Category Archives jl

To chop or not to chop

It’s confession time here. I do not get my hair cut very often. Part of the reason is I have done hair donations several times over the years. Other reasons are that I am too cheap and never seem to have time to get it done. When I do decide to do something to my hair, it happens quickly and I just do it.

Before we went to Disney World in May, I went for a major chopping. I had 7+ inches cut off and felt fabulous. My hair was light, curly, and easy to care for. My only request when it was cut was to make sure I could still pull it back into a pony tail. This was crucial with the hot and humid temperatures in Orlando and summer coming here. The stylist was able to do just this.

Here is a photo of TechyDad and me in May. Please note when this photo was taken, it was already 90 degrees and humid that morning as we made our way into the Animal Kingdom.

Disney World hair

I am getting antsy with my hair again. This weekend we are taking the boys to get their hair cut (I think) and I may just get mine done at the same time. Here is a photo that was just taken.

Hair today . . . gone tomorrow?

Oy! It was a no makeup kind of day here and out of control frizz issues with the hair, not a great combo. As you can see, my hair has gotten a lot longer over the last six months and could really use another trip to Disney World some freshening up.

So my question to you this week:

How often do you have your hair cut and do you usually go in with a plan?


BTW – Be sure to check out three giveaways that are going on right now:  Softlips Winter collectionMovie Moments Prize Pack (4 movie tickets and cereal), and Sweet Ones Prize Pack.


Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #75

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Cooking with TechyDad

As many of you may know, my hubby also blogs. TechyDad has a regular feature on his website called Cooking With TechyDad. Here he shares items that he has made for our family, along with a lot of photos of the cooking/baking process.

Recently, his new passion is to use purees in items to try to sneak in some extra veggies for our family. Would you have guessed that these two sweet boys are picky eaters?!

Big brother helps with nap time story

This week, TechyDad is kicking off Sneaky Weeky. Today, he posted about preparing purees a la Missy Chase Lapine –  otherwise known as The Sneaky Chef. Be sure to head over this week to check out some of the recipes that our family have enjoyed. The best part is, I know our boys are getting extra vegetables into their diets eating foods that are healthy for them.

Previous Cooking with TechyDad recipes include:

Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Mashmallow Dessert Pizza

Slow Cooker Bean Soup

Mock Crab Cakes

Tie-Dyed Cheesecake

Eggplant Italian (for the slow cooker)

There are several others. You can find them by looking under the cooking area on the website. I hope you enjoy browsing and know that many more delicious recipes are coming soon. Remember, as a taste tester I know!



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Halloween 2009

Stuck home and not happy to be in the chair.

Trying to get out

Luigi with the lame mustache that came with the costume. It covered the mouth so talking was not possible (Hmmmm. . . . )

 Costume problem = mustache

Fixed the mustache on the fly. Thank you Avon eye liner!

 New mustache = plan B

TechyDad wearing his costume from a wedding he was in last Halloween.

Aragon and Luigi

 Of course, the rain started right when we went out in the neighborhood:

Shielded from the rain

 Having fun with Pluto hat and glow bracelets while waiting to give out candy to those that braved the rain.

In the Halloween spirit

As a mostly Wordless Wednesday, I just had to put a few filler items in to explain the photos. Thanks to his febrile seizure Thursday, the little guy was not able to get dressed up and go trick-or-treating. He was still celebrating in his own way. Big kid was able to head out to a few houses after being fever free three days after the week long flu battle.


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No school and some Halloween Photo Fun

As you probably know, today is Election Day. The schools in our district are used as polling places, so there are no classes today. Instead, we signed up for parent-teacher conferences and were able to get NHL’s report card. So we packed up the boys, our pumpkin chocolate chip cake to donate to the bake sale and things to keep the boys busy.

At 8:00, we met with NHL’s teacher. He is doing at or above grade level in all academic areas. The areas that he needs to work on are all in the behavior/social realm and developmentally appropriate. One of the items mentioned is that he likes to tell the teachers what other classmates are doing. So we have to reinforce what being a tattle tale is and to mind your own business.

At the end of the 15 minutes, NHL’s computer teacher came to chat with TechyDad. He also happens to be the head of the Chess Club that NHL is a part of. They talked for a few moments about what we need to do to channel NHL’s clear mindset/strategy for Chess. After this, we went to drop off the cake to the cafeteria and went on our way.

We went to vote and saw Papa at work while there. Then we were off to try to get a few things for lunch at home and a chess game for NHL to practice at home.

When we came home, the boys played for awhile. Then, while showing NHL the photos from Halloween, I decided to go into Picnik within Flickr. He wanted to play around with one of the photos of him in the Luigi costume. Check out what NHL made (with a little assistance from me): 

Vampire Luigi

He decided that he wanted orange eyes, vampire skin, a ghost with a witch hat on and spider on the web. Then he helped to pick out the colors for the frame on the picture. He thought it was really fun. I think the only complaint he had was I did not have a Premium membership for some of the other fun Halloween features.

When NHL was done, I had some fun with a photos of TechyDad with NHL. Here they are as Zombies: 

My Zombified boys

I will post some of the real Halloween photos soon. Before I go, I was wondering, do you use Picnik? If you do, do you have the Premium membership? Just curious because I have been toying with it for a while now, but not really sure what the paid version includes that I am missing now.




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