some snacks in our bag and lugged our Nalgene water bottles to refill.

We had a very nice time at the park. The boys loved Wiggles World, Looney Tunes kid area, and NHL had fun getting his photos taken with all of the characters. JL and NHL loved getting soaked on the Raging River and we all had a blast on the Bobsled ride. Lots more photos to come soon. Tonight I will leave you with some photos of the M&M Road that we found. As we were going over the bridge I could not help myself and think:  "Follow the M&M Road. Follow the M&M Road. Follow, follow, follow, follow…follow the M&M Road!" 

Follow the M&M Road

Here are some more photos of the very bright and colorful M&M Road over the bridge.


M&M Road Journey

More photos and tales from the weekend coming soon.


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8 years of marriage to TechyDad

02 Mom and I during Bedecken

 03 Ketubah signing at Wedding

 04 Our ketubah

 05 Veil over me during Bedeken

06 Everyone at the Bedecken on one side of the room


08 My brother walking grandparents down aisle

 09 JL and parents walking down aisle

 10 My parents walking me down aisle

 11 Under the chuppah


12 Reception - Our table

 13 Horah time

 14 My father actually SMILES!!!

 15  Help me . . . I'm going to die!

 16 - Our first dance

 17 My Poppy cuts the challah

 18 My grandparents and all of their grandchildren

 18 My grandparents and all of their grandchildren

 19 Finally at our table for a few moments

20 Our wedding cake

 21 - JL has trouble with his kippah while cutting cake

 22 - Cutting the cake

21 - JL has trouble with his kippah while cutting cake

 22 - Cutting the cake

To my LIL, thank you for being all that I could ever dream for. The last eight years have gone by so quickly. It seems like yesterday that we were under the chuppah together on our special day. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for the past, current and future that we will have together, I love you with all of my heart.

Just the two of us - Animal Kingdom

To read the story that goes along with my almost Wordless Wednesday please click here.




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2009 Father’s Day Wishes

Growing up I was very lucky. Both of my parents were in my life. Many of my friends had fathers that were never home or involved with them. Dad made the most of his time with us. He played baseball and taught my brother and I how to be catchers. Dad was the one that showed us how to appreciate wild rides at amusement parks, along with the ability to loathe the Yankees. Over the last almost six years, I have watched my father take on the new role, that of proud Papa. There is just something about watching your father let go and be carefree with your own kids. Papa is a huge part of our lives and I am so glad for that.


Goofy Papa

When I first met JL, I knew he was going to be a fantastic father. As soon as NHL was born, he proved me right. JL does everything for the boys and always puts their needs first. He is beyond caring, patient and loving. The boys light up at the end of the day when he walks through the door. Watching my three boys play together always bring a smile to my face.

The boys with Buzz Lightyear

I hope that all of the fathers out there have a special day. I hope that both of the most wonderful fathers in my life know just how important they are to me. I love you JL and Dad and hope you know how much you both mean to me.


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