Category Archives fun

Fun autumn day at the amusement park

The temperature here has shifted drastically in recent weeks. Frost and more will soon be in our future. Thanks to this, we have been trying to get outside and enjoy the nice weather as much as possible. Sunday, we decided to head to The Great Escape to utilize our season passes at least on more time. We had not been there since June 19th. That was the day that NHL was hurt on a ride. In case you are wondering, no Six Flags has NOT called back about the incident. I have e-mailed, called, and sent Tweets numerous times. Leaves me very confused and upset as a Season Pass holder of this park.


Needless to say, NHL would not go back on the ride where he was injured (can not say I really blame him ). There were not a lot of characters out during the day. The park is clearly running on low staff during the fall season. Still we did see at least one familiar face:

Tweety Angel

We had a fantastic time going on a lot of rides with almost no wait. Note the special pink DisneySMMoms jacket that I am wearing to keep warm. There were a lot of smiles and memories made. Here are just a few of them:

Great Escape fun October 2010

With any luck we may be able to head up there one more time this season. If not, we can look at all of the photos from the trips we have had this year. Season passes for next year, still up for debate.


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Holiday park fun with the boys

Since today is Columbus Day, NHL does not have school. I took the boys to get something special out for lunch and we brought it back to Nana’s house. Nana went with us to the library after that to return some items. We picked up a few new books and then went to the park. This is the point that I realized I had left my camera at home (batteries are acting up again). So please excuse my cell phone photo quality, but it helped to capure some moments in time.

Here is the little guy hamming it up on the train:

Choo-Choo Time

NHL was trying to avoid me while on the slide, but he stopped for a few seconds:

Picnik collage

Then I asked for a photo of the two of them together – NOT! A three year old and seven year old do not stay still long enough on a playground for long.

Just as NHL got hurt

Nana had the boys stop to check out the acorns on the ground. NHL was really into investigating the holes in the ground where they were located.

Checking out acorns

After that, it was big blue slide time. For some reason, JSL wanted to hold Nana’s hand on the way down.

The boys and Nana

Next, they were both eaten by a hippo, flew on an airplane, and rode on a giant purple T-Rex.

Hippo, Airplanes & T-Rex Oh My!

And last but not least they spun themselves dizzy, were swinging to the sky, and went rock climbing before heading home.

More fun at the park

Sorry for the day off, but I am spending it with my two sepcial little boys. With any luck, the weather will continue to be like this and I will get a few more fun afternoons outside with my kiddos.


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Happy 10-10-10

Plus or Minus 10 Years #101010

Did you notice the calendar this week, or today perhaps? My husband, TechyDad, has been chatting it up for at least a week.


Well, because today is  #10101010. He has been asking other bloggers to write about their life 10 years ago, and 10 years down the road. TechyDad has already written about our life as he sees it. Head on over to read and join in the fun. Be sure to link up so others can read about your 10-10-10 experience.

At a hockey game 11-25-00


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Hosting a HEXBUG Party

Hexbug logo

Did you ever look at a toy and wonder how it would keep the attention of a child? That was my initial reaction of Hexbugs. They looked cute and seemed like fun, but how would they keep hold up to my kids and our neighbors? Let me cut to the chase here, my boys and the neighbors were outside playing with the Hexbugs for over four hours! Yes, you read that right. On a nice fall day, the Hexbugs kept them engaged for the entire time.

HEXBUG varieties

Thanks to Mom Select, we were selected to host a Hexbug Nano Party. They sent us enough Hexbug Nano for each child to have three to keep. In addition to this, we received the Nano Bridge BattleHabitat Set, Nano Habitat Set, and a myrid of extra Hex Cells, Straight/Curved Bridges, batteries and more. We seriously had everything to create the ultimate Hexbug Nano celebration.

HEXBUG Nano Habitats

So you may be asking yourself, what is a HEXBUG? Here is a quick explanation:

About the Nano

Basically, HEXBUGS are mini-robotic bugs without the ick factor. Yes, these are MY kind of bug. Ones that will not bite, damange items or cost me money to hire an exterminator. In addition to this, kids (and/or adults) can register their HEXBUG online to track their collection, play games, learn about real science. We have not had a chance to do this yet, but NHL (7) is anxious to see what it is all about.

As we were setting up the pieces for the party, we noticed something immediately. The Hex Cells and bridge pieces were easy to connect. Seriously, our 7 year old had no issue, and even the 3 year old was almost able to do it alone. The other part we liked was that the small moveable pieces on the hex cells were attached. In other words, no little pieces floating around if you were connecting parts.

Setting up HEXBUG Nano Habitat

Then we took the Battle Bridge, extra habitat, hex cells and bridge pieces outside. While we waited for the neighbors to arrive, NHL and JSL set their HEXBUGS up to battle. Here is a video.

Then the neighbors started to arrive. The kids had a blast making up stories about their HEXBUG habitat. The battle zone was above a mall, the Hidden Mickey within, was the house for the girl HEXBUG population. It was hilarious to watch them play for hours.  Here are just a few of the photos that captured our outdoor HEXBUG party.


Since I mentioned it before, here is our own version of the Hidden Mickey in our HEXBUG Nano Habitat!

See who came to play

The kids really did have a great time. Just listen to the excitement as the bugs raced around their habitat:

Oh, if you think the HEXBUGS are just for boys. Think again. Check out the littel area of the HEXBUG Nano habitat that our neighbor made – pretty creative if you ask me.

Adding extras in

 I know the kids look forward to playing outside together again with all of their HEXBUG Nano critters one day soon. A huge thank you to Mom Select and HEXBUG for making this possible. We will definitely be purchasing more HEXBUG products this holiday season to give away to family and friends.


Disclosure: This review and party HEXBUG was made possible by MomSelect and HEXBUG. They provided me with all of the items shown above to throw the ultimate HEXBUG Nano Party. The opinions of this review were mine and I received no other compensation.

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Bouncing with my boys

Dear NHL & JSL,

Today was a fantastic day. We were with a lot of family for cousin SG’s birthday party. This morning, they delivered a castle bounce house. The two of you were mesmerized. Many hours were spent in the bounce house and running/playing with everyone here. Of course, my memories will be when I spent time in the castle being silly with both of you and Daddy. Lots of great photos from there, but right now I am too tired to put them here. For now here is one of JSL dragging me out of the bouncer to go to the slide.

Bounce time

Thank you both for being silly, laughing, jumping and playing while making family memories with us today.




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