Category Archives holidays

My Own Little Doc McStuffins the Pirate

Happy New Year and greetings to an illness after going back to school. Poor JSL has been battling something since he went to the ENT and started ear drops. Bit by bit things intensified as the holiday weekend came upon us. Monday afternoon, I was sure that he had turned a corner. Here is the kiddo doing his best Doc McStuffins impression:

What I didn’t know at the time was he was not doing well (just thought he was stuffy). About thirty minutes after this video was taken, JSL seemed a little warm. His temperature was elevated, but nothing too serious. Then, shortly after that, TechyDad thought he was really burning up. Sure enough, in about twenty minutes, his temperature went from under 99 to 101 (his normal temperature is 97). With his febrile seizure history, I knew we had to call the doctor. Drama played out getting a medication that was in stock at the pharmacy, but we got it. Thanks to the fever, Rosh Hashanah was spent home taking care of the little guy.

Doc McStuffins toys

JSL was fever free and ready to go back to school on Wednesday. As I pulled out of our driveway, post-nasal drip proved me wrong. I will spare you the details, but let’s just say JSL needed a change of clothing. We walked into school, since I had hoped I could just wipe him down. I was wrong and his teacher noticed how swollen his face was. We went back to the ENT again and now think it was an ear infection that is draining.

My little JSL McStuffins was fascinated with the instruments being used by the doctor to remove wax blocking his ear canal. What was even better was he was having this done while Doc McStuffins was playing on the television in the exam room.

Talk Like a Pirate Day with Jake and the Never Land Pirates

So our Talk Like a Pirate Day Adventures were a little different than I had expected, but in the end JSL had a smile on his way and as of today no ear infection. Bonus, he got some fun new Jake and the Never Land Pirate items later in the day,.

Of course, our doctor’s office got me wondering about things. What does your doctor have to help kids to be “distracted” and assist during an exam or procedure?

It's Me

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Rosh Hashanah Fun for Younger Kids

Thank goodness times have changed since I was a child. More specifically in the world of Jewish books, music, and videos. When I was growing up, there were few items to read and most only tackled Chanukah. Now, you can find books about the Festival of lights along with Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Passover, and beyond.

Sweet New Year Wishes for Rosh Hashanah

While I am off celebrating the Jewish New Year with my family, I thought I would share some of the new Shalom Sesame that are out there for families to learn about the holidays in an age appropriate manner.

We have seen several of these DVDs that were sent to us from the PJ Library. Now, JSL wants the Rosh Hashanah one thanks to the Sticky Shofar video we watched together.

Once again, to all those that celebrate Rosh Hashanah – I wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year.

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Shana Tova 5773

Tonight, at sundown, Rosh Hashanah will begin. It is during this time that we reflect on the year gone by.

L'Shana Tova - Happy New Year

This is a tough one for me. It has been a whirlwind of a year. Though there have been some not so wonderful moments, even those have been valuable and will help my family in the long run. My motto of just keep swimming, especially during those Eeyore moments, seems even more fitting right now.

My inner Eeyore has been questioning items, things related to my faith. A lot of these feeling go back to the days when I was a child in Hebrew School. I keep reminding myself that no matter how I express myself within a synagogue or outside,  NOBODY can take away my Jewish identity. Even with these thoughts in my mind, I take pride in being a Jewish American. I love teaching our boys about the holidays, going into their schools to share with their peers, and writing about books that help us to celebrate. I guess that is the beauty of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, it makes you stop to think, rewind, and wonder.

Then, beautiful things like the video from Fountainheads in Israel make me smile. They remind me of the beauty, wonder, and pride associated with Judaism. Here is the video that they made last year for Rosh Hashanah called Dip Your Apple – it truly is a catchy tune with beautiful images.

To all those that celebrate Rosh Hashanah – I wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year.

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Rosh Hashanah Art and The Kissing Hand

Dear JSL,

The Kissing Hand project still seems to be working. After your first full week of kindergarten, things seem to be getting better. You still do not want to let go of my hand in the morning. By Friday, you were no longer crying when I left. Now, I just have to hope that will continue after four days off for Rosh Hashanah.

