Category Archives fun

Croquet for Columbus Day

If the weather would stay like it is right now I would be perfectly happy. The weekend was absolutely gorgeous and 70 degrees each day. The sun was out and the sky clear. It even made sick me want to go outside to enjoy it for a little while.

Saturday while JSL was taking a nap, JL and NHL went outside to get some energy out. It was time to make him run, jump, play and get some sun. While outside I decided to take some photos of the boys playing croquet.

Croquet for Columbus Day

Today the two little guys are home with me. We hope to be able to get outside to enjoy the weather while it is here. The end of the week calls for temperatures barely making it to the 50’s. Talk about a major change!

Enjoy the fall while it is here.



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Loves learning

If given the choice between a book and a toy, what would your child pick? 

Most days NHL would select a book. A puzzle may be the only item that would tempt him away from a book. During Rosh Hashana NHL packed a bag of books to take with us to services so he could keep quiet and busy. One of the books is his new favorite about all 50 states. He quickly learned which one was our state and where other people in our life live.

About two weeks ago NHL went to a birthday party for a new classmate. We were shocked when each child was given a Melissa & Doug 51 piece large floor puzzle of the United States. I kid you not, each of the kids (his entire class was invited) received one of these amazing puzzles.

A few days after the party NHL asked if he could open the puzzle and put the states together. He quickly put the edges rogether and then proceded to put the entire United States together. 

Learning the 50 states

It was fascinating listening to NHL. He recognized several of the states from their shapes. He knew many of them thanks to the book that he has from Nana and Papa. The kindergarten kid also recalled some of the facts from the book. It is truly amazing what a sponge my big guy can be.

Here he is showing off his puzzle. 

Proud puzzle boy

Of course I had some fun too. Check out my caption by hovering over the photo below.

I can see Russia from my house

I did it in a certain someone’s honor . . . you betcha!


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Debate Bingo Time

Tuesday night is the next Presidential debate. Will you be watching?

I know I will be watching while playing Bingo II – Revenge of the Debate.

Thanks to the success of Palin Bingo, TechyDad and I decided to revamp the word list, and the techy geek of the group added some new features as well. Here is a preview of the new cards: 

Debate Bingo Preview Cards

Please stop on by and get your Debate Bingo cards to play along. Be sure to let everyone know about it so they can have some fun as well.




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Get ready for debate bingo!

As I hinted at yesterday, TechyDad (you know my hubby) and I are going to revamp Palin Bingo (photos here) for the next presidential debate. This time TechyDad has come up with a few new features to allow you to have more fun. We need your assistance.

What words should we add to the new debate bingo?

The words should be something that either candidate would say, thus making it fun no matter what your political viewpoint.. Please head on over to TechyDad’s post here to see the words that he already has, have been suggested by others and of course to give some more thoughts.

The new bingo will likely be live later today or tomorrow. . . plenty of time to get yourself ready for the debate on Tuesday.





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