Category Archives holidays

Happy St. Patrick’s Day – Be Safe


St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s day is one that many people will be wearing shades of green to enjoy a special day with our Irish friends. Of course, it is also a day that people will be at parties and likely drinking. To keep this day happy, we must think ahead and be sure to stay safe. Don’t forget:

Buzzed Driving

As part of Global Influence, I want to help to get this important public service message out there. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Ad Council wants to remind everyone to stay safe, plan ahead, and designate a sober driver for an upcoming parties that you will be going to. Do not forget that Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving no matter what the day. The NHTSA has additional information on their Facebook page and Twitter account.

Designate a Sober Driver

Remember to share this information with your family and friends. If we work together we can try to stop buzzed driving.


Disclosure: I am posting this information as a public service because I feel it is important to get it to my readers. Global Influence is helping spread the word about this public service campaign.

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Tuesday Tales – The Queen Who Saved Her People

Tuesday Tales

Do you know what the following items have in common?

  • Costumes
  • King Ahashuerus
  • Hamantaschen
  • Queen Ester
  • Megillah
  • Groggers
  • Mordechai
  • Haman
  • Adar

Each of the words above is related in one way or another to the Jewish holiday of Purim. On the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, Jewish people all over the world will celebrate the story of Queen Esther. Celebrations will include carnivals, dressing up in costumes, eating hamantaschen, and reading the Megillah. During the reading of the Megillah, we are told to be loud, and make a lot of noise with graggers each time we hear Haman’s name uttered. The celebration is fun and really gets the community involved. More about Purim will be on my blog this coming Sunday, so please be sure to stop by.

The boys adore going to shul to celebrate Purim. They love to dress up, make noise, and learn more about the holidays. Thanks to books, we are able to read more about Purim and begin the celebration before the reading of the Megillah. Recently, Kar-Ben sent me a copy of their new book The Queen Who Saved Her People to read and review with my family.

 The Queen Who Saved Her People

More about The Queen Who Saved Her People:

From Press Release

Perfect for presenting as a Purim shpiel at any Purim party, The Queen Who Saved Her People is a new adaptation of the well known Purim story. And it’s never been more fun than this! This irreverently-illustrated rhyming tale is a wonderful read-aloud book, and its color-coded dialogue is perfect for Readers Theater performances.

The book can be read as a regular story or acted out with an ensemble of voices and actors, telling the rollicking story of Purim. The book is available in affordable paperback so it’s easy to buy enough copies for each child or grownup in the play. By the author/illustrator team of Tilda Balsley and Ilene Richard, creators of the popular Let My People Go!


The Queen Who Saved Her People – Written by Tilda Balsley – Illustrated by Ilene Rochard – Kar-Ben Publishing – Spring 2011 – ISBN 978-0-7613-5093-4 – $7.95 (paperback) – Ages 4-8

What We Thought:

The boys always enjoy reading books about Purim. At 7, NHL knows the general story and liked the idea of using the book for a play. He enjoyed pointing out the people within the illustrations and telling me additional items that he knows about the story of Purim. He was able to add more details about Queen Esther and the bad deeds that Haman had planned to do to the people.

JSL is almost 4 and the book had a little too much information to keep his interest. To keep him involved, I had JSL practice making noise each time he heard Haman’s name during the story. He was able to follow the characters moving in the story thanks to the bright and colorful depictions. 

Here is a look inside the book:

A Look Inside

As a teacher, I love the idea of Readers Theater. I could see this book being used in a Hebrew School classroom as enrichment, or for a performance in front of others. I would definitely recommend this book for older children, those in elementary school who are able to read and have more fun with this.

What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Book Posts, and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.


Disclosure: I received this book complimentary of Kar-Ben Publishing in order to facilitate this review. No other compensation was given. The opinions expressed in the review are my own. One widget within the review is for my Amazon Affiliate where I will receive a percentage of money for the sale of the books should you opt to buy the book mentioned.

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Shabbat Shaboom – Mama Doni’s Challah Day Celebration For the Whole Family

Growing up in a very active Jewish family, I remember listening to a lot of different styles of Jewish music. The memories of playing records and dancing at my Mimi and Poppy’s house with relatives is still fresh in my mind. I also recall learning Shabbat songs when I was in nursery school. NHL did the same just a few years ago, and now JSL is celebrating Shabbat with music, candle lighting, challah eating, and role playing as the Abba (father). It makes me proud to know that my boys are keeping the traditions alive. Shabbat Shaboom CD Cover

These days, it is even easier to celebrate our Jewish heritage thanks to new music that is out there. When I was asked by Waldmania! PR to check out a new CD by The Mama Band, I was very intrigued and agreed.

