Category Archives fun

Birthday balloon crown for Mimi

Today is a special day, it is Mimi’s birthday. 


Happy Birthday Mimi!!!!


As I have mentioned before, my boys are extremely close to my grandmother. They see her as often as possible, love to visit her apartment to have chicken soup with matzoh balls (and other goodies), and more important to play and snuggle with her. JSL still loves to sit on her lap where she will sing him to sleep.

Mimi with the boys

Yesterday night we went out to dinner to celebrate Mimi’s birthday. Much to our surprise there was a special someone at the restaurant. It was none other than Mr. Twisty!

Mr. Twisty at Mimi's birthday

When Mr. Twisty heard that it was Mimi’s birthday he was very careful not to ruin the secret. He did not want to bother other people at the restaurant, so he made her a very small birthday crown. Here it is on Mimi’s head. 

Mr. Twisty and the birthday girl

We all had a lot of laughs thanks to Mr. Twisty. He also made something special for NHL. NHL did not even need to hear the list of possible balloon creation. He immediately asked for a lion. ROAR! 

R-O-A-R - lion by Mr. Twisty

After our delicious meal (thank you Aunt S and Uncle M) we decided to order some cotton candy. I was convinced to let JSL try some of it. At first he did not want anything to do with it, he simply played. Check out what he created. 

Noodles a la Cotton Candy anyone?

Unfortunately for us, he soon discovered that the cotton candy was sweet and enjoyed it. Needless to say he was up quite late last night. Apparently the sugar rush got him, but not NHL. Here are both of the boys enjoying. 

Cotton candy kids

We all want to wish Mimi a wonderful birthday. We are so glad that you live so close by. The boys and I love spending time with you. We hope to make many more special memories together for years to come.

Mimi and her birthday balloon crown

We love you Mimi!



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Aloha Friday #11

Aloha and TGIF everyone!

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My question this week is inspired by Labor Day weekend and the unofficial end of summer.

With the summer coming to an end soon, what are you going to miss the most?

I am going to miss being able to take the boys outside and watch them explore and have fun without worrying about coats, hats, boots – you get the picture! This summer I have enjoyed watching my three guys play, laugh, smile and get dirty outside. Whether playing soccer, riding a scooter, playing with chalk, using a toy car or just being silly on the grass we have so many wonderful memories. I know we hope to be able to have many more before the crisp fall air turns to snow and ice. 

Summer fun with my boys


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Croquet game anyone?

Several weeks ago Nana and Papa asked NHL what he wanted for his 5th birthday. Without missing a beat he quickly requested a croquet set.

Hmmmm. . . .  I immediately figured that he had no clue what he was talking about. I assumed that he was confusing crochet with croquet and was saying it wrong.

The joke was on me! This is what he was truly asking for: 


He described the game of croquet perfectly. I did a double take and asked him where he learned about it. Apparently he had seen an episode of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast and thought it looked like fun. So he put it in his little mind and when asked recalled it.

Sunday at his birthday party NHL received the croquet set from Nana and Papa. Yesterday Nana had the day off and we went to spend time with her. In the afternoon we went outside and let NHL some croquet.

I took all of the pieces out and got them ready. There were a lot items and I was amazed that NHL knew exactly what everything was called thanks to the show. The kid hungry to learn anything and everything he can, thank goodness kindergarten should help with his desire by teaching him how to read. 

Birthday gift request granted

Next NHL checked everything out. 

Checking the parts out

Then he set things up HIS way. Clearly, the wickets were way too close together, but who were we to stop his fun . . . . at least not right away. Please also note the extreme concentration with the tongue sticking out! 

Setting it up his way 

Hmmm. . . . perhaps too close?

Nana was finally able to convince NHL that by spacing them out it would be easier to play. 

Nana helps to space things out

NHL was not really interested in listening to us tell him how to play, so a lot of patience was needed. It will be interesting to see what happens next time we try to take out the set and use it at our house. 

Patience is the key with a 5 year old

Thank you Nana and Papa for the fun new croquet set!


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Mount Dinocake

As previously mentioned, NHL asked for a dinosaur and volcano cake for his birthday. We practiced making it with the giant cupcake pan and then made the real thing this weekend for his 5th birthday party with our family on Sunday.

Rather than tease you, I will play nice (this time) and reveal Mount Dinocake. . . . 

Mount Dinocake

Of course since it was a birthday party and we had lots of family over, so additional food was also prepared. JL and I stayed up late Friday and Saturday night making sure everything was made. The only items we did not do ourselves were the pizza, flat bread, hummus, and rolls. We made the vegetarian "meatballs" in sweet and sour sauce, peanut butter pasta with broccoli, edamame and red pepper, along with the cake/cupcakes and zucchini bread. Here they are for you to view: 

Party Food

This is all that remained of Mount Dinocake when everyone was finished.

