Category Archives fun

Chanukah Night 1 and Feeding take 2

Tuesday night we lit the first Chanukah candles and boys opening their presents. Unfortunately, the photos of the menorah with the candles burning were taken on JL’s camera and I do not have them yet. I did take my camera out and catch a few of the boys.

Here is NHL playing with an amazing wooden Chanukah set that he received from a family friend a two years ago. It is an amazing toy. There is a menorah that he can set up and then "light" his own candles. Here NHL is setting up his menorah and the Chanukah gelt (coins) are also seen.

 01 - Chanukah 2007

There is also a fry pan to make latkes, along with a spatula for flipping them. We can not forget the dreidel that must be there to play!

 02 - Chanukah 2007

Each night (and after school some times as well), NHL takes out his Chanukah set and plays with them. It is too cute to hear him reciting his own version of the prayers said when lightning the candles. I will have to try to get a video of that.

On the first night when NHL was playing, JL was cooking dinner, and I fed JSL. Last week I decided to pull out the baby food and give it a try. I just made rice cereal – VERY thick. The kid likes to "chew" so he accepted it. After a night or two of him gobbling that up, along with Cheerios and Gerber veggie puffs I decided to try something different.

For the first night of Chanukah I added a "secret ingredient" to his rice cereal. Hey why not try it – right? JSL will not eat his veggies if they are too soupy – a la baby food. So, this seemed like the perfect solution. I put half of a stage two jar of butternut squash into JSL’s rice cereal. He looked at me funny, noting it was different.

 04 - JSL feeding time

He stopped and wanted to watch NHL playing. Then this is what he decided to do . . .

 03 - JSL feeding time

Clearly the little guy was a little confused. Actually he was teething and must have just figured out a new and inventive way to gnaw at his gums. *sigh*

After a while of chewing on the high chair tray he decided he wanted to try the rice cereal with my "secret ingredient" again. This time he was much more interested and gobbled it all up. Here are some of his faces with his big blue eyes.

 05  - JSL feeding time

Thank goodness he was not coordinated enough to stick his fingers up his nose! Also note he is wearing his hockey shirt just for mommy!

 02 - JSL Feeding time

Then he got VERY serious about eating and seemed to be annoyed with Mommy and her flashy thing. Hmmm. . . unless it was when he was loading his diaper!

 01 - JSL feeding time

More photos of Chanukah to come later. Now I am off to take care of a sick NHL. His teacher called me at 9:20 this morning to tell me he had a fever (almost 101) and to pick him up. Poor little guy asked her to rest and crashed when he got home. If everyone is feeling well we are going to have Chanukah dinner with my parents, grandmother, and brother and his family (in from out of town).


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Silly Face photos

As you have probably noticed I am not usually in the photos that I post here. A lot of the times it is because I am behind the camera, others because I threaten JL’s life!

Stupid I know, but is the way it has been.

That was before Heather (aka – OMSH) posted her contest and made me think (hey people jewelry talks).

So today I did a quick photo shoot with NHL (4 year old). I told him we were going to make silly faces. We did this while JSL (6 1/2 month old) sat and looked at us crossed eyed in the ExerSaucer. I can only imagine what he thought of the two of us. Since my time was limited I did not have JL’s tripod set up. I was limited. NHL really thought I was trying to trick him. Here’s the best of the bunch. Can you tell I was not too creative since it was planned and the boys were making me laugh with their reactions to me.

Here’s the first one. ACK – hello chins! Thank goodness I did not have a cold and any hangers thanks to the nostril shot.

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The next one was better, but the little munckin was demanding attention. NHL was laughing hysterically at crazy Mommy!

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Now here is one from when our wedding (not TOO long ago). At Jewish weddings it is traditional to hoist the bride and groom up onto chairs during the Hora. Well, first they decided to do JL. They put him into a chair without arms to hold onto for dear life and then they nearly dropped him. I saw all of this go down and did not want to miss my honeymoon at Disney World. So I insisted on a non-plastic chair with oh sh arms on it to hold onto. Here is the result that our photographer captured:

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Seriously I feared for my life. There were just not enough people hoisting me up for my comfort.

So those are my funny faces past and present.


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Saturday family day (11-24)

Saturday we usually spend the day getting tons of things done that were not accomplished during the week.

This Saturday was different. We were asked to go in the morning to do Shabbos services with my family. Uncle J wanted to stay further from temple and needed people to do everything Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday evening. We gladly went, as did my parents.

Saturday we started with the service, had left over Thanksgiving food for lunch and then everyone just relaxed. Everyone opted not to do television (very nice) so it was quiet and people talked. The kids had things with them to play. NHL refused to nap – which in the end was NOT a good thing. I joined my two aunts and cousins to play some games. One was Scrabble and let me just say it is not good to play when distracted by two children – including one being nipped at by a dog.

