Category Archives jl

Texting time has come

On Sunday, TechyDad and I took made some major decisions of the technological kind. We finally decided to to ditch our landline (which was with our cable company) in order to save a pretty penny each month. They were able to port our number over and we have an extra cell phone in our house to use for that purpose. In addition to this, we finally upgraded our cell phone plans to include unlimited texting and photo messages. Prior to this, I had probably sent out only a dozen or two text messages. Part of this was the cost, the other the horrible phones that made texting a pain.

We shopped around over the weekend at AT&T and Verizon Wireless. In the end, we stayed with Verizon because for the same price each month, we could keep our home phone number. They also had no hidden fees, no activation costs and the rebates for two of the phones did not require a $20 data plan for the first month (talk about strange catches w/AT&T).

The person that helped us at Verizon Wireless also told us to go online to purchase three of our phones for FREE! So I present you with my new baby. She is really pretty, shiny, new and allows me to text like crazy. . . wow this is addictive (thank you Twitter text). Sorry about the bad glare in the photos.

Phone closed up    QWERTY keyboard

So my questions for you are inspired by my new fun toy cell phone:

Do you have a cell phone plan that gives you unlimited texting ability? Do you still have a landline phone at home?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #71

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Game time with Rummino – Giveaway

When TechyDad and I were newlyweds, we went out to the store and bought a bunch of board games. We both loved word games, trivia, and things that would challenge our brains. We used to play the games on Shabbat or when we had friends over. It was a great time without television and computers.

Flash forward to life as the parents of two little boys. When we play board games, they tend to be for the kids. The games that we have for us from before are still packed away in an undisclosed location within the house.

When I was recently asked by Family Review Network to try out a game called Rummino by Marina Games, I was excited. This was the perfect opportunity for TechyDad and I to test out the new game together. You know, actually pry ourselves away from the computers/blogging and play a game just the two of us.


About Rummino:


Rummino is a whole new way to play Rummy! Combining the game play of Rummy with the strategy of word tile games, Rummino is a one of a kind master strategy game for the whole family. The object is to get the highest score at the end of the game. Each player draws 7 tiles and plays them off the sets and runs already on the table. Earn points for every tile you ‘add-on’ to a run or set. Get a two way run and earn extra points. Finish off a run or set and double or triple your points for that play.

The perfect game for family game night, Rummino is easy to learn and fun for the whole family to play! With its ease of learning combined with the strategy involved, this game keeps everyone entertained from the 8 year old learning to play games to the skilled adults desiring a challenge. Watch your opponents moan and groan as you use one tile to score 36 points! 

Rummino slogan

 What we thought:

TechyDad read the directions for Rummino and then we sat down to try it out. After we started our first game, we quickly realized we were not playing right. Of course, that was the "Ah-ha" moment! Suddenly everything clicked and we realized that we were making too much of the directions. We put all of the tiles back and started again. This time, we were a bit more competitive. We knew what we were doing and sat there trying to use major strategy to rack up our points. The game lasted for quite some time, but it was a lot of fun. Both TechyDad and I commented today that if we do indeed get rid of our cable television we will have more time to play Rummino and our other cleverly hidden games from the past.

We both really enjoyed Rummino and can not wait for a chance to play again. As we played, we wished that Rummino had come with something to put the tiles on (like in Scrabble). It would have been a lot easier to hide from each other while still being able to see them to strategize. As I mentioned, we had to regroup after an "ooops" with the directions. TechyDad and I were talking about it and we think they may have been a bit too lengthy, thus complicating them. Of course, once we had our "Ah-ha" moment we were good to go and ready to compete. Both of us also agree that we are going to try to have our six year old son try to play next time. We think that with a little coaching/modeling of play he will catch on quickly and enjoy this. Of course, we will still have our adult mind tournaments where we battle for supremacy!

 A game of Rummino

1. Time to take 7 tiles, 2. Just starting our Rummino game, 3. TechyDad makes a move


Thanks to Marina Games, one lucky reader will be able to win their own Rummino to play with family and friends.

