Category Archives fun

Movies & Popcorn. . . oh my!

How wonderful it would be to end 2007 by winning a year full of free movies and popcorn! This is something that will happen to one lucky person (Moi PLEASE) thanks to a great giveaway over at Table for Five. Today they announced news that someone could win a year’s supply of Orville Redenbacher’s Natural Popcorn AND a 12 month subscription to Netflix!!!!!  The movies would be wonderful thanks to no new shows for a while and the new popcorn from Orville looks yummy! 

Thanks to Table for Five for sponsoring this fun giveaway :)


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Snow, sleet, sledding, secret ingredient cookies & sleepy babies

Storm #2 of the not even officially winter season is heading out (I think). As of this morning we had 5-6 inches of snow and the ice kept on coming all day. Our plan was to stay home, watch movies, dig out, and bake cookies. Some of those were accomplished. We are partially out from under the snow and ice, we never had a chance to watch a movie (thanks to a certain little monkey), and we ate cookies that were delicious.

By mid-morning JL finally decided that it was time to head out into the snowy cold "fun" and took NHL with him to get out some energy. The poor kid was experiencing some serious cabin fever from being in the house since early Thursday afternoon. Here is Darth Daddy with his camera of course! 

The Abominable Cameraman

Now please note the dorky Abominable Cameraman taking a photo here while measuring the snow fall: 

My big geek taking a photo of a snow measurement

Finally it was time for NHL and JL to dig out at least the front area of the house: 

Time to shovel us out

After some time they finally made it further down the sidewalk to clean up more of the snow. Look at the little guy following his daddy – AWWWWW! 

Monkey see . . . monkey do!

Digging, digging. . . . and yes more digging! 

Dig, dig, dig. . .

I went back inside to check on the little guy who was keeping warm. As you can see he was having a blast playing, but you can also see his poor little nose was very sore looking. He now cries when he sees a tissue coming toward him.

JSL stays warm inside

A little while later JL came in to get me for some photos. The boys had decided to take a break from cleaning up snow to play in it. Here is a mosaic of their sledding fun. 

NHL goes sledding with Daddy

The smiles one both of their faces were just SO big! 

All smiles on the sled

Soon after this the boys came inside to get warm and eat lunch. We had lunch that NHL picked out – tomato soup with alphabet noodles in it. Mommy thought he might get a kick out of them and bought them. After this we noticed that NHL was getting tired. We knew he would not go to his bed. Instead we got him to snuggle up on the couch under a blanket. After fighting the nap we finally noticed that he was quiet and calm. Here is how I found the little guy. It still amazes me how kids can fall asleep in the most odd ways. 

Snowy play = one tired 4 year old

Meanwhile another little boy in the family was miserable. He refused to eat solid food, wanted to be held and could not sleep. He would settle, get into his crib and wake up crying within 20 minutes or so thanks to his poor nose. Here is how he greeted me after one of the mini-naps. The shine on his nose is vasoline to help the sore areas from constantly wiping all of the dripping. 

No naps for me today - *sigh*

While NHL was napping JL was ambitious and made some chocolate chip cookies using the recipe from Deceptively Delicious. The secret ingredient in these cookies are whole chickpeas. NHL woke up just in time for the first batch to come out of the oven. JL made one recipe which yielded 40 cookies (Seinfeld’s recipe says it will make 2 dozen – what size cookies does she make?).  As you can see NHL approved and wanted more than the two that he was allowed. They truly were YUMMY and you never would know there was something like chickpeas inside. 

Deceptively Delicious cookies on a snowy day

Now both of the boys are in bed and the house is quiet. The 7 month old was a struggle since he was beyond overtired, congested (did the milk thing to help), and two teeth are really coming in. He also learned a lesson – you do NOT bite mommy when nursing and laugh. If you do that mommy will pass you to Daddy and say "No BOOB for you!" 

Night-night for now since the morning will be here soon to finish digging out. 

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NHL’s Chanukah Party 2007

Yesterday was the rescheduled Chanukah party in NHL’s classroom. It had been on Monday, but thanks to the ice storm it was pushed off. When we arrived all of the kids were waiting for us at the circle area. We went over and they "lit the candles", said the blessing, and sang a few songs. After that the teacher explained that the kids would rotate around the centers will all of us. There were 5 total and we went to all of them.

