Category Archives holidays

Getting Ready For the Holidays in July

As I mentioned the other day, we often try to get my niece, nephew, and two boys for a photo together for our family members. As you know, that quest is often a comedy of errors. You would think that it would get easier, when you are trying to do this with only two children.

Insert extreme laughter, sarcasm, and rolling eyes here!

Yes, I will admit it. Since we had the kids, we actually start to think about Christmas cards long before December hits. When Global Influence and Storkie asked me to participate in a post about Christmas in July, it made me laugh. By Halloween, we begin to talk about a photo shoot with the kids. What should they wear, when should we do it, and the list of options goes on.

Then, we inevitably forget about time and it is nearly Thanksgiving. TechyDad and I start to talk about things, we agree to photo cards.

The clock is ticking as December is suddenly here. Some years, Chanukah has already begun before my birthday which is early in the month. This is about when we really start to panic. Yes, we need to get cracking. Photos must be taken, cards ordered, and then ship them out.

The photo shoot itself is usually full of stressful, but fun laughter. The boys get silly and we keep snapping away until we hope that we have at least one photo to work.

My silly boys during photo shoot

Once the kids are asleep, TechyDad and I sit at the computer and toss out a lot of the pictures. Once we find THE one, we have to agree on a card. Since we are Jewish and a lot of friends celebrate Christmas, we opt to make New Years cards. This is also a nice way of being able to drag out the process a little longer and not being late.

2011 Internet Holiday Card

So, admission time here. How are you about getting your holiday cards ready to send to family and friends? It may only be July now, but before you know it the holidays will be here.


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post from Global Influence and Storkie. For sharing this information, I will be receiving compensation. All content and opinions are my own.

Global Influence Network


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Golf, Food, Family, and Fun

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day around here are typically days that we try to do something fun and different with the kids to enjoy a day together. This year was no different. We opted not to go strawberry picking and took the boys to a local miniature golf location. They have the traditional outdoor one, but also a fun glow in the dark indoor one. Since it was beautiful outside, we did the outdoor one. For Father’s Day they were doing a pay for 18 holes and play all 36. It seemed like a good plan.

Heading into the castle

I opted not to play, instead I took photos, walked, helped the little guy (his first time playing), and whined. Yes, I was in a cranky mood. The boys were not listening, heat, and rough condition of the greens were making me wish we had gone to get strawberries. After a bit, I calmed down some and we muddled our way past 26 of the 36 holes. It was getting late and I knew the boys were getting antsy.

Father's Day 2011 Mini-Golfing

TechyDad picked a new place to try to lunch. We went to Saati Deli and Catering and had an absolutely delicious meal. The people were super friendly, the menu huge, and food amazing. TechyDad and I decided to split a big grilled cheese sandwich for the boys and get them a small french fry (they rarely have them). Then we split two sandwiches to try. I selected the Grilled Vegetable, Fresh Mozzarella, Pesto and Balsamic Glaze. TechyDad opted for the Feta Cheese, Fried Eggplant, Pesto, Lettuce and Tomato. Yum, yum, yum – we all loved the food we had. There is no doubt that we will be going back here again.

Lunch at Saati's

From here we splurged and went back to the ice cream place that Nana and Papa had taken us to a week ago. Since I was not a huge fan of the kind I had last time, I tried something new. OMG – I was in heaven. Seriously, check this bad boy out:

My new BFF

This has to be one of the best ice cream flavors I have ever had. It was Peanut Butter Caramel Cookie Dough. What is not to love about what combination?

We went to do a little shopping and then went home to grab some items to take to Nana and Papa’s house. While there the boys played, TechyDad took a nap, and I prepared the Asian Salad that my father requested. Here is a sneak peak of what was in that:

Asian Salad for Dad

We had a wonderful dinner with my parents, fantastic new-to-me watermelon, and then came home to get the boys into bed. No, it may not have been exactly the day we planned, but it was a great day with our family.

What did you do to celebrate Father’s Day this year?


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Father’s Day Wishes and Memories – 2011

Father's Day Stamp

I still remember the first Father’s Day that we had for TechyDad. It was a day spent with family, watching our ten month old NHL grow up before our eyes.

TechyDad's 1st Father's Day

We went for part of the day to the nursing home to visit with my Poppy S. NHL loved sitting in his arms and just watching his face. He always grabbed his baseball hat and liked to snuggle with him in his room.

Father's Day 2004

Of course, later on, Poppy S and NHL bonded over ice cream bars, Dunkin Donuts  that we brought him, and clucking like a chicken. Those are memories that we will always cherish.

Last year, TechyDad decided he wanted to take the boys bowling for part of the day. We went and the boys laughed, smiled, and had a wonderful time.

TechyDad and NHL - March 2011

Father’s Day this year may include strawberry picking, lunch out, or something completely different. It is up in the air. We will be doing fun things with TechyDad. No doubt the boys will love every minute with their amazing father.


This is TechyDad’s seventh Father’s Day as a dad. I knew from the day we started going out that he was going to be a fantastic father. He has gone above and beyond over the years. He loves to play and be a kid with the boys. Now that they are older, he spends time passing on traditions and fun things that he loves with them including Anamaniacs, super heroes, Gargoyles, photography, and the list goes on. Thank you for being such an amazing father to our boys. I love you.

TechyDad and the boys

I want to wish all of the men in my life a very Happy Father’s Day. This includes my father, brother, uncles, cousins, and the list goes on. Of course, I have to share a special photo of my Dad and little me. We were curled up with our cockatiel Pretty Boy likely watching cartoons in my parent’s super cool Miss Piggy and Kermit The Frog sheets. Dad and Little Me

Thank you Dad for all that you do for us – we love you!

How will you be spending Father’s Day with the important men in your life?


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