Rules for Giveaway:

  • MAIN RULE – Answer the following question: What other game from Marina Games would you love to try? Head over to their website here to check out their other games.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Follow me on Twitter @TheAngelForever and Tweet about the giveaway. Be sure to include @TheAngelForever and Rummino Game Giveaway in the Tweet.  Please leave a direct link to your Tweet in a separate comment for each daily entry. Example Tweet (feel free to use):  Have you played Rummino with your family/friends? Chance to win your own from @TheAngelForever
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Let me know who you would love to play Rummino with.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment.
  • 1 Bonus Entry – This is my 1000th blog post. Look around and leave me a comment on another post. Be sure to let me know here where you were.
  • 3 Bonus Entries – Write a post on your blog linking to my blog about the Rummino giveaway. Be sure to leave 3 comments about this to get credit for all of your extra entries

To enter, please follow the rules above within the comment section. Contest starts today October 18th and ends at 10:59 EST on November 1, 2009. You do not have to be a blogger to enter, but must leave  a valid e-mail address for me to contact you for mailing address once the giveaway is over. I will select the winner using and contact you via e-mail. You will have 48 hours to claim the prize. If there is no response, another winner will be selected. Open to U.S. residents only. 


Disclosure: This post was written as part of a program for Family Review Network and Marina Games. I received a free copy of the game to facilitate my candid review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Hockey game memories

The other night, we took the boys to a pre-season hockey game. The event was free for the community, so we figured it would be a great time to go. This was the first ever hockey experience for JSL. NHL has been to a few before, but so many years ago that he does not remember.

When we decided to go, I told TechyDad that I was going to do something that I never thought I would do. I actually asked for seats behind the nets. Since it was only 24 hours from our ER visit with the little guy, I wanted to make him less of a puck magnet.

View from our seats

To understand why it was painful for me to do this, you should know that for several years I had season tickets to our hockey team. My season tickets were a few rows back, on center ice and right behind our home team’s bench. The seats were amazing when I was into it, but as a parent they make me a little nervous with pucks flying by. Of course, reality also hit during the game. I realized that it has been ten years since I had season tickets. My how time flies!

Both of the boys liked the hockey game. NHL had fun watching the instant replays, chanting for the home team and screaming when prompted. JSL got a little antsy, but was content with a snack.

Snack time

Of course, one of JSL’s favorite parts was when the zamboni came out. He sat there mesmerized by the big "car" and kept jumping up and down each time it was close to our end of the ice. 

A favorite of the little guy

Toward the end of the game, I asked NHL if I could get a photo of him wearing his hockey shirt. Check out the only photo he would allow: 

Attitude from NHL

So my question for you this week is inspired by our recent fun at the hockey game:

What is your favorite sport to watch in person (not on television) and why?  Feel free to shout out your favorite team while you are at it!



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #68

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Challah, apples and lots of honey – Rosh Hashana 2009/5770

The boys and I went to my parents house for dinner Saturday evening to celebrate Rosh Hashana together. Shhh. . . don’t tell anyone that I took photos, but I did.

Before we sat down the eat, the boys played for a little while. They had fun running around. The little guy was not as thanks to a nap after his meltdown at temple. NHL and JSL had a lot of jump tackling Daddy on the ground.

Play time

Soon it was time to sit down at the table to eat. Here is a look at everything that we had from start to finish: 

Foods for our meal

1. Almost ready to eat, 2. Round challah with raisins, 3. Delicious chicken, 4. Green beans, 5. Corn and couscous, 6. Apple turnover  Not pictured are the rainbow cookies that I splurged and bought. They were eaten rather quickly.

The boys both had fun dipping their apples in honey. JSL was a little confused about the sticky "dip-dip" as he calls it. 

Apples and dip-dip

NHL was enjoying his honey so much, that he opted to have some challah with the sweetness on top as well. 

NHL eats his apples with honey

We all enjoyed our meal, dessert and then it was time to head home. Nana requested a photo of the two boys with the shorts that they had given them. Do you think the boys were willing subjects?  Here are two photos to answer this question.

Exhibit 1: 

My silly boys

Exhibit 2: 

Hugs for the little guy

Did you really expect anything different?!  Oh well, we tried.

Next up is Yom Kippur on Monday. We will have to see whether the little guy and I head to services. These long days in temple are tough for him with nap time and not being able to settle there.




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Plan of action, of the bug kind

Although I may complain about the winter often, there is one part of it that I enjoy a lot. What is that you ask? Well, I love the fact that almost all of the bugs from the spring, summer and fall are pretty much gone. I rarely have to think about them, look at them or clean up thanks to them.

