Category Archives fun

Daddy & NHL’s park fun on Mother’s Day

This morning we went out to brunch with my parents, my grandmother, Aunt S, and Aunt T. After that we went grocery shopping to get a bunch of things in case this baby actually shows face this century. Then we went home and I was just too tired to go out with the boys. JL decided to take NHL to the park to get some energy out. So the two of them (armed with camera of course – it is JL we’re talking about here) went to the park for about an hour and a half.

NHL is quite the daredevil this year. He has no fear of anything and went from place to place climbing, jumping, running and making daddy tired! JL took a bunch of photos and a video (that will be posted later) to share with me. When the boys were about to head home my parents actually arrived at the park to surprise them. They stayed another half hour and were amazed with how well NHL was doing on things that he wouldn’t/couldn’t do last year. Below are are some photos of NHL’s park fun with daddy.

Climbing up the slide the hard way:
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Smiles going down the slide:
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Dino riding:
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NHL shows a new talent for climbing on the rock wall:
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Victory at the top of the wall:
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Time to go on the BIG slide (note the tongue indicating concentration):
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Dino ride with Papa:
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After the park the boys came back home to show me the video and pictures. Then we decided we weren’t hungry enough for a real lunch. So we went to Kurvers for soft ice cream – YUMMY! Then on the way home a certain little 3 year old fell asleep. We transfered him into bed and then it was time to work on laundry and the tub in the bathroom. A few hours later he woke up and it was time to make pizza.

Now we’re all just relaxing and going to see what happens in the morning when I got to see my OB at 9:00. *sigh* This little monkey is going to be a trouble maker since he’s clearly not listening to me already!

C’est Moi

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The latest computer geek in the family!

It was bound to happen. NHL is officially turning into a computer geek. Just like his daddy he wants to be on the computer all the time. Mommy found a Harry and the Bucket of Dinosaurs website and he’s obsessed with it. I think of it as therapy since he definitely is practicing with the mouse use. Apparently at school he loves to do games on their computer too. Now we just need to finish cleaning up the upstairs so he has his own computer to use and not just ours.

Here are some photos of NHL the computer geek:

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2006 Top Baby Names

The Social Security Administration just announced the top 1000 names for boys and girls in 2006. Their website really is neat since you can look at the list from state to state, or for the entire United States. You can also take your childs name and graph it to see how the popularity has changed over the years.

Here’s a link:

C’est Moi
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Today’s baby shower

Today I made it to work and stayed the entire day without any troubles. Afterward there was a gathering at one of my co-workers houses. The “surprise” was revealed the week before break when they finally gave the two of us that are pregnant our invitations to our baby shower. I never had a baby shower with NHL. Since I wasn’t working full time there were no co-workers to do anything and my family is totally against them (Jewish superstitions). Instead we had everyone come to celebrate NHL’s arrival at his bris.

It was a lot of fun seeing almost everyone from school. Since it’s hard for me to waddle down all over the building I hardly ever see the preschool and elementary teachers. So it was a nice chance to see them since my days are definitely numbered at school. One of my co-workers made a great diaper tower/cake (see photo below) and another special person at school made the amazing cake (also below). In addition to this I received a great gift card for Target that will come in very handy.

Here’s the cake that was made. The booties actually show where there were different cakes hiding underneath. It was yellow, white and chocolate.
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Here’s the diaper cake/tower:
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