Category Archives holidays

The Face Says It All

Dear JSL,

What a week it has been. There has been so much going on that the time seemed to fly at certain points. Do you know what the following items all have it common?

  • Spring break
  • April showers
  • Passover Seders
  • Hunger strikes
  • Lots of family time
  • Laundry from sickness
  • Making big decisions
  • Rain, Rain, Rain
  • Pajama days
  • Disney DVD central

Any ideas? Well, when we look back at the past week, I think these items pretty much sum things up. It was Spring break, there were so many April showers that plans to play outside were almost always canceled. The Passover Seders were not only time spent with lots of family, but when your hunger strike of sorts started. No JSL, you can not live on potato chips and matzoh balls! Oh and the matzah and cream cheese at Nana and Papa’s house – the same we have. If you can eat it there, it will work at our house too.

Thanks to refusing to eat almost anything, you made yourself very sick all over my bed. That was also a day of really big, hard decisions for me. Did I mention that it rained, and rained, and rained? While stuck inside we sported pajamas and watched a bunch of Disney DVDs. You and NHL are now fans of Robin Hood.

The sun actually came out yesterday. While outside at Nana and Papa’s house, you made a face. It pretty much summed up the way I was feeling.

The Face Says It All

Thank you for making me laugh and smile – I needed that!




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />


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Passover Seder Aftermath

Monday and Tuesday night were late nights for our family. Yes, TechyDad and I are typically up working late – but the kids are asleep for many of those hours. For some reason midnight seemed a lot later when both boys were still up and running around.

We had a wonderful time at Aunt S and Uncle M’s house for both of the Seders. Extended family were in town to help celebrate and remember the traditions of Pesach. Thank you Aunt S and Uncle M for including us and giving our boys fabulous memories of Passover Seders.

Views from Seder 2

There is so much to write about, but right now I am on Mom duty. Both boys are home for Spring Break and the little guy woke up feeling a bit off. Poor kid is miserable and I have laundry to work on thanks to it. Not sure if he is sick, or just so exhausted he is getting sick (not eating isn’t helping either). So if I am scarce for a few days, no need to send in the troops – just taking care of the family and trying to get everyone back on track while limited to Passover foods.

If you have any suggestions on things to feed an almost four year old that refuses to eat Passover food – I would love them.


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A Social Media Passover

While I spend the day with my family and go to another Passover Seder this evening, I wanted to share something different. made a great Google Exodus video about what it would have been like if Moses had Facebook. They really went all out creating this one using a lot of technology and social media.

Hope you enjoyed. What was your favorite part of this creative piece?

Photos of my Passover celebration coming soon.


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Happy Pesach 5771

Yes, the time has come. Ready or not, Passover begins tonight at sundown. TechyDad, NHL, JSL, and I will sit down with family for the first Seder of 5771. It is a chance to retell the story while reading our Haggadah. This is a time where our boys will see the traditions that have been passed along for generations.

While looking for something fun to share, I found this really great Passover song all about the Seder symbols.

To all of my family, friends, and readers that celebrate Passover – Chag Sameach.

Previous Passover posts can be found here – lots of fun over the years.


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