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TechyDad and Moi – 9 years ago today

Dear TechyDad,

Let me begin by saying that I am so lucky to have you as my husband. Not every woman can say that they have a husband that cooks dinner almost every night, loves to play and teach the kids all things geeky, work as my webmaster for free, likes to grocery shop and is an all around amazing person, but I can! I know I do not say it enough, but thank you for being you. Sure we may hit a nerve with the other one from time to time, but that is to be expected when you have been married for nine years and counting. 
 11 Under the chuppah

It is hard to believe that nine years ago today we walked into the synagogue unmarried and left as husband and wife. The year of preparations were a whirlwind for a day that I would love to have back. The day that I became your wife was magical, but so much was a blur. If I could get that time back I would love it. I would have paid more attention to the little thing. Like the goofy smile when you signed our ketubah or look on your face when I came down the aisle to join you under the chuppah. Sure I can see these in photos, but I wish I had savored the moment a bit more. Of course, you know the truth. I was a little distracted during our actual ceremony. Underneath my layers of dress, I was doing the "gotta go" dance. Apparently my teacher bladder failed me that day. 
 16 - Our first dance

I wish I could remember more little details about our first dance as husband and life. Instead, I what sticks out in my head more are the images from thinking we were going to be killed during the Hora when raised up in the chairs. The expression on my face captured by the photographer says it all.

15  Help me . . . I'm going to die!

Of course, I would never want to go back in time if it meant that things would change. So much has happened over the last nine years. We have both grown up together. Sure we are both still kids at heart, but we have added a lot of responsibilities. Together we have two beautiful little boys, a house of our own and hopes/dreams/goals that we are both working toward.

21 - JL has trouble with his kippah while cutting cake

May we always remember the good times, learn from the tough times and help each other to focus on the things that matter most – our time together and with our family. 

C'est Moi with TechyDad

I love you with all of my heart and look forward to the rest of our lives together.


Your Angel Forever

P.S. For a walk down memory lane you can check out more wedding photos here.

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Bowling with TechyDad on Father’s Day

Let me begin by wishing all of the Dads out there a wonderful Father’s Day. Remember, if you influence the lives of children and are a part of their world you are a Father. A special thank you to TechyDad for being such a wonderful father to our boys. A girl never could have dreamed for such a wonderful man to be the Dad in our family. It has been amazing watching you over the years with the boys teaching them all things geeky, techy and beyond. I also hope that Papa, my brother, all of my uncles and my Cousin D had an extra special day.

This weekend, we spent a lot of family time together doing fun things. On Saturday, we left in the early afternoon and went to Six Flags. This morning, we thought about going strawberry picking, but, thanks to a storm last night, we thought it may be too muddy and buggy. TechyDad decided that he would like to go out to lunch and then bowling. He thought it would be fun, cool inside and interesting since JSL has never been bowling before.

After lunch out, we decided to try a new bowling place. For some strange reason, most of the bowling alleys in our area are closed on Sunday.  Here are some photos of the boys bowling together.

My boys bowling

More about Six Flags, bowling and what we signed up for this summer coming soon.

Again, Happy Father’s Day to TechyDad and all of the other dads out there!


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Family wedding fun

Monday night, only two days after my cousin’s wedding the boys were still talking about the events of the weekend. The best was when NHL asked if we could go back to cousin RB’s wedding again. Both of the boys had a magical time dancing, singing, and enjoying the experience of a wedding. It was amazing watching NHL and JSL as they figured out just what a wedding was about. Sure, NHL had been to my brother’s wedding, but he was so sick that weekend.

Saturday, we arrived at the hotel several hours before the wedding. We went out to lunch nearby and stopped by the LL Bean outlet store where we scored a few items for great prices. Next, we stopped by Target to pick up a few cars for the boys to be able to keep them busy at the wedding. We goofed and forgot to pack any earlier that morning when we left the house. Then we went back to the room where I rested (sinus infection and antibiotics was kicking me in the butt) and the boys played quietly. Before we knew it, it was almost 4:00 and time to get everyone dressed.

Once we were all dressed, we went  to wait for Nana and Papa to go to the location of the wedding next door. When we went outside, the groom and our family were there. When it was almost time, we went inside. We were told to find our table number and we would sit there for the ceremony and the reception. My family rocked – they put us on the edge near an escape door. This was actually utilized as mentioned by TechyDad in his post that includes videos of the party boys.

Before the wedding

After the actual ceremony, the little guy came back in and the boys were happily snacking on food, playing with their cars, dancing and saying hello to everyone. The one and only photo that we tried to get of the four of us is below. Not the best since the kids were trying to run away. Oh well, better than nothing I suppose.

After the ceremony

Of course, after JSL had a few crackers and some fruit, he immediately wanted the wedding cake. Try explaining to a three year old that you have to wait. Thanks to being seated VERY close to the cakes, we kept them next to us and never moved away from them. Not saying that we didn’t trust them, but the cakes certainly could have gotten them into trouble. Thank goodness there was no incident. The boys kept playing with their cars and dancing the night away. Even Nana and Papa were caught dancing.