We had a great time. Unfortunately, since it was Shabbos I was not able to take photos until sun down. Not to worry I was able to capture some at that point. . . along with some videos (will be posted later).

NHL sitting with Aunt A while Cousin Ha plays the guitar. NHL was SO thrilled with this:

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What do you think. . . was NHL happy????

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He was just too happy to be able to "play" the guitar and have all eyes on him:

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Meanwhile others were surfing the web during the show:

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Other cousins did puzzles:

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JL then suggested taking a photo from under the glass table. So I did!

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Nana and Papa played with JSL:

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It is not a smile, but it is an interesting face on my father:

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Perhaps JSL’s reaction to Papa’s face:

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Mimi taught JSL to "make nice" over the weekend. Here he is trying to pet her face:

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Now the boys are so confused from all of the extended family being gone. They have just under two weeks to recover before Chanukah weekend with people back in town!


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Thanksgiving 2007 – a photo recap

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays (actually I think it is my favorite). There is just something extra special about spending time catching up with family, playing games with the kids, and eating amazing food!

This year we were lucky enough not to have to brave the roads with the boys. We stayed home and went to my Aunt S and Uncle M’s house. Their two kids (Cousin J and Cousin A) came home for the holiday. Cousin AC was also here to add to the fun, along with my parents and grandmother. In addition to this Uncle J, Aunt A, and Cousin Y all came into town. We were all surprised when we got there to see that Cousin Han was also in from Israel. I am not too sure when the last time I saw him, but it was wonderful seeing him (he is absolutely amazing with the kids – as is Cousin Y).

One realization hit hard – my little cousins have all grown up. It is so hard for me to believe how my younger cousins are almost all adults. I know this should not seem as such a shock since I am now a mother with two children of her own. Ah, the memories are wonderful and hopefully there will be many more in the years ahead.

Rather than bore everyone with what happened I am going to do it with lots of photos. Here are photos of Thanksgiving.

Here are pictures of JSL’s first Thanksgiving. As you will see being cuddly and playing with everyone made the poor little guy tired:

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Both of the boys were spoiled with lots of amazing gifts from everyone. Cousin AC gave them fun books that we will read to them often. Uncle J and Aunt A picked out FUN toys and some Chanukah books. Here are photos of JSL playing with his gift (which NHL also loves) followed by NHL playing with his neat soccer game.

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While the turkey was cooking a little bit more, and everyone was snacking on goodies before the main meal, Papa took NHL down to the basement. NHL was in heaven. He never knew that Aunt S and Uncle M have a pinball machine. It was just fixed and working again and they were having a blast. Here are some photos of NHL and Papa enjoying the pinball machine:

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Soon it was time to sit down for our amazing Thanksgiving feast. Here are photos of almost everything that was prepared by Aunt S (JL brought the pomegranate seeds and the zucchini with dried cranberry bread). 

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After dinner while cleaning up there were a few funny moments. Check out this photo and tell me what is wrong.

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Then all of the sugary goodness was set out for everyone to drool over. Here are the items we had before us:

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As previously seen JSL was exhausted from all of the excitement and even NHL fell asleep on the way home. Here is one last shot of JSL’s 1st Thanksgiving as he was peaceful in his portable highchair at the table. 

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Thanks to my entire family that was there for making it such a special day. Aunt S, you are the best and I only hope that some day I will be able to pull off a holiday feast like you do.

More photos of the weekend with everyone coming soon!


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My Silver, Blue & White Swaparooni is here!

Well, it was actually here over the weekend and my neighbor brought it to us Monday night. All of the boys had a blast helping me to dig into the giant box of goodies that came from Airing Dirty Laundry. It was perfect timing since I felt so lousy and it made me smile opening everything and watching the boys laugh and giggle with each and every item they found inside.

Here are some photos of the boys getting to work.

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 There were lots of fun notes inside that had JL and I laughing!

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These are some of NHL and JSL opening things for me and their own gift too. Yes, my Swaparooni pal was sweet and sent each of the boys (including the 30-something one) an item.

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 Rather than bore you with a shot by shot diary of each item being opened here they all are together:

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  • CD for active babies for JSL
  • Eeyore stickers for MOI!  (May have to fight a 4 year old about these)
  • Winnie the Pooh book about Buoyancy for NHL (we are scientists here so we love this)
  • Circle Word Book
  • Set of lavender lotions
  • Star silicone molds – we are all itching to test these out soon!
  • Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows
  • A really cute new fabric headband  — I LOVE this!
  • Gummy sharks – NHL and I had some of these today . . . YUM!
  • Local dark chocolate bar for JL
  • Gorgeous note card box
  • Bag of peach tea
  • Rolos that according to my swap buddy have NO point value – LOL!

S did an amazing job selecting goodies for everyone here. Thank you SO much for everything. I sent out her swaparooni package today and it should be there Saturday. Once she has it I will post photos of the items I sent her. Once again another fun swap where I have met a great online friend.


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