Last Sunday, you had your first official day of Hebrew School. It was a bitter sweet moment for me. You and I always had fun on Sunday mornings when NHL went off. Now it is your turn to join this tradition and learn about our Jewish faith, along with Hebrew.

When it was time to go to class on Sunday, you did not want to let me go. You did not really know anyone in your class. You were in a new location and the teacher was not who we had thought it would be. Still, I reminded you about The Kissing Hand. Then when I saw the aid in the hall later on, I told her to remind you that we had “powered up” when I left and it would help you out. Much to my surprise, this showed up on your Rosh Hashanah project.

Rosh Hashanah art and The Kissing Hand

You did all of the fantastic apple prints, but you asked someone to help you make a kissing hand. In addition to this, they helped to draw little JSL. It was the sweetest thing to see, it make me smile. I truly hope that this will be the start of many amazing and wonderful years ahead of you in school and learning about our faith.



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Tuesday Tales – Rosh Hashanah Reading 5773

Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset on September 16, 2012. This is the Jewish New Year when  families around the world gather together to celebrate a sweet New Year. It is also the time that we look back at the year gone by and ask for forgiveness. Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, is the holiest day of the year when the book of life is sealed for another year. Now imagine trying to explain this to younger children. It is not easy, but thank goodness there are now many amazing children’s books out about Rosh Hashanah.

Rosh Hashanah Books for Kids

Thanks to the PJ Library, which provides free kids’ books for Jewish families, we have been introduced to many new books for the holidays. Both of the boys recently received a mailing with a book about Rosh Hashanah.

The Apple Tree's DiscoveryJSL received The Apple Tree’s Discovery. This sweet book is about the life of young apple tree living among a forest of giant oak trees. The apple tree is jealous of something that the other larger trees has that he does not have. We watch as the small trees asks God to give him what the others have. He is told to be patient. Readers watch as the beautiful apple tree learns a valuable lesson one fall day.

This book is a great to talk with younger children about items that they are thankful for, especially at Rosh Hashanah. Remind them that we must remember to be thankful for items that we have and celebrate our differences among the world.

The Apple Tree’s Discovery – Written by Peninnah Schram and Rachayl Eckstein Davis – Illustrated by Wendy W. Lee – Kar-Ben Publishing – January 2012 – ISBN 9780761351320 – Paperback 24 pages – Ages 5-9 – $7.95

Gershon's Monster - A Story for the Jewish New YearNHL received Gershon’s Monster: A Story for the Jewish New Year. This book really has a lot to relay to older children with a picture book format. Gershon is a man who never had a regret about anything that he had done in life. He believed that he could simply sweep away his mistakes and thoughtless acts into his cellar. Then each Rosh Hashanah he would gather them together in a sack to toss them into the sea. Gershon and his wife are childless and he claims that once his twins are born he will change his ways. We watch as years pass and he must face a monster to learn a lesson.

This retelling of a Hasidic Rosh Hashanah tale is beautiful. The simple and old fashioned illustrations make the story even more powerful to older children. They can see the pain on the face of Gershon as he has to finally face all of the years of being reckless. The book also allows for a nice chance to talk with children about what they will do differently in the coming year. Take time to think about challenges faces, growth, and what you are excited to experience in the upcoming year.

Gershon’s Monster: A Story for the Jewish New Year – Retold by Eric A. Kimmel – Illustrated by Jon J. Muth – Published by Scholastic – September 2000 – ISBN 9780439108393 – Paperback 32 pages – Ages 4+

What are your favorite Rosh Hashanah books? As always, please share what you have read recently. Be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.

It's Me

Disclosure: My boys received these books as a members of the PJ Library. Membership in our area is free and we are never expected to review/write about this, I simply wanted to share these books with others. Two Amazon Affiliate links are included in this post for the books mentioned. I will receive a percentage of money for the sale should you opt to buy the book through the links.

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