Here are some photos of NHL from when I first arrived and one of JSL with his Chanukah bib on. The last photo at at the first center that we explored. This center was the pretend (dress-up/kitchen) area that also displayed all of the show-and-tell items for "H" day. NHL brought in his travel "Hungry Hungry Hippos" game.

NHL's Chanukah party at school

Our next stop was the math center. Here they had a menorah set up to count candles. 

The menorah candle counting center

Then we went to the fine motor center. Here they had dreidels to spin and play with. As you can see they had sheets to show the kids how to play. Please note NHL’s teacher took a photo of all of us and I had fun taking a picure of the dreidel whirling around. 

The Dreidel spinning center

Next we went to the hands-on center area where they had latke tasting for everyone. Here is NHL testing them out with some sour cream and apple sauce. 

Latke Tasting Center

Then we went out to the hall where the motor center was set up. Here the kids had to sit and wait their turn. Then they got onto a scooter and pushed their body on their tummy down the hall. They had to get some Chanukah cards and bring them back to a sheet to make matches on and identify them. These are some photos of NHL doing this activity. 

Scooter board Chanukah Center

At this point it was already getting late. We barely had time at the block center on the rug. No photos of this, but I did take some of random Chanukah art that was in the hall and within the classroom. 

Chanukah art around the classroom

Then it was time to have some brownies and get presents. The kids (and teachers) made the parents photo frames with their photos in them. The teachers also gave a bag of goodies to the kids. It was a very nice hour in the room and we were able to see how centers run, just with a LOT more people in the room. I was floored that almost every child had at least one parent/grandparent there.

With that I will share one more photo of my fun Chanukah socks. (Hey L this is just for you!) 

Another pair of Chanukah socks

Now it is time to get the big kid into bed. We already have at least 6.4 inches of snow outside and they claim a bigger storm coming Sunday. The bad news – our snow rake temporarily broke while JL was using it on the roof. He did the side that gets ice damns more, but the other side will be finished at a later time. 

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Is it Hanukkah or Chanukah or . . .

Tonight is the 8th and final night of Chanukah. How fitting it was when I was looking at my Google Reader and saw a post  all about how to spell the Festival of Lights. On the GoodyBlog today there was a post called "How Do You Spell Channukkahh?" – all about this dilemma.

Growing up I always spelling it Hanukkah. This was probably because most of the items you could purchase for the holiday spelled it that way. Then I met and married JL. He had a strong preference for Chanukah. . . so I not only agreed to have a Kosher kitchen for him, but also switched my spelling of the holiday too (just kidding). Do I really care – no not really. In fact I think more non-Jewish people are worried about the spelling than those of  us that celebrate the Festival of Lights.

In additon to posting other website references about the spelling of Hanukkah/Chanukah, the GoodyBlog also had the following You Tube video. Since I thought it was cute I am also going to share it with everyone.

Enjoy and Happy last night of Chanukah to all of my Jewish friends!

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My little Cowboy

As noted before my 4 year old cowboy was sent home from school yesterday. He looked like a ghost and had a fever. He quickly went to sleep. During the day he felt fine (thanks to iboprofen). By the time JL got home he was getting worse again. I took his temperature and it was 102.5 in one ear and 101 in the other. *sigh*   We called our doctor and were told to alternate Motrin and Tylenol. My guess (since there are no other symptoms) is that he has another ear infection. This morning he got up with no fever (97.4 in one ear and 99 in the other). He quickly pounced out of bed and made up a "I’m all better" song.

With any luck he is all better and we will be able to spend the day with my family and have a nice Chanukah dinner with them this evening.


Now to play catch up on some photos.

Tuesday night I was doing some cleaning since our friends were coming over Wednesday night. I happened to stumble upon a gift that NHL received several years ago. Aunt L and Uncle J sent him an amazing pair of cowboy rain boots. They were HUGE on him. I decided to look at the size and they were perfect for him now (still a good amount of room to grow). Here is what happened when they were taken out. 

Cowboy boot fun Mosaic

From top (L to R) and bottom (L to R)

1. Daddy helps NHL put the boots on.

2. Every cowboy needs a Monsters Inc hat – right?

3. Cowboy NHL gets his horse.

4. A close up of the boots.

5. Giddy-up Daddy!

6. Brave boy starts to do no hands. . . . .  *sigh*

After this NHL decided it would be more fun to tote the boots all over the house and we lost one. Later we discovered the location of the boot. 

MIA cowboy boot found

Now I am off to take a certain little monkey’s temperature while daddy and little brother nap on the couch.


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