The Friday going into Labor Day weekend I found larvae at the base of my hardwood floors. All weekend we did a massive clean up and found more of these nasty critters. Monday I left messages for two highly recommended exterminators in our area. Calls were returned to me the next day. The one was not able to schedule a visit to come and look until Thursday morning. I took that appointment. When the second called I admit, I lost it on the phone crying over bugs! Not a proud moment, but I was disgusted. While he was on the phone with me he asked me to describe the larvae. He quickly told me that he did not think that they were powder-post beetles. Instead he figured they were some sort of pantry pest that came in a packaged food that we bought at one time or another and were spreading around our kitchen and house. He was going to make a special trip out to us that evening to check things out.

Tuesday in the early evening Exterminator #1 showed up. He came inside, kind of looked at the larvae. In hind sight it bothered us that he identified it as Larder Beetles from a standing position. I kid you not, he never once got down to take a closer look. He basically told us to get rid of any food items in our pantry that were not in hard plastic containers. So basically all of the granola bars, cereal, cake mixes and the list goes on and on.

Next he went into our basement to look at the piles of saw dust . . . or so I thought. We were wrong. That was simply sand thanks to ants pushing their way into our house. Lovely, but not horrible. Next we saw his face get very serious. He started to really look around over the laundry area at the base of the house. What we heard was not something we expected. The exterminator saw mud. Not too long before this, I had mentioned to JL that I saw something new by the window and wondered what it was. Well, thanks to these nasty pests upstairs we found that we had a termite problem. He suspected it was new. He looked quickly around the entire basement and went outside. Found two more spots in our yard that had termites. We were verbally quoted a price to rid the termites, but it had NO warranty. We were told a written estimate and explanation would arrive in the mail within a few days. Please note it has now been a week and nada has come.

JL and I opted to start working on the cabinets in the kitchen. Wait, check that. JL has been doing the work since I am too disgusted by the entire thing. Together we opted not to go on a massive food ditch until we met the second exterminator.

Thursday morning Exterminator #2 arrived. He came in, got on the ground and looked at our larvae. He said it looked like a pantry pest, but could not 110% identify since a lot of them look alike. He told us to clean everything out, vacuum often (hardwood floors are great places for them to hide in), use hard plastic storage and clorox to wipe down areas to kill any larvae eggs that may be around and unseen. Gross yes, but sadly a fact of life.

He went into our basement and looked at the termite troubled area. He agreed that no structural damage was made to our house and it was very localized. A lot of time was spent pushing on wood, looking into hidden areas along the base of our house. Nothing else was found at the time. When he went outside he actually took something out to measure the area around and when asked checked our garage. Eventually he excused himself to go into his truck to write a proposal. Yes, you read that right – he did it on the spot!  When Exterminator #2 came out of his truck he had a truly professional package with state laws on pest control, their plan of action, their warranty (wahoo), and the proposed cost. The only small catch was two areas would not be under the warranty at this time since they are not able to be accessed (front/back porches). He went over the plan of action and took our a termite bait station to show us. Approximately 14 of these will be placed around our house and forever monitored for activity to get rid of the termites.

When he left JL and I were pretty sure we knew which exterminator we would be going with. Friday afternoon we were packing up the car to head to my niece’s second birthday party out of town. On my way into the basement something by the back door caught my eye. MUD!  Yes, there were actually termites there that both of the exterminators missed. My heart sank and I felt sick. The ride to our destination was long as I kept thinking about the new termites. Before I left I put in a call for Exterminator #2 to see how this would alter our proposal. Monday early evening he called back and said it would not change a thing. JL and I were relieved and on the spot asked to schedule him to take care of the termites. Next Monday he will be here for half a day working inside and out to set up the system. This is going to cost a lot of money, but we can disclose it if we sell the house and transfer the warranty and system to new owners. This is huge!  In our area termites are pretty prevalent. Many of our neighbors have dealt with them over the years (before we owned the house). Apparently in the north we are lucky and only have one type of termites, but they LOVE sand ground and that is what most of our area is on.

Lesson learned is to pay attention to things in your basement. Thank goodness we caught this early and hopefully will be able to kick this quickly before more termites decide to call our house dinner.

Cousins playing in the sand

Sorry, had to leave with a nice photo from the weekend when bugs were not on the brain.



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