Category Archives fun

Uncle I, Aunt M, and Wedgie Fest Weekend

This week went by so quickly that I never had time to update and post photos from last weekend. Last weekend my brother and sister-in-law came into town to visit. They claim it was to see everyone, but we all know it was mostly to see and play with NHL. He absolutely adores his Uncle I and Aunt M. This was probably the last time we will see them before the new little one arrives in May and then until their new arrival comes into the world in September. There’s a major baby boom going on in the family, can you tell?!?!

We had a great time visiting with everyone and spending the weekend with lots of the family. Saturday night we met up with my grandmother, Aunt S, and Uncle M for dinner at Nothing But Noodles. YUMMY!

On Sunday we went to my parents house to have breakfast with Nana, Papa, Uncle I, and Aunt M. After that Uncle I and NHL played with the trains together and Papa taught NHL the fine art of wedgie making. It’s sad to say the little weirdo actually liked it and to this day will request a wedgie. I don’t think he’s been getting them quite right.

Here are a few photos from the weekend.

NHL and Uncle I play with trains together.
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NHL trying to figure things out.
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Papa teaches Noah the fine art of wedgie making!
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NHL tries some wrestling moves on Uncle I.
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NHL takes a rest with Uncle I and Aunt M.
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Visiting with Mimi and Poppy S
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It’s time to head out and say goodbye to everyone.
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That’s all for now. I will update later with things from this weekend including a visit from JL’s parents.

C’est Moi
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Sesame Street Live – Elmo’s Coloring Book

Today was an action packed day. NHL has been looking forward to seeing Sesame Street Live all week and today we finally went. At 9:30 we arrived and got an amazing parking spot and went into the theater where the boys (we went with friends) were able to get some energy out before the show. We bought programs and CD’s of the really cool music from Elmo’s Coloring Book. Our seats were really great and the kids (and adults) enjoyed the show. I was the official photographer from our family and just kept trying to get different shots during the performance – you have to love digital cameras! There are 93 photos in all, but not everything came out so great. Hey, I had to give JL a run for his money in taking photos at a show after The Wiggles. One disappointment during the show was a favorite Sesame monster was not there. We figure he may have been under the weather since he’s shown in all of the programs. Who am I talking about. None other than Lovable Furry Old . . . Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Oh well, what can you do? The kids (young and old) were all quite happy after the show. Mind you NHL did mention to Nana and Papa tonight that Grover wasn’t there. After the show we went to lunch and had a nice time just talking. Then everyone came back to our house to let the boys play. They had a blast running around. We couldn’t understand where their energy came from considering there were no naps. Below are a few cool photos from the event. Enjoy! C’est Moi

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Night-night all!

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