About Shabbat Shaboom and The Mama Doni Band:

The Mama Doni Band

The following is from the Press Release about the new CD:

The inimitable Mama Doni brings her special brand of “funky music with a Jewish twist” to a new “Challah-Day” album, with the March 22 release of Shabbat Shaboom (Mama Doni Productions, $15, run time 42 minutes, all ages).

Doni Zasloff Thomas, aka Mama Doni, is the lead singer/songwriter in The Mama Doni Band.  Doni’s “wacky, Jewish indie-rock band for kids” won the Simcha Award for Inspiring Joy Through Music in competition with more than 100 bands from 15 different countries at the 2008 International Jewish Music Festival in Amsterdam.   Quirky, zany, offbeat, and unpredictable, The Mama Doni Band expands the horizons of traditional Jewish music with a contagious and unexpected blend of reggae, rock, disco, Latin, klezmer and “Jewgrass” – all woven together with a hip Jewish sensibility. 

The original songs and stories on Shabbat Shaboom transport listeners to a place where the album’s warmly sincere pop-rock title track happily melds with a Gloria Estefan-meets-Fiddler on the Roof conga line tune, "Challah-Day,” where the reggae-influenced “Mazel Tov” meets a disco ditty, “Sabbath Queen.”  Shabbat Shaboom touches on such aspects as lighting candles, being with family (mishpocha), celebrating bat mitzvahs, and even the “workout” that Mama Doni mischievously terms "synagoguersizing." 

Shabbat Shaboom marks the first Mama Doni CD to showcase the entire Mama Doni Band.  Says Doni, “Shabbat Shaboom is really an evolution for us.  It’s a little less shticky than my previous CDs.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s still fun!  But this album has a slightly different vibe.  It’s more sophisticated musically than my earlier work, a bit more soulful, you might say.”

The raison d’être of Mama Doni’s presentation goes deeper than surface “shtick.” What’s important to Doni is the idea of giving children their own current and positive musical voice.  Doni lays out her mission: “I want to share with kids of all ages and backgrounds the humor and richness that effervesces throughout Yiddish language and Jewish culture. Through my music I hope that they can access the joy in this culture in a new way and have a rockin‘ good time in the process!”

Mama Doni apron photo credit Jill Wachter

Tracks on the CD include:

  • The Introduction
  • Shabbat Shaboom
  • Challah-Day
  • The Best Shabbat I Ever Had
  • Mazel Tov
  • Quiet On The Set!
  • My Mishpocha
  • The Sabbath Queen
  • A Grape Juice Break Dance
  • The Bat Mitzvah
  • Synagoguersize
  • Shabbat Happens 52 Times a Year
  • Fahklempt (Remix)
  • Jewish Cowgirl (Remix)
  • The Coolest Friend I Ever Had Was a Chicken
  • The Finale
  • Shabbat Shaboom Sleepytime
  • Bonus Track – The Friday Night Blessings (Mama Doni’s New Melody)
  • Bonus Track – Saturday Night Blessings (Havdalah, Melody of Debbie Friedman)

What We Thought:

The boys and I took the Shabbat Shaboom CD into the car to listen to as we traveled. We laughed and sang along with the fun and unique lyrics. Later on, we played the CD in the house so they could dance around to the high energy songs. The boys really loved the title song “Shabbat Shaboom” and asked to hear it over and over again. They also giggled about Mama Doni’s love for challah in “Challah-Day” and asked if we could listen to it during Shabbat when they eat their challah. Their ears also perked up when Doni mentions her Bubbie – that is what the boys calls TechyDad’s mother.

NHL has been in Hebrew School for several years, so he caught references to items within the songs. He recognized “Mazel Tov” and why they were saying it in the song. He also shocked us and knew what “My Mishpocha” was about. He laughed and said Doni’s mishpocha reminded him of some people in our family. Of course, the banjo playing that introduces everyone was hilarious and kept us laughing as we “met” more of her family members.

For me, the magic of the CD is how much learning it packs into each fun, and quirky song. Mama Doni tosses in so much about Shabbat, using terms, traditions, and family happenings to make it work really well. TechyDad and I kept laughing at “Synagoguersize” because we have always joked that it is a workout going to shul on Shabbat. When our rabbi asks us to please rise – this song will forever be stuck in my mind. I also could relate to “Bat Mitzvah” and all of the hectic preparations that went on when getting my brother ready for his Bar Mitzvah. I knew his Haftorah almost as well as he did at one point.

