Category Archives house

Storm, flooding and tree down

This afternoon we had a horrible system of thunder storms with down pours come through the area. This was at the time that Jl went to pick up NHL The boys were at the grocery store when it was REALLY bad and the power there went out. I told Jason at that time that I really thought that lightning must have hit near us. (remember this for later)

When they finally got home our front porch was flooded thanks to windows being open and the rain coming in at strange angles. I told JL he had to check our basement and attic. Before he was able to go down our neighbor called. She got the following words out “I’m sorry if I am the bearer of bad words” I immediately blurted out “Oh no, please don’t say we’re flooded!”

Sure enough the flash floods must have been too much for the water systems here and our basements were in 2-3 inches of water. Luckily it’s gone down, but we’re very damp and don’t want to use the washer and dryer (had a load in) since they may have been wet underneath (we really need to get them off the ground now). Nothing like more fun and excitement for the day. I was bad and went to the basement to look, but am not doing anything because I like the fact that the bleeding is slowing to almost nothing!

So JL went to bring our stuff to dry at my parents house. He called me from the road. I was right. Lightning did strike near us. Check out the photos below of the damage to the tree

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Ugh, never a dull moment!

C’est Moi

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It’s a miracle!

Yahoo! The 3rd bedroom is emptied out (we won’t mention what the kitchen looks like this minute). JL and I just finished dusting and all of that jazz and then put the new Berber carpet that we got into the room. The hardwood floors are the only ones in the house that never were able to get fixed when they were refinished. The stupid previous owners kept their pets in this room. Let’s just say we’ve dubbed it the old “cat pee” room.

Anyway, JL helped me to haul up all of the baby clothing, which now sits in a box to get cleaned. We put NHL’s 24-2T things away. Plus we also know where the 3-6 month, 6-9 month and 9-12 month clothing is. We are currently stumped as to where the 12-24 month items are. I guess we’ll worry about that later. JL is going to look for the rest of the crib items tomorrow, along with the infant car seat.

The agenda for tomorrow is to empty NHL’s dresser that is also a changing table, move it to the 3rd bedroom. Go to my parents house to pick up another dresser that they are giving us for NHL’s things and move that into the 3rd bedroom as well. And the last item is to move the crib into NHL’s room . . . of course that’s after the new carpet is put down in there. That should certainly keep us busy – we won’t even mention the regular laundry that needs to get done.

Here is a photo of a table in the 3rd bedroom with the gifts from the girls on Friday:
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Here’s NHL playing with his cars on the new rug:
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C’est Moi

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I HATE this house!

Last night was miserable (as noted in prior blog entries).

At 2:00 I woke up and was having horrible hot flashes (in a 62 degree house). While awake I got a cramp from hell in my ankle/arch of my foot that wouldn’t die. I was in tears crying from it. Then I was hungry and couldn’t breathe again. I had some cereal and finally at 4:30 I used my inhaler again. This caused my heart to race, but eventually I was breathing well and fell asleep.

Prior to falling asleep I told JL that I heard water dripping in our bedroom. Did he listen to me. Not really . . . . GRRRR! Last year we woke up to flooding in our bedroom and bathroom one morning thanks to ice damns that had formed at the bottom of our roof. We knew that we had them again, but were hoping it wouldn’t do anything this year.

No such luck. I was just heading back to bed to rest for a little while (3-4 hours of sleep isn’t a lot). I get in there and I look up in the spot that had water last year and sure enough there are water droplets. I lost it! I can’t stop crying and am SO angry. JL is heading to Home Depot to see if he can buy a ladder to get up and break the ice damns on both sides of the house. Meanwhile he has a small bucket catching water up in the attic where he was able to see it coming in. *sigh*

Thank goodness the in-laws canceled their visit in today. I could not deal with that. As it is other people do not understnad about this mess and keep telling us to call roofers. It isn’t the roof, we need more insulation to stop the damns from forming. And last time when we didn’t know what the leaking was from we called a TON of roofers and not one ever called us back in the emergency situation.

Now I need to get through this day of “fun” just to have my 1 hour glucose test in the morning.

C’est Moi
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