Category Archives fun

3rd Birthday Parties, Cupcakes and fires…oh my!

Friday was JSL’s third birthday. Thanks to this, the weekend involved lots of celebration, family and goodies. It has also left Mommy, Daddy and the boys quite tired. Here is a look at Friday and Saturday and a sneak peek from today’s family party.

We went to the park with big brother, Uncle I and Cousin SG for fun on JSL’s birthday.

Park time for the 3 year old

Later on Friday, we had dinner at Nana and Papa’s house with Mimi. Lots of time for the four cousins to play.

Play time at Nana and Papa's House

Baby BA has gotten so big. After a bunch of dirty looks from JSL (while I was holding the baby), he warmed up and wanted a closer look at his baby cousin. 

Big cousin at 3 years old

NHL also asked to hold him with some assistance. Thanks Aunt M for saying it was fine to try later one with some help from one of us. He was a very proud big cousin.

Holding baby cousin

Of course, we had to take a photo of Mimi with all four of her great grandkids. This is one of the better shots.

Great Grandkids and Mimi

Saturday, we spent the day with Bubbe and Grandpa who were in town for the weekend. First, we stopped by NHL’s school for their fun day. NHL was so proud to introduce his grandparents to teachers, friends and anyone else that he knew. We walked around the school showing them classrooms, the computer lab and stopped by NHL’s reading display. Yes, from last July to the end of April NHL read the number of books on the monkey banana chart. below!

Books read in 1st grade

After that, it was time to go out to lunch at Buca di Beppo. The decorations here are fun. Two of my favorites are here:

Buca di Beppo decor

Of course, we also took photos of the meals that we had. Yes, it was just as amazing as it look (probably more so).

What TechyDad and I had

Then we went shopping at L.L. Bean and after to get some food for the party. After a rest at our house, we went back out to dinner at a delicious local Chinese restaurant. Then Bubbe and Grandpa went back to the hotel while we stopped at the store quickly. We had some cooking and baking to do once the boys were in bed.

Early this morning, we packed up and went to Nana and Papa’s house to get the party started. We had food to make/bake, cupcakes to frost and fires to put out. <— WHAT? Oh yes, we had a small fire in the oven. Everyone was fine after a little fun and "excitement" thanks to the fire. I will leave you with a look at the Winne the Pooh cupcakes display from the table.

Three year old Winnie The Pooh Cupcakes

More food photos coming soon. Now, it is time for all of us to rest up some. It has been a busy weekend. 

Tired little birthday boy


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Making Planters at Home Depot

Dear NHL and JSL,

It has been a while since we all went to Home Depot for their free Kids Workshop. We thought it would be a nice treat for the two of you to go and make something. Today, they had picket fence planters for kids to make and take with them. Papa met us there to watch and keep us company.

Picket Fence Planters

Today was a special day for you JSL. Even though you are probably too little, we decided to let you "build" one with Daddy. You had a lot of fun banging with the hammer. Of course, I think your favorite part may have been wearing your Home Depot apron and goggles that we brought with us. When we were done with the project and shopping around the store, you refused to take everything off and rode around just like that.

Little guy learning to build

NHL, you really liked this project as well. You wanted to do things on your own, but I tried to help you out. Of course, I messed up on something when I was trying to take photos at the same time. Daddy and I quickly told you it was so we could tell your planter apart from JSL’s. . . which technically is true.

Big kid building time

When it was time to get your plants, the always friendly Melissa allowed NHL to pick out the flowers. You picked purple and asked for a pink one for JSL. In the end, we had a wonderful time. 

My boys together

Next week, they are doing something new and we will try to go again. If not, I hope we can go next month to make the soccer game. It has been so much fun watching both of you build things together.



Home Depot Kids Workshop


If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear Kid Saturday

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Thoughts of Disney, Spring and being outside

This spring has been wild and wacky, weather wise and beyond. So many things going on here there and everywhere. One minute, we are outside in shorts, the next, bundling up to stay warm. Of course, the cooler days allowed me to finally break out the coat that I got while attending the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. I love this since it reminds me of all of the amazing people that I met and the good times at Disney World. It will be actually be sad to put it away until the fall. Here I am enjoying a cooler day outside. Please excuse the frizzy, wind blown hair.

DisneySMMoms Dreaming

When you look around outside, the flowers are coming up and trees are showing their glorious spring colors. This one was taken outside of NHL’s school. Not the best picture, but like the rest, taken on the fly with my cell phone.

Bee in the flowers

Like the insects, my kiddos are confused. One day they are able to play outside in the sun without a jacket, the next it is rainy or windy and time to stay inside. JSL is definitely antsy. At almost three years old, he begs to spend time outside. Once the laundry was done today, I took my allergy medicine and we played before going to pick up big brother. We bought some new chairs and I sat and did this while soaking up some much needed vitamin D:

Knitting on a sunny spring day

I was able to finish another knitted cloth all while watch this:

Little guy on the move

Days like this make me thankful for the time at home with my boys and the simple things in life.


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