Over the last few months I have been to two blogger events and hope to go to more in the future. As I mentioned Wednesday (before our websites went belly up again for 24+ hours), I went to a Cook’s Ham event held by Price Chopper Supermarkets on Tuesday. Going to something like this is exciting because I not only learn about new and exciting items, but I meet fabulous new people. I thought I would take some time to give some linky love to my fellow bloggers that were included in the event. Here is a photo of all of us courtesy of Sandra from Albany Kid.
Wordless Wednesday from the event
@CaseyDeuce on Twitter
@JLeighDesignz on Twitter
Wrote about the event here.
Kids Meal Crowd
@Uppervalleymom on Twitter
Post about the event here.
@cutestkidever on Twitter
Post about the event.
@albanykidNY on Twitter
Koupon Karen
Post about the event.
@KouponKaren on Twitter
Michelle from Mom Central
Her latest post.
@MamaMimi on Twitter
Ladies, it was a pleasure meeting all of you and I hope we are able to connect again in the future. If you post more about the Cook’s Ham event please let me know and I will link up.
So my question to you this week:
Have you met other bloggers at a meet up/event? If you have who are they? Please feel free to do some shout outs and leave some linky love for them. I would love to meet new people online as well.
Please be sure to check out my Betty Crocker, National Geographic Kids and mirra giveaways. Stay tuned because a Cook’s Ham one will be coming very soon.
Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.
Aloha #91
Long time readers are probably wondering: what is a nice Jewish girl that keeps kosher at home going to a blogging event about Cook’s Ham? Well, this blogger likes to support New York state businesses like Price Chopper grocery stores. This blogger is also trying to avoid Walmart because of something that they support in education that I am 110% against (story for another day).
A short time ago, Price Chopper announced on their Facebook fan page that they were looking for Mommy blogger to come to their first ever blogging event. Hello! Christina from CutestKidever and I quickly signed up and made contact with people from Price Chopper on Facebook and Twitter. I was excited to see what they had in store. Today, we learned that Price Chopper is branching out and trying to do more with social media. They are represented on Twitter, Facebook and reading blogs out there that mention their stores. Thanks to Cook’s ham, they decided to take the plunge and sponsor a Mommy blogging event at one of their stores.
Let me begin by saying that I went into this event with a completely open mind. I had no real idea what to expect. I knew that I would meet new people, learn about Cook’s Ham and hopefully have fun in the process. All of this was accomplished and so much more. As a person that keeps kosher at home, but has eaten and does eat pork products on occasion I did not think that I liked ham. I was not sure if I was going to try something – in the end I did (sorry to my relatives, but you know seafood also calls me when out).
I met Christina outside of the Price Chopper store. When we walked in, we were greeted by Liz and Heidi from Price Chopper. They were so sweet and knew us from Twitter. They could recall several of my Twitpics of items and knew that I had been Passover shopping recently. We also met the two women from Cook’s that would be doing the demonstrations and sampling of their products.
We sat down, looked at everything and then noticed something on the wall. Price Chopper has free Wifi in their food court. . . . sweet! Of course, we did not know this and never thought about bringing our computers to the event. I know I never would have kept up, but Christina is an amazing live blogger (saw it in person at Disney Social Media Moms Celebration last month). Several of us Tweeted during the event. @CutestKidEver and I used #CooksHam to make it easier to follow along. Here is a view of things in the food court area that held the event:
As I sat down with Christina and waited for other bloggers to arrive, I looked at the agenda for the Cook’s Ham Blogger Conference.
Introduction and Welcome
Meal Preparation Workshop
- Spiral Sliced Ham
- Ham carving demo
- Recipe demo and tasting
- Looking forward to Leftovers
- Ham 3-ways
Grilling Ham Steaks
Shopping Cart Challenge
Group Discussion
Faith from Cook’s Ham introduced herself and explained about their products. Next, all of the people from Price Chopper were introduced. I even met the person in charge of buying all meat for the stores, including Kosher items – score! Kim and I chatted a lot about things during the event. After this, the nine bloggers, including myself, went around and told everyone who we are and why we started blogging. It was nice seeing many people that I had met online. From here, Faith started the demonstration on how to carve a spiral ham:
As someone who has never cooked a ham, and probably never will, I learned a lot. I did not know that you had to cut around the bone and slice it. I also learned that a lot of people have a hard time knowing how long to cook a ham. Eventually it was taste testing time. Here are some of the items that were given out to try:
From top right down to top left and down:
Before we knew it, they were giving everyone a challenge of our own. The mission of sorts was to shop in the Price Chopper store and spend under $100 to supplement a ham to plan a list of meals. These included brunch/dinner, school lunch, after school activity, pot luck dinner, family game night and breakfast. Being the non-ham eater in the group, I opted to be paparazzi and follow Christina around to take photos as she planned her menu on the run.
