Category Archives holidays

Memorial Day Thanks 2012

This weekend, families will gather for time together. People will be outside as much as possible. Fun, laughter, smiling, and good times will be had by everyone.

Memorial Day Memories

Lots of views will be captured, food consumed, and special memories made.

Views from Memorial Day Weekend

Of course, we must remember those who lost their lives to give us these freedoms. If it was not for these brave men and women in the US military, things would be a lot different in our country.

Memorial Day Thanks

On this Memorial Day weekend, we need to stop and remember these amazing and brave individuals. Far too many pay the ultimate price to defend our country and the rights that we have. To all of those that have served, lost their lives, and the brave families behind them . . . .thank you! All of you are the real reason that we celebrate Memorial Day.

It's Me

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Brave Mother’s Day Wishes

Five years ago today, I was very pregnant with my second son. JSL had not gotten the memo that he had been given eviction orders. He decided that it was not in my best interest to come Mother’s Day weekend when my favorite doctor was on call. Instead, I spent Mother’s Day 2007 hot, uncomfortable, and wishing I was holding my baby boy.

Mother's Day 2007 

Of course, the joke was on me when I realized that I had been in labor all during Mother’s Day and just blocked out a lot with sleeping in front of the AC unit.

Now, I am the mother of two beautiful and amazing boys. NHL and JSL keep me on my toes, make me laugh, and treat me like the princess in our house ….most of the time. It only seemed fitting to jump into a photo with Cinderella and my two little princes.

Disney Prices

Now, I will leave you with a special Mother’s Day message from Disney Pixar and the characters from Brave.

Happy Mother’s Day to my mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, aunts, sister-in-laws, cousins, other family members, friends, and all women. May your day be filled with many wonderful memories.

It's Me

Disclosure: Disney PR notified me of the Mother’s Day Brave featurette. I was not compensated for this and simply wanted to share since I adore all things Disney. You know we will be going to see Brave when it is released June 22, 2012.

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A Preschool Mother’s Day Celebration

Dear JSL,

This week, I have been really sentimental. I think the fact that you turn five in a few days has hit me. My baby is not really a baby anymore. When I keep asking you not to get older, you always remind me that you have no control of this. Thanks to all of this, I am trying to cherish our special time together more before you head to kindergarten. Yesterday, I arrived at school early to cheer you on during the fundraiser and parade. When you saw Mimi there with me, you were so happy and waved to her.

Preschool Parade

Then, it was time to head up into the classroom for the Mother’s Day celebration. The room was set up for all of the special guests to sit down near your table to watch a performance.

Mother's Day Celebration Time

I managed to get a video of your class singing a special song, but I am not going to share that here. Thank goodness you were willing to do an extra performance of the song at home for me to record.

What I realize on the video is we really need to get you to an allergist since that nasal thing that is still pestering you. Oh well, I will work on that next week.

Once the song was over, each of you went to get a present to give to the mothers. You were so cute and came over to me. You were not sure if I should open it up there, but I did.

Present time

You handed me a homemade crown. The crown was wrapped around a treasure box that you had painted and decorated.

Crown and Treasure Box

As beautiful as it was on the outside, my heart melted when I looked inside. This is what you and your fantastic teachers had come up with to surprise us on Mother’s Day:

Inside my treasure box

We had our photo taken together, but my eyes were closed on the one that was taken with my camera. Once you were finished giving me the present, you wanted to show it to Mimi. Later on, I made sure to get a photo of the two of you together. I think you were the only child that had a great-grandparent there.

Hugs with Mimi

I am so glad that Mimi and I were both there with you. It was a wonderful afternoon that we all shared together. Thank you for being such a sweet, loving, and special little boy.



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Yom HaShoah Candles

Today, April 19, 2012, is Yom HaShoah. On this day, people around the world remember the Six Million Jewish people and others that were senselessly murdered by Nazis during World War II. I knew the day was coming in April, but I have to admit  that I forgot the exact date until this arrived at our house:

Yom HaShoah Candle

These candles are sent to families to light the evening before Yom HaShoah. We do this to remember the lives lost and promise that we will not allow this to happen again. The color is the same as the yellow star badges that the Nazis made Jews wear during their occupation of Europe.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Of course, simply lighting the candles is not enough. We must make sure that future generations know the truth about the Holocaust. Each day, Holocaust survivors are passing away and with them their personal stories could fade away if we do not make sure to pass them along to our children and generations to come. I know that as my boys get older, TechyDad and I will do our part. We will make sure to read them books on the subject, visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, and make sure that they never forget about the Six Million that lost their lives simply because of their religious choice.

On this Holocaust Remembrance Day when we know more terror is happening in other places this very moment – teach your children about tolerance. Make sure your family learns about other religions, cultures, and people. The more knowledge we have the better we will be able to understand the beauty of differences among us.

It's Me

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Photo Gifts for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming and TechyDad keeps asking me what I would like. To be honest, a nice quiet day with the boys is what I would really enjoy. Just doing something special that does not involve the circus like last year (we literally went to the circus). Of course, I know that we are trying to show the boys that we give some gifts to each other and they are not the only gift receivers. Two items that I have been thinking of were personalized cell phone case or a photo mug.

Thanks to a campaign from Global Influence, I now have a few new items that may be on my list. Shutterfly’s collection of photo gifts has really grown. Of course, they have a great selection of mugs that you can personalize like this tiled one below. They also have a nice selection of iPhone cases, but nothing that will work with my Droid Bionic. Perhaps they would be good options for Father’s Day for Papa.

Shutterfly - Tiled photo mug

Shutterfly - iPhone Case

What I was not expecting were fun new bags, different wall art options, fleece blankets, personalized puzzles, and many other items. The new items within the photo gift section of their website has grown a lot in recent months.

Shutterfly - some photo gift options

With all of the sales right now, these photo gifts would not only make great Mother’s Day presents, but also nice items to put away for Father’s Day, graduation presents, birthdays, and beyond. To keep up on all that Shutterfly has to offer be sure to follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

So, what are you asking your family to get you for Mother’s Day? I would love to know what you have in mind. I think I am going to go for a fun new mug with photos from our upcoming trip to Disney World!

It's Me

Disclosure: I wrote this post as part of a compensated Global Influence campaign. As someone who enjoys finding unique gifts for family and friends, I love the new selection of items that I will be able to pick from with my Shutterfly gift certificate.Global Influence Network

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