A lot of dancing going on

After a while, it was finally time for cousin RB and KB to cut into the cake. The boys were so excited to be up close and get to watch this. NHL was especially fascinated with the bride and groom and kept asking about them. Then, when it was time to eat the cake, both boys were more interested in the music and everything else going on.

Time for the cake

Several hours after their bed time, NHL finally looked at me and said he wanted to go back to the room to sleep. JSL was reluctant, but eventually did not want to stay without his big brother. We got back to the room and NHL curled up to sleep within seconds of his head hitting the pillow.

If you have kids, have they been to a wedding and did they have fun?

As you can tell, my boys had a blast and want to go to another wedding soon! More wedding photos and stories coming later on. Wanted to share some of the memories that we had from this fun family event. Mazel tov again to Cousin RB and KB on their marriage!


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Off to a wedding we go

Yesterday morning, we packed up the car. In the back seat was a very excited three year old singing his own little song. In a sweet little voice, he was saying, "I goin’ to a wedding – a wedding!"  – over and over. He really had no clue what to expect. To be honest, neither did NHL since the only wedding he has been to was my brother’s just over five years ago.

When I was little, I remember heading out to western NY for long weekends. We would stay at a hotel and go to visit my mother’s first cousin MB and her family. As the only girl in the group of kids, I learned to play with the boys. Here I am in the middle of RB and JB. Not sure where my brother was at this moment (probably too little for the swings).

Cousins in the 80's

Fast forward 20+ years and we are all grown up now. I was the first of the bunch married almost nine years ago. Here I am today with my husband, you know TechyDad.

C'est Moi with TechyDad

JB was married in December to LB (another teacher in the family). Sadly, we were not able to go to their wedding across the country. I had a nice time chatting with LB several times and look forward to seeing them again soon.

JB and his wife LB

Yesterday, it was RB’s wedding that we went to. He and KB are now husband and wife. Here is a photo of the newly married couple just before they cut their wedding cake.

RB and his beautiful new bride KB

We had a fabulous time and there is so much to share. Here is one photo of my little guys having a blast at the wedding festivities.

My boys were party animals

Thank you again to cousins MB and LB for inviting our entire family to be party of this special occasion. Mazel tov again on both of your boys being married!


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Burst water pipe blues

Monday morning, I was feeling rather ambitious. I was moving out the clothing that NHL had outgrown, switching out JSL’s fall items for summer and heading down to the basement for laundry/get the next size items for summer. Minutes later, things in my little world were changing. To give you a sense, this was how I felt this morning:

Eeyore kind of day coffee

Thank you Keurig machine at Mom and Dad’s house. You are definitely my hero today! Now, back to yesterday.

When I went downstairs, I saw water on the ground. Let me rephrase that, I saw a lot of  water! Over 3/4 of the basement floor was wet. It was not deep, but I could hear water rushing. This was not in the usual spot. I immediately screamed for TechyDad to come. Much to our horror we quickly found the culprit. There was geyser of water from a pipe in the back corner of the basement.

I was freaked out and knew it was not good. I called my father and he had someone come over to help us try to stop the flow. Nada – so we called the city. They were at the house in about an hour. By this time, I was already gone. I took NHL to school and went to my parents house since we had no running water.

They eventually came and told TechyDad that it was a pipe running to our main service line and we would likely need to replace that entire line. My heart sank when I heard this. This would be beyond expensive and require a huge section of our yard to be dug up.

To make a long story short, two people came to look. The first plumber I called said they would be there in 2-3 hours. Then, my father mentioned another person to call. He was there in 20 minutes. He gave us a price. I had to get back to him after I heard from our insurance company to see if anything would be covered. Nada on that (mixed feelings after the roof fiasco just a month ago). I told him that we had another plumber coming and not to be insulted. The other plumber came and gave us a better price. The catch – they could not do the work until Thursday at the earliest and he told us we could not wait. So we went ahead, signed a contract with the first person. That check hurt to write.

The saga continued. When they turned the main water off, the water kept flowing. Yes, the river in my basement was still going and going to the drain on the other end. TechyDad went to clean up some with the wet/dry vac and saw more of a mess. As he was sucking water up, more was coming. He called the water department again. Different stories were given, the potential for our bill was getting larger by the minute. I was in tears hearing the story over the phone. Lucky for us, the two men went into the basement and they found something. There was a covered sewer pipe right next to problem pipe. Thanks to TechyDad cleaning that area, they were able to see it and removed the spot and it shot right down there

Below is a view of the leaking pipe area this morning. Looks SO much better than yesterday, but who knows what will happen today as the work progresses.

The culprit - 24 hours later

Fast forward to this morning. After 2 hours of sleep, I took JSL to the doctor and then went to our house. The power company, telephone company and numerous other had come to check in so they would know where it was safe to dig. There were several large vehicles parked outside our house. Before I knew it, this was the scene:

The mess at our house

I left the house since it was raining and was told they would call if anything was needed. Now, I wait and see. With any luck, they will be able to fix it and restore the water. The box outside may also need to be replaced will will add a significant amount of additional spending on this project.

On that note, I am off to rest while waiting to hopefully hear some good news about the dig site in my front yard. Once again, I wish that dull moment would come soon.


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