The remnants of Mount Dinocake

NHL had a fabulous time playing and talking with everyone there for his 5th birthday. He loved the attention and posed for photos with a lot of our family. It was his idea since he wanted photos of everyone for his photo album. Below from top/left to bottom/right: NHL with (1) Aunt S and Uncle M, (2) Cousin B, (3) Uncle J, (4) Uncle M, (5) Mimi, and (6) Cousin H. 

The birthday boy with family

Between lunch and cake NHL opened his presents. He received fabulous gifts. Here are a few photos of him opening items. 

Opening presents

Meanwhile as he was opening his gifts all of the "kids" were playing and keeping busy (yes this included my two adult cousins). 

Play time during the party

Before we knew it the end of the party had arrived. NHL was quite sad to see Cousin B and Cousin H leave early. It was so cute to watchhim interact with B. He keeps talking about him and wants to know when he will see them again. For now he will have to settle with photos like this: 

My cousins

Then Bubbe and Grandpa left and eventually Uncle I, Aunt M and Cousin S. Here is Nana saying goodbtye for now to S. Next time we see her will be her first birthday in September. 

A Nana hug for the road

I am still in denial that I have a five year old son. Two weeks from today I take NHL to meet his kindergarten teacher. It truly does seem like he was an infant just yesterday. Where did my baby go?


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Baby cucumbers, thanks and busy weekend

For the last two years NHL has asked to grow sunflowers and other items during the spring and summer. Year one we had sunflowers in a patch of our garden. Apparently they were quite tasty – our friendly neighborhood bunny enjoyed them all. NHL was devastated. Last year we bought organic spray to keep those bunnies from eating the plants. Too bad the spray did not help again the hail that mutilated the poor plants.

This year we set out again to attempt to grow sunflowes. They grew nicely inside our front porch at first. Then we put them outside and brought them in when we heard storms were approaching. We did not have the heart to leave them outside after the history we had.

While visiting Aunt M during the 4th of July, she gave NHL a teeny tiny little cucumber plant. It was not looking the best when we got home. We loved it and cared for it ,no I did not talk to it, sorry I do draw the line. Before we knew it, the little plant had quadrupled in size.

Thursday when I arrived home from taking NHL to his summer program I noticed something by the flowers on the plant. Sure enough, there were teeny, tiny baby cucumbers growing! NHL was thrilled when he saw them. Just within the last 24 hours they have grown a lot more and quite a few more are now visible. Wahoo! 

Our baby cucumber plant 

The biggest baby cucumber

The sunflowers are still growing nicely. One is so close to opening up. I have a few photos, but will upload those later. We just hope that the pesky birds do not destroy the flowers once they open. The birds have already taken every rose that bloomed and our gorgeous lillies as well.

Oh, we did learn a lesson. Next year we will get the already grown plants and not even bother with seeds, too much work and they never seem to grow as well.

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Did you win anything during the Bloggy Summer Carnival? I did!!! Two items actually, plus I gave one away.

One of the items actually arrived this week. You should have heard me jumping up and  and yelling when I saw the package as I opened the door. NHL and JSL surely must have thought that Mommy had completely lost it.

This is what was inside of the package that I won from Christina at A Mommy Story

Prize won on the Summer Bloggy Carnival

Seriously, I was the lucky winner out of 548 entries to get the Nintendo DS that she was giving away! Secretly I had always wanted one, but never could justify it. We talked about it for NHL’s birthday, but again could not see spending the money on something at this point. I was blown away when I received the e-mail from Christina telling me the news. I have used the birthday money that I never spent from December and bought a few games. We are also looking into some more kid friendly ones for NHL. He is anxious to test it out, but we are waiting for the screen saver to arrive first. For now he helps me out.

Say cheese Nintendo DS!

Any suggestions on games for a mommy that loves puzzles and things like Dr. Mario and Tetris or for an almost 5 year old little boy would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again to Christina for her generous gift.

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This weekend is action packed. Today we will spend the day at the lake with family to celebrate my father’s 60th birthday. It should be a great day of playing in sand, swimming in the lake/pool, and going on the boat. After we get home JL and I have to prepare foods for NHL’s family 5th birthday party on Sunday. We already baked the giant cupcake that will form the volcano and put it in the freezer. So much to do and so little time. Eventually I will catch up on NHL’s birthday party from last week with his friend IA. Of course Mommy also needs to sit down and cry to write about her big boy (technically still my baby) turning five on Sunday.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


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