Category Archives fun

A freakin’ kakamunch day

I am sitting here in hysterics laughing my rear off . . . man it feels so good (even if the underlying problem isn’t too funny).

Why you ask?

Well, if you have to freakin’ kakamunch ask then you aren’t in with 4 year old boy talk. Heck I never heard the one before the other freakin’ day when my kakamunch son, NHL, started using it. I think the new freakin’ PreK class is to blame. I may have to talk to his kakamunch teacher about this freakin’ issue.

Now for why I’m in hysterics.

My friend L and I were chatting on IM and I told her about NHL’s latest. Then we both went off for a little while to do things. I went off to work on a project for my Swaparooni gift and JL was at my computer making a Spider-Man birthday card for NHL’s friend. Here is some of what we said:

Me: JL here making a card
L: aaah
Me: Or should I say I’m making a FREAKIN’ card?
L: Just freakin finish and let _____ get back on the freakin computer
Me: ____ has a FREAKIN’ bug up her FREAKIN’ butt about FREAKIN’ crocheting.
L: well, that’s not my freakin department! I’m a freakin knitter!
the_angel_forever: She made the FREAKIN’ KaKaMunch _____ (Swaparooni gift must not be revealed). ;-)
L: Well, she can take her freakin kakamunch ____ and get a kakamunch crochet hook and some freakin yarn and get to freakin crocheting…or get some freakin knitting needles and knit a kakamunch scarf
Me: Tis me – ya freakin kakamunchhead    (***Made JL move to take over)
L: well, you need to keep your kakamunchhead husband off of your puter
L: (you know how sad this whole conversation is?)
Me: YUP – Blogging eventually
Me: With freakin pseudo-kakamunch names   (***Those would be Me and L  *wink*)
L: D just said "wait. How come Freakin JL gets to use her Kakamunch computer and I never get to use the kakamunch freakin computer?"

Me: I can’t breathe – laughing too hard
Me: Need a pee pad underneath me
L: so are we!!!

So there you have it. How pathetic are we? Grown adults that live near each other "talking" on freakin’ IM instead of the kakamunch phone. No less using my kakamunch son’s freakin’ new words from his new PreK class (totally blaming them). I may have to talk to his kakamunch teacher about this freakin’ issue.

Insert SNORT here! I am laughing so hard I am actually snorting.  Oh how I needed this after the last week or so.

Seriously I do not normally talk/type/IM/blog like this. . . I’m just in a mood.

C’est Moi

 ***Please note L gave me permission to blog this.




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One talented lady :)

Thanks to the Flickr Swaparooni group I have met many fabulous ladies in the land of blogging. One in particular is an amazing woman who’s blog is fascinating and her talent has no end. H of Oh My Stinkin Heck connects with her audience. Her touching life stories, honesty and humor make her website an addiction. One one the items that OMSH loves to do is make up songs about her life. She’s done several in recent weeks that all moms can certainly relate to. She has a talent and could be the Weird Al for all Mommy’s. Even JSL stopped what he was doing to listen and dance to her latest song this morning titled These are a few of Life’s Obnoxious Things. Please check it out, it truly is wonderful. Thanks OMSH for all that you do!

 C’est Moi


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Toot Toot Chugga Chugga . . .

in my Big Red Car!  

The boys and I left the house this morning on an adventure. We left at 9:30 for the local arena box offiice.

If you have to ask why after my opening line . .  . then you must not have a toddler

Yes, the Wiggles are coming, the Wiggles are coming!!!!

This morning at 10:00 tickets went on sale to the public. Monday to Thursday was pre-sale and they were awful seats.

So in order to hand select my seats and save $28 in handling fees we went to see what we could get.

Our adventure took us to a not too nice section of town, but in the day I was ok. People thought I was nuts attempting this with a just 4 year old and 3 month old, but I’m wacky like that.

So we got to the arena and parked in the lot by the box office (right in front no less). With about 10 minutes before the sale I was #8 in line. Just before 10:00 they opened up 6 windows.

By 10:03 we were heading back to the car with FRONT ROW seats!!!!!

Holy cow, I was in shock. Now I know it was worth going down. In addition to saving $28 we got what seem like amazing seats. It should certainly be a special night that NHL will not forget in October.

C’est Moi

P.S. Sorry to Sam, but all of the blinky things still have Greg.

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Shades of Red Swaparooni

In July/August I participated in the Color Me Happy Swaparooni which was the Brown and Blue swap. It was so much fun. I loved shopping for things to get my swap buddy C. It was also great getting to know C and receiving a package of amazing goodies from her for my entire family. Now I sit here wondering what to do about the Shades of Red swap. Should I take a month off and wait to get a part time job now that I am not teaching and am a SAHM? I don’t know what to do. I just know that I need to make a decision soon.


C’est Moi

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Swaparooni arrived at CityStream’s today!!!

Last week I sent out my Swaparooni package to C (aka CityStreams) and she got it today. Since she read my blog I wasn’t able to post about all of the stuff before. Here’s a photo of all of the things that were included in my package:

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Included were:
– Infantino baby toy. JSL helped me to pick this out. We had bought him one similar to it and he loved it. C is expecting her first, a baby girl in September.

– A bath poof in blue to pamper herself with. Enjoy longer showers now before the baby gets here C!

– A 10 color pen for correcting. These were my favorite when I was in school and I had one when I was student teaching as well. Red ink just gets boring after a while.

– Earrings from an artist on Etsy. Here’s a close up
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They were from Candy’s ArtDesigns. Her store can be located at:

– A blue and brown folder. C said she may use it for her long term maternity leave substitute plans ;)

– M&M Note cards. I know she didn’t like logos, but this was a chocolate note card and she likes chocolate. NHL wouldn’t let me put them back when I found them. In fact he made me get him a Blue M&M note pad.

– 4 things of Blue and Brown ribbon. Again NHL was with me when I went hunting for these. He was too funny screaming in stores when he found something that was blue or brown. I can’t wait to hear what C does with these.

– Chocolates for C. I went and looked for chocolate that had brown and blue packaging. I was able to find Snickers, Hershey bars and Sno-Caps. Little did I know that Sno-Caps were C’s favorite!

– Last but not least something for C’s hubby. He likes Dove milk chocolate. These were perfect since the packaging is blue and brown!

Phew! I’m just glad it arrived and got there in one piece.

C’est Moi
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