Category Archives family

Sad family day :(

It’s been about a week since our family was told that things were really bad with my grandfather. He has been battling Parkinson’s Disease for 15-20 years now. The last time he ate or drank anything was a week ago, so his body/organs were shutting down. Thanks to being in Hospice Care they kept him comfortable with morphine under his tongue and he was peaceful the last few days. Wednesday my family was called several times to his bed at the nursing home that the end was very close. This happened several time Wednesday and again yesterday. My parents went home to rest for a little while. They got a call from my aunt to hurry to the nursing home that it was VERY bad. My parents did not make it there in time. My Poppy S passed away at about 1:30 this afternoon.

While we were waiting for my parents to let us know what was going on we talked with NHL again. When we told him that Poppy S was so sick and may die, he asked to go and see him. We explained that he was too sick for us to go to now. He was so sad and had the biggest puppy dog eyes. To pass time waiting for the phone to ring I read NHL the book “Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs” by Tomie dePaola. It is a beautiful book and I truly think NHL got it, even at just shy of 4 years old.

We now know that the funeral will be tomorrow at 2:30, but few other details are available now. We’re trying to figure out how to get NHL back from nursery school since it doesn’t give us much time to get him after. This also means that we will definitely be changing the baby’s name. He will now be named for both of my grandfathers. The name will be announced soon enough . . . so please be patient.

C’est Moi

Picture taken with Poppy S Feb. 25, 2007:
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Surprise & Sad News

On Friday my long term substitute came in to meet with me and go over a bunch of things. Funny thing, she’s coming in to take my leave, and I was the person who took her job when she left. Why did she leave? She decided to go to pharmacy school . . . you know where I went before I left and followed my dream of teaching!

Anyway, I asked one of the other homeroom teachers if she could watch my kids so we could look at some things in my classroom. She looked me in the face and told me – NO! She then explained that I was needed in the cafeteria at Flex time. Ah-ha! Light bulb went off in my head and I recalled one of the room parents whispering once after a meeting about something and making sure I was not near them.

Finally R explained to me that the girls had planned a surprise Baby shower for me on Wednesday. You know, the day I couldn’t walk and wasn’t in school. The kids (8th graders) were bummed and worried at that point that I would come back. Now I know why they were so glad I was in Friday. So they all apologized about the food being gone, but as I walked in an entire cafeteria table was filled with baby gifts!

So I stood there with all 32 girls, the two cafeteria workers, and 4 teachers watching me open the gifts. The notes from the girls are more priceless than the gifts in a lot of cases. One of them actually said to call her any time to babysit.

The baby got a bunch more clothes, several toys, a hand made blanket from one of the mother’s that said “Class of 2007”, and something very different that we never had when NHL was little. One of those little gyms for the floor called the Giddy Up & Go Gym. It’s really cute!

So now I have 21+ thank you notes to get my butt in gear and write. I am likely going to wait until next weekend and after when I am officially done with school. This weekend we are working hard at moving things and cleaning up the 3rd bedroom and making NHL’s room into a room for both boys. Today we actually went out and got carpets and curtains. Noah had fun helping us pick them out.

Now for the sad news. My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease probably 15-20 years ago. The last 6 years since my wedding have been pretty rough. I think just before or after NHL was born in 2003 my grandmother finally realized she could not take care of him and he was put into a nursing home. This week my parents told me that things were getting MUCH worse. They didn’t think it was going to be long before he was finally done suffering. He’s refusing to eat, take his medication and drink. He’s actually biting nurses and others that try to force the issue. Since we are Jewish it also means that we may reconsider name possibilities IF anything were to happen to him before the baby is born.*sigh*

It’s so sad, but he’s suffered for so long. Today we met my aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather and father outside of the nursing home. I can’t go in there with everything that is going on there illness wise. Since it was 70+ degrees we stayed outside with him for a short time. It was so depressing. He can barely communicate with gestures and is so thin. When my grandmother told him to blow Noah a kiss I swear it looked like he was going to cry because he was struggling so much. He barely was able to put his hand up to his face to do it. It’s actually to the point where you wonder if he’s just waiting to hear people (specifically my grandmother) tell him it’s okay to go since he won’t be in pain and we’ll be okay. I just don’t think my grandmother can do that just yet. She isn’t ready and I don’t think she can imagine a life without him here to see every day since they have been married almost 62 years.

On that note I am off to dry my eyes and check on the boys outside.

C’est Moi
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Better late than never

WAY back on March 25th Uncle I and Aunt M were in town. NHL was thrilled to see them. They came over to play for a little while before we went to Pizza Uno for lunch. Here are some photos of NHL with his Buffalo aunt and uncle (GO SABRES!). Note NHL is in his shirt that mommy loves and daddy hates (thanks Unlce I)!

NHL and Uncle I practice writing on the Doodle Pro:
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CHEESE! On Uncle I’s lap:
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Now smiling with Aunt M:
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Cool Dude all ready to head to Pizza Uno:
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C’est Moi
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A Crazy Week

Ugh! What a few days. This was the longest week that just didn’t to want to end. The days at school are getting longer by the week. I never worked when I was this pregnant last time, so it’s all new to me.

Sleep hardly is in my vocabulary thanks to swelling from the day and now shin pain in addition to the other pregnancy aches and pains. *sigh* And if one more person says to me that it’s the body’s way of getting you ready for a new baby I will strangle them!

Yesterday my father FINALLY went to see the doctor. My brother, mother, sister-in-law, JL and I have been bothering him for several weeks now to get checked since his BP was horribly high. I can’t even tell you how many years it has been since he’s gone – we won’t go there. Anyway, he went to the doctor yesterday and it wasn’t good news. The doctor didn’t like the sound of his heart and ordered an EKG. The EKG showed something that apparently made the doctor think that dad had previously had a heart attack. So now he’s on a bunch of medicines and has an appointment to see the cardiologist.

The new excitement happened tonight. JL called and was a few blocks away. I went outside to wait to move the car. Well, 10 minutes went by and no boys. I finally called them on the phone. JL was sitting on the side of the road stopped by a police officer. Apparently he didn’t come to a complete stop at a 4 way stop sign and got nailed. This is the first time that JL has ever been pulled over . . . no less gotten a ticket. So JL is going to traffic court to see if he can get the ticket reduced. He told the officer about it being the first time and that he may have rolled through without a complete stop since NHL was in the back seat sobbing that he had to go potty. Nothing like a 3 year old screaming that he needs to poop to make ya move.

This weekend is going to be filled with Passover cleaning and preparing galore. Fun, fun, fun!!!

On that note I am off to elevate my poor feet and try to make them stop hurting.

C’est Moi
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