Category Archives jl

Swing time with Daddy

Dear JSL,

I love watching you and your brother grow up, even if it makes me sad at times. Last summer you were not walking. When we went to the park you were hardly able to do anything. This year you love to romp, run and climb. Of course, the climbing part has me pretty nervous at times. Today you were too small to go on the swings alone. Thanks to Daddy, you were able to climb on his lap and go soaring in the air. I was off a short distance away watching NHL on the dinosaur. Suddenly I looked over and saw you sitting on the swing and singing "Weeeeee!"   Hearing your sweet little voice, seeing the cool dude shades and watching your smile grow made my heart flutter. I just had to take a quick video to remember this snap shot in time.




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Bunnies, birds and hail

Each year we seem to have our issues with plants and flowers that we try to grow. Two years ago we tried sunflowers and a bunny family attacked them. We bought some natural pepper spray to keep them away. Last year we planted some more sunflowers and lily plants in pots on our front patio. Although safe from bunnies, the neighborhood flock of birds seems to enjoy destroying them.

We have been discouraged, but have never given up trying new things each year. In April for Earth Day we planted some daffodils and then soon after more gorgeous lily plants. The daffodils did really well until the heat wave at the end of April and start of May. The flowers went away, but we knew that next year we would have more gorgeous flowers. Unfortunaltely, that pesky bunny family is back. They have destroyed the daffodil plants and even the bulbs were pulled up. Grrrrr!

After we were home from Disney World we decided to try planting some other items in big pots on our patio. At first we bought two tomato and one jalapeno plants. Then NHL and JL went out and bought a zucchini, cucumber and peppermint plant to add to the mix. Thanks to the constant rain, and even some hail (seen below), the plants have had a tough time.

Another view of the hail

JL has replanted a few of them several times because they were way too saturated and smelling like sulfur. To our amazement, the jalapeno plant has been quite hearty. It has grown nicely and we have already picked our first pepper. Check them out here:

Jalapeno Pepper Progress

1. Pepper and cucumber plants, 2. Ready to be picked, 3. Spicy find in our plant

The cucumber plant has been hit really hard, along with one of the tomato plants. The odd thing is the cucumber plant has gorgeous flowers each morning in recent days. The other tomato plant has a lot of flowers, but nothing visible in the fruit department just yet.

Two days ago I took a closer look at the zucchini plant and noted that there were the start of five or more little vegetables growing. They really are so cute!

Zucchini bread dreaming

1. Zucchnini plant, 2. Baby zucchnini

With any luck the weather will cooperate a little more, the animals will stay away and soon we will have some fruits and vegetables that are home grown to enjoy. For now I will continue to enjoy the gorgeous Tiger Lillies that are also spreading along the side of our house.

Along the side of our house

Who knew, I actually like something that is orange!



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Perhaps the great camera comeback

Back in January I wrote about the death of my little handy dandy point and shoot digital camera. Here is a reminder of what my camera looked like:

RIP - only 13 months old

I was not willing to invest money in my camera. When we contacted Canon they told us that we could send it in and they would look at it. The cost for a diagnostic check was almost as much as a new camera. Over the months I whined a lot about not having my little camera with me. I missed the convenience of being able to toss it in my diaper bag. Instead I would schlep JL’s big camera with me to events where I needed to take photos.

When we arrived home from Disney World my father was quite upset with his Canon PowerShot A570. It was starting to do similar things that my camera had done. He went to different stores and was quoted prices to look at it. In the end, he decided to purchase a new bigger camera. During one stop at a small camera store Dad happened to mention the problem that we were having with our Canon’s. The suggested that we try something with our cameras. We should use some rubbing alcohol on a Q-Tip to the battery area to clean the contacts.

What the heck, I certainly could not make the camera any worse .

Yesterday I charged up some new AA batteries in my Energizer unit and took out some rubbing alcohol. I put the batteries into the camera and decided to test it out. Much to my surprise, I did not see the flashing red dying battery light. In the past I would see this as soon as I put in fresh batteries, whether rechargeable or not. Today I took the camera out with me and the batteries are still going strong. I am not holding my breath just yet, but it looks like it could be a new life for my little camera.

So far I have taken 54 shots, off loaded the pictures and these batteries are still going. Some of the memories captured include the following:

JSL heading off to get into my car before we went to the post office, Staples (great bargains this week), and Target.

Heading to Mommy's car

 Then it was time for both of the boys to get into their seats in my car.

Boys are ready to go

Before dinner JSL actually asked to take some photos with Daddy. Here they are having some fun. 

Tickle time with Daddy

While doing some cleaning we found an old pair of shades that had been NHL’s. Now they are perfect for the little dude.

Cool Little Dude

Oh my how I have missed my little camera. Who knew that a simple cleaning with a little rubbing alcohol could do the trick. So glad that I did it myself instead of spending ~$100 sending it away. Here is hoping that it continues taking many more photos of our special family moments.


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Summer finally arrives…for now

This summer has been a wild ride. It has rained almost every day. The sun barely has time to come out before another storm is passing by the area. Seriously, it has not felt like summer some days. Not only do you need a jacket to walk outside in the morning, but by late day temperatures are hardly into the 70’s. Sure, our AC units are not cranking away as much as we may need them and the humidity has not been up to the usual pea soup. Still, it would be nice to be able to go outside more and let the boys have fun during this so called summer.

Today the sun actually came out and it was warm enough to take out the kiddie pool for the boys to play in. NHL had gone in it the other day while JSL was napping. Today, we made a point to try to keep the little guy awake to go in the pool for some fun in the sun. When we got home from some errands, JL got the pool ready. Meanwhile, I took the boys into the house to get them in their bathing suits and sun lotion.

The water was quite cool from the hose. My toes decided they were not going in, so I was the designated photographer of the fun. At first, the boys just had fun playing with the water and watching it. 

Lots of fun with water

Then the little guy decided to try to splash his big brother. Not a really smart thing to do considering NHL had the much larger bucket, but what can you do? Clearly, JSL will learn since he is only two.

Mischeif makers

Of course, another thing the little guy needs to learn is NOT to drink pool water. ICK! Who knows what was in that sucker in reality. Oh, and the more we told him not to. . . it became a game.

Oy, the little boy

Soon, JSL learned how to maximize his water spray to make more fun water displays.

Making water waves in the air

The really big kid had fun playing with the boys in the pool. Of course, he decided to rain on JSL’s parade.

Even the big boy plays

Soon, both of the boys were ganging up on JL and getting him soaked. NHL had the easiest job of this thanks to the big buckets of cold water! 

Time to soak the Daddy

After a few too many buckets from NHL, JL decided to get NHL back. I don’t think he was completely expecting this. 

Bucket O' water on the head

A special thanks to Mimi for the fun new pool toy that the boys enjoyed. 

Pool toys for the boys

All three of my boys had a fun time soaking in the sun rays for several hours in our front yard. With any luck, this will not be yet another tease from Mother Nature.


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