The challengers were going to be awarded in three areas (1) Most Value (2) Most Creative and (3) Easiest Meals When the time was up, everyone went back to the food court area to present their meals. Let me tell you, I heard some amazing ideas. I especially loved the ones that really thought about kids and families and how they would be eating the items. There were items that I know I can switch up and even make in our kosher kitchen. I would love to link up to other bloggers at the event. If you were there, PLEASE leave me a note and I will add in a mention for you. Here are some photos of my fellow bloggers enjoying the afternoon event:
When we were wrapping things up, Maureen Murphy from Price Chopper came to let us know about new projects that Price Chopper is working on. I know that we will be signing up NHL for the Kids Cooking Club with Jodie Fitz. This program launched in September 2009 joins the Fuel AdvantEdge and Tools for Schools that are very popular in areas with Price Chopper stores. Price Chopper will also be launching tips very soon about healthy Easter basket options for kids and more fun cooking projects to do with your family.
Before I knew it, the three hours was up and it was time to head home. Here is my shopping cart as I left Price Chopper.
I know I look forward to many more events at Price Chopper! More items to share soon and a giveaway associated with the event as well.
Disclosure: Cook’s Ham and Price Chopper invited me to be a part of this blogging event. I did not pay for this, nor was I paid to go. I was not asked to blog about this, but wanted to share my experience with my readers. The opinions expressed in this are my own. I was not compensated, but did receive sample items, some groceries and flowers from Cook’s Ham and Price Chopper.
In my dream world, I would live near Disney World. The reality is that we are a 3 hour airplane ride from Mickey Mouse and friends. Luckily there are people that do live close to Disney World and share the magic and wonder with us daily. As I have mentioned before, I love the blog Disney Every Day by Amanda Tinney
While I was at the Disney Social Media Moms celebration, I had the pleasure to meet up and chat with Amanda. She and her family were sitting at a table right next to ours the night that we ate at Epcot for a meal that was extra special (more coming on that soon). I told Amanda that I love her adventures into Disney World and looked forward to more projects with readers.
Last week Amanda asked for people to help do another Disney song in pictures. This will be her third project, and of course TechyDad and I jumped in again. This time Amanda selected the song "If I Didn’t Have You" from Monsters Inc. The song is quite a bit longer than the previous adventures on Disney Every Day, but people signed up to help Amanda out. Here is the line that I had this time (all photos from the most recent Disney trip):
To see past Disney Song in Pictures please check out the following:
I know that we can not wait to see the finished project this time and are looking forward to hear what the next song will be. Thanks for the fun Amanda!
Early Saturday morning, we left the house. At the time, it was snowing and we had a 4-5 hour drive ahead of us. I was doing the driving and the snow definitely made me nervous. By 7, we were on the road. Once we got out of the general area, the snow cleared up. Kick-up spray from other cars were the main concern. We stopped once and continued along on our way. My parents were about an hour and a half in front of us. We kept getting calls to update on road conditions. The last 30-40 minutes was a bit hairy. We saw several cars and a double truck off the road.
By noon, we finally made it to Uncle I and Aunt M’s house. Why were we heading there? It was time to meet Baby Cousin BA and play with new big sister SG. Here is a photo of the little guy all wrapped up and sleeping in the blanket that I knitted for him.
Now a close up of his teeny tiny handsome face:
NHL had a blast playing with cousin SG. They ran around, used PlayDoh, colored and danced. JSL was not feeling so great, but played from time to time. Let’s just leave it at MiraLAX was purchased to help what is bothering him . . . *sigh*
Sunday morning, we packed back up before leaving to go to Baby BA’s bris and party afterward. Lots of photos of family coming from this later. TechyDad has those, so I am stuck sharing what I took with my cell phone quickly. At about 1:30, we figured it was time to leave the party. We had a 4-5 hour trip back home. Of course, on the way we stopped at Wegmans since we do not have them near up. It was fun to see how into the Team USA baked goods they were. Guess they were really cheering on Ryan Miller!
JSL fell asleep before we got to Wegmans and managed to stay asleep for another two hours once we got into the car. He was a very tired little guy.
Meanwhile, NHL amused himself in the backseat. He had fun playing games on his LeapFrog Didj since it was behaving. Note the level of concentration on his face = tongue sticking out.
Thanks to my father, at about 3:30 we found the Team USA vs Canada hockey game on a radio station. Talk about an edge of your seat kind of game. As we were looking at scenes like this:
TechyDad and I listened to the game and save after save that Miller made. We all know that Team Canada won the gold, but kuddos to Team USA for the nailbiting third period goal to tie up the game with 24 seconds left. They deserved better than Silver, but played their hearts out and deserve a lot of respect.
We arrived home at about 7:15 and got the boys into bed. After all of the traveling, everyone in the house went to bed very early. Today my mission is to make NHL a "Thing 1" from Dr. Seuss shirt to wear to school tomorrow. They are celebrating Dr. Seuss and also going on a field trip. Thanks to this, NHL’s costume will be minimalized – no red pants or blue hair. Promise to share later. Now off to be creative.