My favorite song on Shabbat Shaboom is “Shabbat Shaboom Sleepy Time” because of how beautiful the song was. The original was fun, but this version gave me chills and really highlights Mama Doni’s voice and talent. JSL and NHL also liked the bonus tracks of the blessings from Friday and Saturday night. The little guy quickly recognized it from school and asked to hear it again. This shows me that we are doing something right. The boys are proud and enjoying their heritage, and with the help of Mama Doni we can make it even more fun. Now, I am eyeing the Mama Doni Band Purim CD, along with others that are already released to add to our growing collection of Jewish music.

I just hope that one day we will be able to see The Mama Doni Band in concert. To see their schedule check out the tour dates on the left of their website.


Disclosure: This review was made possible by Waldmania!. They provided me with the Shabbat Shaboom CD to facilitate this review. The opinions of this review are mine and I received no other compensation.

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Tuesday Tales – Sammy Spider’s First Purim

Tuesday Tales

The other day, JSL had a package in the mail. It was his February book from the PJ Library. When he opened it up and saw what was inside, I think I was more excited. You see, I recognized the book and was so happy it was now in our personal library.

Sammy Spider's First Purim

More about Sammy Spider’s First Purim:

The Shapiro family is getting ready for Purim. Josh is making a grogger to take to the synagogue Megillah reading. Sammy Spider wants to participate, but as Sammy’s mother reminds him, "Spiders don’t celebrate holidays; spiders spin webs." This time Sammy’s curiosity gets him stuck inside a grogger, spinning noisily among the beans. How will he escape?


Sammy Spider’s First Purim – Written by Sylvia A. Rouss – Illustrated by Katherine Janus Kahn – Kar-Ben Publishing – January 2000 – ISBN 978-1580130622 – $7.95 (paperback) – Ages 4-8

The Sammy Spider books are a series by Sylvia A. Rouss about a curious young spider named Sammy. Sammy learns about Jewish holidays by watching the Shapiro family and asking his mother questions. Other Sammy Spider titles include books Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Tu B’Shevat, Passover, Haggadah, Trip to Israel, and Days of School.

What We Thought:

We are definitely fans of Sammy Spider. Sylvia A. Rouss does an amazing job of incorporating fun Purim facts into the adventure of Sammy Spider. We follow Sammy within the colorful Eric Carle like illustrations done by Katherine Janus Kahn. Some pages from Sammy Spider's First Purim

Sammy learns that Josh will wear a costume to synagogue where he will hear the story of how Queen Esther saved the Jewish people. We also see Mrs. Shapiro making hamantaschen, while Josh creates a grogger of his own. Both of my boys are now curious to read more stories about Sammy Spider and I hope to add to our collection soon.

I am also very impressed with the web site that Sylvia A. Rouss has. Not only does she have her own blog, but also an area with Sammy Spider curriculum activities. I also spied a chapter book that she wrote called Mitzvah the Mutt that may be a great read with NHL.

So what have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Tuesday Tales, Book Posts, and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books. 


Disclosure: My son received this book as part of our membership to The PJ Library. We were never asked to write about the book. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and no compensation was given. The widget within the review is an Amazon Affiliate where I will receive a percentage of money for the sale of the books should you opt to buy the book mentioned.

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Happy Disney Junior Day

Disney Junior Day

No need to adjust your eyes. You are reading correctly. It is February 14th and technically Valentine’s Day, but in our house it will now be called Disney Junior Day. For months now, my three year old son has been crying to see Disney Junior. He did not understand that he would have to wait until this day to see the newly revamped television programing for children by Disney. This is what we have been teased with for quite some time:


About Disney Junior:

Disney Junior

Beginning on February 14, 2011, Disney Junior will be available every morning on Disney Channel! Disney Junior invites mom and dad to join their child in the Disney experience of magical, musical and heartfelt stories and characters, while incorporating specific learning and development themes designed for kids age 2-7. Disney Junior’s animated and live action series blend Disney’s unparalleled storytelling and characters kids love deeply with learning, including early math, language skills, healthy eating and lifestyles, and social skills.

In our house this Valentine’s Day, we will have a little chocolate, and wear red, but the most exciting part will be checking out Jake and the Never Land Pirates, Babar and the Adventures of Badou, Tinga Tinga Tales, and other Disney favorites.


Disclosure: As a big Disney fan, I felt the need to share this special day with my readers. After listening to my son cry for weeks to see Disney Junior, it seemed like a monumental event in our lives.

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